Apocalyptic zombie queen demon descends

Chapter 325 I'm sorry, I'm from the whole department

Chapter 325 I'm sorry, I'm from the whole department
Lin Minyi suddenly felt that what he was facing was not an enemy, but a scorpion with countless poisonous tails.

After hitting dozens of poisonous hooks back in a row, he held the Tang Dao, his eyes suddenly fixed, he turned around to avoid the chains flying from behind, drew the saber down, and cut in two!

The enemy was stunned for a moment, obviously surprised by Lin Minyi's dexterity, even if he sneaked around and attacked him from behind, this guy seemed to have eyes in the back, and he actually dispelled all his attacks.

Lin Minyi looked relaxed. In fact, after fighting for such a long time, he was already a little tired due to his mental tension, but his consciousness kept reminding him that if he doesn't survive the battle and become stronger in the battle, then he will become stronger. It will be others who are strong, and you will eventually become a stepping stone for others.This is what he cannot bear.

He will survive, he will become the strongest one, and then...

Then let's talk about it later, huh.

After another wave of attacks was resolved, Lin Minyi suddenly felt that he was not so drowsy, but seemed to be radiant and full of energy.

I don't have time to figure out what's going on with me, so it's just right, since I'm in good spirits, I'll clean up my opponent in one go!
Just doing what he said, the enemy discovered that Lin Minyi suddenly changed his movements at this moment, splitting and rushing forward among countless chain hooks, the smooth and amazing movements made the enemy show admiration.

"It's amazing..."

At that moment, the lightning flashed on the blade, Lin Minyi found the gap in the chains, and swung the knife out.

The scattered chains did not have time to turn into a shield-like defense, and they were entangled by lightning. In the blink of an eye, when the enemies were concentrated, the crackling sound could be heard endlessly.

"You should be from the water system, why..."

Lin Minyi rushed forward suddenly, taking advantage of the paralysis of the opponent's whole body, he swung the knife in his hand towards the opponent's neck impartially.

He remembered very clearly that this person, oh no, this guy, was a zombie, and he couldn't die without beheading.

"Sorry, I'm from the whole department."

A knife swings out.


"Are you really a whole department or a fake?" Jiang Lin hugged her shoulders and walked towards Lin Minyi who was covered in blood. She came to his side with a curious look, and glanced at him, but at this moment, she found that he seemed to be in a bad condition. Satisfied.

"I..." Lin Minyi shook his head, trying his best to maintain consciousness, but soon, a burst of darkness attacked him, causing him to collapse before he could react.

"I'll do it." A voice suddenly came from the side, it was Si Dao who ran over and supported Lin Minyi who was about to fall to the ground.

Jiang Lin gave way and looked at the unconscious man: "It seems that the enemy is not so easy to deal with, but fortunately they were dealt with."

Si Dao felt a little regretful: "It would be great if I could ask something before killing me."

"You think so perfectly, this person won't let you ask anything." Jiang Lin felt that way.

"But I'm curious," Miao Zi looked down at the comatose man who was still holding Tang Dao tightly, and said, "Is there really such a person as a person with all kinds of abilities in this world? If I don't remember If it’s wrong, some of us are all single-line.”

Jiang Lin was also a little confused, "But he has actually used countless types of abilities, such as fire, water, or electricity..."

"That might be an ability that none of us can imagine." Si Dao said, he helped Lin Minyi who was about to lie on the ground. Just when Si Dao felt that there was a hint of danger coming from somewhere, he saw Lin Minyi's muscles suddenly relaxed again...

Miao Zi, who was next to him, could see clearly, and said with a smile to Si Dao: "You have to watch carefully, this person seems to be very dangerous even if he faints."

(End of this chapter)

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