Apocalyptic zombie queen demon descends

Chapter 356 Why It's Always You

Chapter 356 Why It's Always You

Just when Jiang Lin finished saying "Leave it to me", I don't know if it was a coincidence or what... Behind the two of them, I saw the big fish suddenly swimming close, leaping up, bringing up a splash of water, and then scurrying away. After entering the water, the tail flicked and disappeared in the distance...

"Si...Si Dao!"

What's the matter with this strong murderous aura?

Si Dao looked back and saw Jiang Lin raised her fists covered in water, "Don't stop me, I'm going to kill it!!!"

Oh that stupid fish, what did it do!
When the water it brought up fell down... it actually drenched Jiang Lin!

"Linlin, Linlin!" Although Si Dao also wanted to chop that fish into meat paste on the spot, but, but, that fish really cannot be killed, and the river has to be purified by it... No, not only, All water sources seem to depend on it...

Jiang Lin's eyes were burning, needless to say, that fish was precipitous on purpose, and its IQ is not low!
"I know what you want to say! But I don't believe that this fish can purify water in the whole world!!" She was so angry that it was the first time in history that she was so embarrassed!
"Hold back!"

"Absolutely can't bear it!"


Ten minutes later, Si Dao looked at Jiang Lin grilling the fish with a sigh and helplessness on his face. She beat up the fish and sliced ​​it up and grilled it...

"It tastes good, don't you want a piece?" Jiang Lin asked Si Dao with a large piece of thornless tender fish in her drying clothes.

Si Dao shook his head, covered his face and said, "No, Linlin, I suddenly want to be quiet..."

"Huh? Quiet? That's..." Jiang Lin ate the meat and looked at the sky with her face sideways. Suddenly, inspiration passed, "Ah... Ning Jingyan..."

Si Dao was covered in cold sweat as he watched Jiang Lin stand up with a gloomy face, smiling and saying nothing.

"Lin... Linlin?"

"Si Dao, there is a woman I have to get rid of. I don't know why, but I always think of her recently, and feel the horror of her ubiquity...how can there be such a person!"

Jiang Lin thought about it again, gritted her teeth, and smiled ferociously: "Yes, we must get rid of her!"

"But Linlin..." Si Dao raised his forehead, "Maybe that person died long ago?"

He knew who Jiang Lin was talking about. He had heard about that star recently, but it was just a star, and that woman looked weak...Huh?weak...

Uh, I don't know why, but this made Si Dao suddenly think of Jiang Lin, she also seems to have small arms and thin legs...

No way……

"Whether she's dead or not," Jiang Lin turned around and looked at him with her arms around her shoulders. "Death doesn't mean she disappears. Everything about her will stay, such as experience, honor, and influence. These all come from people's respect for her." Perceptions and memories! This invisible, intangible, ubiquitous thing is the most annoying! I'm going to find Ning Jingyan now, and even if I can't find it, I will find someone who can completely eliminate her existence!"

Jiang Lin left as soon as she said she would, throwing all the barbecue aside.

The devil does things according to his mood, and he was talking about her.


Si Dao knew why Jiang Lin said to find someone. She didn't mean to find someone with that kind of ability, but to find someone with similar wishes. Jiang Lin, she is a demon...

As long as the other party makes a wish for Tranquility to disappear...

It doesn't matter if other people live or die, but Si Dao is a little sad about the death of the fish in front of him. You say it's not good to provoke someone, but provoke Jiang Lin. If you don't go on the bright road, you must go to a dead end...

"Si Dao!"

Jiang Lin's voice came from a distance, "Go!"

"it is good."

Si Dao looked over inadvertently, and suddenly found that she seemed to be carrying something in her hands... Looking carefully, Si Dao's eyes lit up.

It's a glove.

It seems that the fish really has supernatural powers, and she snatched it successfully, otherwise...well, the fish wouldn't be dead.

"Slow down, Linlin!"

(End of this chapter)

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