Apocalyptic zombie queen demon descends

Chapter 294 That Kid Is Too Cunning

Chapter 294 That Kid Is Too Cunning

Actually, Yin Lili cared more about why Diao Minghan survived so much blood than those...

As if in response to her thoughts, Diao Minghan was a little out of spirits, and when he was chatting with Jiang Lin, he suddenly stopped.

"Who brought the blood bag? I lost a lot of blood, my God, so I won't die again?"

Diao Minghan has already realized that he didn't die this time, thanks to the small shield-shaped pendant that Jiang Lin gave him.When he was about to be killed by the opponent, he felt a strange force help him prevent the blow, and the opponent hadn't noticed it yet, so he simply lay down and pretended to be dead at that time... Cough.

There is no way, his force value is too low, and the other party has the courage to invade here, and it looks like a daring master with high skills.

Jiang Lin simply thought about creating a blood bag and giving it to Diao Minghan first, but who knows, just as she thought about it, a blood bag appeared out of thin air.

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, then, holding the blood bag, she handed it to Diao Minghan, with no special expression on her face: "Here."

"It's really saved." Diao Minghan quickly took the blood bag and drank it down.

Afterwards, when he drank the blood and told Jiang Lin about the person just now, he didn't directly tell about the fact that the brand had blocked a blow. No wonder Jiang Lin didn't tell them the effect at the beginning. Telling such things would definitely cause dependence of.It's better not to say anything.

After confirming that Diao Minghan was fine for the time being, Jiang Lin turned around and found a lot of zombies gathered not far away.

"It's gone." Jiang Lin waved her hand and said to her subordinates who didn't know the truth: "It's all right, it's just a prank. Whoever comes again will be severely punished."

As soon as I said that, everyone accepted and left. After all, it's been a mess recently, and it's normal for someone to use pranks to scare people.

Jiang Lin saw that Zhai Luo was still leaning on the stairs, and next to him was the zombie boy, and a few floors above, there was a familiar old man, that old fat man was one of the six kings.

Just in time, she waved at the three of them.This time she was furious, someone dared to provoke the general base of zombies, she would definitely bring that troublemaker back, no matter if he was Jingbuhui or not!
He called the three and told the story to the three of them. The three of them were shocked, and looked at Diao Minghan in a daze.

"It's a good thing you're still alive." Zhai Luo raised his eyebrows and said to Diao Minghan, he spoke without any sense of security, and said what he thought, with a natural sense of sarcasm.

Diao Minghan knew that he was like this, and he was not as knowledgeable as him, but Yin Lili was not too happy, but seeing that Jiang Lin said before that she wanted to be harmonious, she couldn't bear to trouble Zhai Luo.

Jiang Lin saw all this in her eyes, and quickly said to everyone on the surface: "Shen Yuan went after him first, I don't know if he can catch him, but if it is him, even if he can't catch him, he should find some clues."

As soon as I said that, a person slowly walked in from a distance.

It was Chen Yuan who came back, a little disgraced.

"Ahaha." He laughed twice, "The other party's ability is a bit strong, and his temper is also cunning, so he said it inadvertently."

As he said that, he seemed to be a little depressed and brushed his hair, the gravel in the hair fell straight out.

Zhai Luo held his belly and laughed twice, "Did you go into the mud?"

Shen Yuan looked at him with a depressed face, if it wasn't too troublesome, he really wanted to go over and give this guy two fists to make him quiet.

Jiang Lin rolled her eyes, and then said to Shen Yuan: "Did that person see his face? Is it Jing Buhui?"

(End of this chapter)

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