Apocalyptic zombie queen demon descends

Chapter 388 My Wish Is To Protect You Well

Chapter 388 My Wish Is To Protect You Well

Two months later, Jiang Lin had a small book in her hand, which recorded the situation of the surrounding forces in detail.

"It's 500 meters away from the address, the parking lot forces... well, eliminated."

While chanting, Jiang Lin took a black water-based pen and put a cross behind this sentence.

After closing the book, Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Si Dao who had brought the last person down.

two months.

Si Dao has lost his ability for two months.

In the past two months, he didn't once want to regain his powers, but kept relying on his own ability to take away piles of forces, some of which had powers. It is hard to imagine what kind of will and potential he has to make it to today.

It has to be said that now, Jiang Lin is completely impressed with him.

"Why stare at me?" Si Dao walked over slowly, and saw Jiang Lin staring at him as if possessed.

"I'm just wondering why you are working so hard." Jiang Lin frowned and said, "You don't need to be so tired, you just need to tell me that you want to return the power, you know I will return it to you Yes. Did you know? Just relying on supernatural powers, you have actually stood taller and lived longer than others."

"I want to live longer and have more power to protect you," Si Dao shook his head, "Power alone is not enough, do you know Cecilia, her identity, what organization she is a member of, It is said that that organization is still active in the last days. You probably don’t understand it well. I just want to say that after the last days, you may encounter various dangerous organizations. They may invent a series of weapons and medicines for people with supernatural powers.

After all, abilities have become the mainstream, and everyone is trying to find a way to deal with those with abilities. I don’t hope that one day I will lose any power to protect you because of the loss of abilities... and then lose you..."

"..." Jiang Lin was stunned, and then the corners of her mouth gradually rose.

"Linlin, I know you are strong, but I am not strong, I still need to become stronger, I want to have the power to protect you." Si Dao held Jiang Lin's hand, "Two months, these two months I lived with peace of mind for a few months, because I finally don’t need to rely on unstable abilities to protect myself and you. I have already discovered that obtaining abilities does not make people evolve, on the contrary, it will degrade people. They discovered the abilities It is easy to use, and it will depend on its own abilities, which is wrong."

"I'm so glad that you have such thoughts," Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief. Didn't she hope that Si Dao had a strong mind and body, not just scary abilities, "Okay, I think, next we have to replenish energy to eat Have breakfast, and then, it’s time to get down to business.”

Si Dao let go of Jiang Lin, and followed her to the outside of the parking lot, "What are you talking about?"

She should have given away a little bit of news to give him something to look forward to.

"What else is there, of course." She turned around, her eyes implied aggression and danger, "Eat this city! Carry forward my spirit of the king of Mao Mao."

Si Dao's breath stopped because he was struck by lightning.

If the latter sentence was removed, he would definitely be attracted by the charm Jiang Lin just exuded.

"By the way, it seems that someone is here." Jiang Lin turned her head and looked outside the parking lot.

Three off-road vehicles galloped to a screeching halt there.

"Linlin." Si Dao called her, "Do you want to clean it up?"

"No," Jiang Lin saw an acquaintance with sharp eyes, and the smile on the corner of her mouth began to change, with a little evil, "Let's say hello, maybe something interesting will happen."

(End of this chapter)

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