Apocalyptic zombie queen demon descends

Chapter 233 The Emergence of Crystal Nuclei

Chapter 233 The Emergence of Crystal Nuclei

Shen Yuan continued calmly, "The key is here. After I took out the hard lump and observed it carefully, I found that it was a crystal-like thing with a green liquid dripping inside. The green color looked so beautiful, and everyone said that beautiful things are poisonous." , so I'm not going to drink it.

But after I opened the crystal-like shell on the outside, there was a very attractive smell inside, maybe it was instinctively feeling the need, so I tried to drink a little without knowing it, and soon, I felt energetic and powerful It seems that they have all returned to their peak state, without any side effects, it is definitely something similar to a crystal nucleus. "

"..." Jiang Lin looked at the other party in confusion. She couldn't feel that the other party was lying. This uncle doesn't look like a liar, oh no zombie.

"When I thought about it carefully, I felt that something was wrong. I didn't intend to kill him, but I didn't know why. Then I got the 'crystal core' after killing him... Do you think it was accidental?"

Speaking of which, he took out from his pocket something that looked like glass.

"This is the crystal shell. It is very hard for ordinary people, but for zombies, it takes a little effort to break off the horns and drink the liquid inside."

Hearing now, Jiang Lin felt a little helpless when she picked up the crystal shell. It seems that the matter of the crystal nucleus is real.

With so many things hidden in his heart, it's no wonder that he seems to have been silent all the time. He probably spends all his energy thinking about these complicated things all day long.

Jiang Lin pondered for a while, and said to Shen Yuan: "I think your feeling should be right. I didn't expect that the instinct of zombies is really scary. When you see the crystal nucleus, you are a little out of control."

He should have instinctively sensed that there was a crystal nucleus nearby, so he attacked the other zombie.

"I didn't attack you, maybe I didn't... But, I worry that in the future it might be..."

"I understand what you are worried about." Jiang Lin stopped him.He probably was afraid that after a large zombie group was established in the future, it would cause confusion because of this incident.Jiang Lin thought for a while, asked him to put the crystal shell back into his pocket, and said, "You should have heard my idea before, right? I want to build a world where humans and zombies coexist. If this is the case, then as a hunter Eater zombies, you should learn to control them."

"Then how to control it?" Shen Yuan asked.Killing people without knowing it, is there any way to stop it in advance?
"If what you said is true, that there is such a thing as crystal nuclei, then sooner or later other people will know about crystal nuclei. Before that, what we need is to find other crystal nuclei. Use the crystal nucleus to let yourself learn to maintain yourself in front of the crystal nucleus, and you will not be so fussy when facing the crystal nucleus in the future, and it can also prevent those who are interested in using this as a trap to lure us into the bait."

Shen Yuan's eyes lit up, "Your thoughts are quite clear."

Jiang Lin squinted at him, "It's not that I have a clear mind, but that you lack someone to communicate with. In fact, there are some things that you can find answers to when you chat with them. It's better than thinking about it alone."

Shen Yuan looked at Jiang Lin for a while, then nodded and said empathetically, "You're right."

The two continued to move forward. Jiang Lin did not leave the task of finding the crystal nucleus to Shen Yuan alone. Just in case, she planned to search with Shen Yuan to find the guy with the zombie crystal nucleus. Then follow what I said before. If you can't find it, it's a good thing, and you don't have to bother in the future.

Before finding the crystal nucleus, Jiang Lin planned to use the zombie base camp as a training place.

(End of this chapter)

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