Apocalyptic zombie queen demon descends

Chapter 333 Sudden Feeling of Being Targeted Is It Swollen?

Chapter 333 Sudden Feeling of Being Targeted Is It Swollen?

"Hey, it's strange, why is the leader missing?"

Not long after Jiang Lin left, besides Diao Minghan, Zhai Luo and Shen Yuan came one after another, but neither of them saw Jiang Lin. In an instant, he became the emperor of Tucao, complaining constantly to Jiang Lin, um... nothing more than such a critical moment, you actually ran away without a trace, he originally wanted to ask Jiang Lin to help him train.

Shen Yuan only came here for something, and it was about crystal nuclei.But when Jiang Lin was gone, he thought about it, and planned to mention it to Diao Minghan, and sent someone to secretly protect the commercial street. The subordinate Jiang Lin cared about was that... duck.The other thing is... the man of their leader.Although this person is very powerful, it is still a bit dangerous to face a beating by himself...

Soon, Chen Yuan dragged Zhai Luo, who was slashing people (exhaling his anger) in the school grounds, to find Diao Minghan. Fortunately, this person would not run around, he had an office, and he would come back soon after going out in person occasionally.

When Diao Minghan entered the door, he saw Shen Yuan paralyzed on the sofa like a dead fish. This person has always been in a poor mental state. If there were not some things that needed to be dealt with, Diao Minghan felt that Shen Yuan would have been paralyzed there until the next meal. , eat dinner, then paralyzed.

On the other side, Zhai Luo was looking at the goldfish that Diao Minghan kept in his room, his eyes showed some excitement...

"Zhai Luo, goldfish are not tasty." Diao Minghan helped his forehead.

He understands the feeling that zombies are so hungry that they want to pounce on fresh prey.But... Goldfish really don't have much meat.

Zhai Luo's face suddenly changed, "Who is going to eat it, I just..."

Diao Minghan casually threw him a bag of blood: "Pay attention to the amount."

Zhai Luo raised his hand to catch the blood bag, glanced at it, then looked at Diao Minghan, and sighed helplessly.

After entering the villa, there is a rule that there will be no situation where the leader takes a group of zombies out for "dining". If it happens, it is also against the enemy.Because zombies will lose their minds if they eat a lot of meat, it is as difficult to quit as if they are poisonous, so this rule is that all zombies have a "rational meal" in normal times, and they are not allowed to eat meat at the base, feed on blood, and restrain themselves , Improve self-control, and look like a vampire.

Of course, that doesn't mean you can't go out and cook your own.The unspoken rule is that you can only drink blood in the villa, if you want to go out to eat, that's fine, as long as you don't eat yourself so stupid that you don't even listen to orders, then you can do whatever you want, otherwise, you will violate the rules set by Jiang Lin, No one can save it until then.

Zhai Luo looked gloomy and rebellious, but in fact he was the most uncontrollable in his actions, and it was difficult to restrain himself, so when he saw that there was only plasma, he couldn't help but look at the other two depressed.

"I'm really curious how you restrain your appetite, aren't you going to go out for a tooth-beating festival?"

"No, don't seduce me. It's hard for me to reach this level." Diao Minghan said hastily.He used to be in management, and his self-restraint is fairly good. In addition, he has a pile of documents in front of him every day, and he has no time to think about what to eat, so his appetite is naturally suppressed or even forgotten. His blood bag, he almost thought he was back to the time when he was a human again.

As for the other side, the other people's eyes are darkened by the situation of Chen Yuan, because he often disappears, and the dragon reappears without seeing the end. What do you do when you sleep, and what are your hobbies?

"If it's drinking, you can call me. If it's eating meat, then don't." Shen Yuan lazily responded, then got up little by little, and forcefully told Diao Minghan what he had thought before.

Seeing that the two are boring, Zhai Luo wanted to leave, but Shen Yuan suddenly stopped him.

"Just you lead the team to the commercial street."


Diao Minghan looked at it and nodded: "Well, it's you."

"..." What happened to the sudden feeling of being targeted.


(End of this chapter)

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