Chapter 32

"Ahem, let's go."

Jiang Lin left the mirror as if fleeing.

Walking all the way among the zombies, Jiang Lin completely ignored the words that the system whispered in her ears, and kept muttering suspiciously in her heart.

She should care about Si Dao, but she probably doesn't care too much!

She was really afraid that this kind of caring would turn into something more terrifying-like it!Wouldn't it be more terrifying to become that kind of liking? !
ok ok ok...just minding...

But, how long will this "care" take?

Jiang Lin suddenly realized that she couldn't help but care about Si Dao.

Involuntarily, she began to swear secretly in her heart: This time, it's the last time... It's time to give up on him completely.

at this time.

The sudden quarrel in front caught Jiang Lin's attention.

Jiang Lin recovered and looked over.

It was a corner, and there were five people hiding in the corner, three middle-aged men and two old men.

They were gesturing and muttering, not knowing what they were talking about.

Jiang Lin carefully stepped aside and approached slowly, just listening to these people say...

"The zombie is right there, Old Xu, no matter how powerful it is, we're here, it's only going to die, why are you still hiding here, just go straight to it."

After a middle-aged man with glasses finished speaking, the red-faced old man with a white beard next to him immediately interjected, "Xiao Chi, don't think so simply, Li Guogang and Lu Zhan's team were both choked up and even died. Two officers, we came out this time to kill the zombie to prove the strength and status of the five of us, don't accidentally capsize in the gutter, and our status will be lost when we go back!"

Another middle-aged man with a fat body also agreed and said: "Oh, Lao Xu, what Xiao Chi said makes sense, you have to be careful, otherwise you won't prepare sea cucumber and bird's nest for us to eat for three meals a day when you go back. I guess I have to move out of the single room!"

Jiang Lin was speechless. These people looked rather timid. From the looks, they were probably the team Yan Yan was talking about.

Being so cowardly, no wonder Yan Yan wanted to kick these people down from their high positions.

It turns out that at the base, the high-ranking people are treated quite well. Looking at the fat-headed appearance and the sleek clothes, this is not good. Such a good treatment will grind a person's will.

Jiang Lin looked at it, and suddenly saw a boy walking over there and approaching them.

Eh, that boy's profile... looks quite familiar.

Jiang Lin remembered.

Isn't that boy the very stingy guy who came to the door for the robot last time?
She saw the boy hurried over and said to the people at the base, "Are you survivors from the base? I advise you to leave this area early, there is a very powerful zombie nearby. I was cheering yesterday I saw a few strange corpses standing over there. The corpses were wearing military uniforms. They were probably from your base. I remember they had been here a few times. You should find more people to deal with it."

The boy kindly reminded him that he was treated as a donkey's liver and lungs in the next moment.

The middle-aged man who looked the most slick among them moved two steps in disdain, and pointed at the door of Jiang Lin's hotel: "It's that zombie, we are here this time to kill it, for us , Hehe, that zombie is not enough to fit between the teeth! By the way, who is your kid, how old is it, and where did you come out of it? Didn’t you get bitten by a zombie? Go, go, labor and management are doing business, get out of the way.”

"..." The boy who didn't like the people at the base before, really didn't like the base this time. Just when he was about to leave, a familiar voice suddenly came from the side.

"and many more."

Under everyone's puzzled eyes, Jiang Lin also appeared from the corner.

Her short hair hung down her shoulders and was curled, and a beautiful red hairpin caught one side of her hair.

Although the clothes on her body were somewhat blackened as if they had been scorched by fire, this small flaw could hardly conceal her good looks.

Especially her eyes, obviously not smiling, but seemed to have a mischievous smile.

This feels doubly intimate.

"Hey, why do you..." The boy turned his head and looked at Jiang Lin, his eyes changed when he saw her face clearly, and he became very surprised, as if he had discovered some new continent.

Why is this sister still alive? !Before he escaped yesterday, he clearly saw the zombie appearing beside her in the hotel where she was. She must have been eaten!

After Jiang Lin just glanced at the boy, her eyes fell on the few capable people in the base.

"If you kill zombies, add me." Jiang Lin smiled friendly.

"Which one are you?!" Among the five people, the one who looked down upon others was the oily middle-aged man.He seems to be proud of his abilities and status, and doesn't take others seriously.

Jiang Lin didn't seem to mind and said, "Actually, I'm a passer-by. I've always wanted to join the base. I took a rest here yesterday. I just planned to leave for the base today."

Said, Jiang Lin winked at the boy.

The boy was taken aback, but didn't say much.Although Jiang Lin is very strange, he will not remind these guys with high eyesight and low hands.

"Both of you don't look like you've been injured. You're capable of living in this place alone. Why don't you go and kill that zombie together, so that you can get more supplies when you go to the base, eh," said Whitebeard. The old man winked at the people around him. Two more helpers would be good. If you die, you will die. If you live, you will not be able to gain merit. Why are you rushing out, "Do you think so, Ang?"

When the middle-aged man heard this, he looked at the white-bearded old man's eyes with ulterior motives, and immediately drove away the hearts of the two of them, and said, "Ah, yes, it just so happens that you also want to kill that man together." A zombie head?"

"Hmm..." Jiang Lin nodded with a long tone.

"Let's go together then."

"But I..." The boy was stunned. He is not a person with any ability. To be able to survive here is entirely due to good luck and good equipment.In addition, he has no plans to go to any base at all.There are dragons and tigers' lairs there, with scheming minds, who knows if they will be killed in the end.

Jiang Lin took the cake making manual and slapped the boy on the back, beating him so hard that he almost spit out his heart, liver and lungs. The former smiled and said, "Oh, it's agreed, let's go together!"

After saying this, she quickly leaned into the boy's ear, and said with a smile: "Don't you want to see them crumble under the eyes of the zombies?"

"..." The boy glanced at Jiang Lin very puzzled, and he didn't understand what she meant, as if she believed that these people were not the zombie's opponent.

Moreover, although emotionally, I want to see those old guys suffer, but rationally speaking, it is better for these people to get rid of that zombie, so as to save themselves from being eaten by that zombie one day.

Jiang Lin blinked at him in various ways, then smiled behind his back and said to the others, "When shall we go there?"


After saying that, after everyone got ready, they all moved towards the hotel quietly.

The zombies over there seemed to have sensed the approach of a few people. They never thought about it. As soon as they raised their heads, in their surprised eyes, they saw a sky full of supernatural abilities smashing towards them.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Lin and the others all rushed out from the corner, and immediately attacked the zombie with all their might.

When the zombie king saw Jiang Lin, the whole corpse was dumbfounded.

No, what's the situation now?
(End of this chapter)

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