Apocalyptic zombie queen demon descends

Chapter 208 In fact, I think I am really good like this

Chapter 208 In fact, I think I am really good like this

"That's right, Miss Ayer. You have good eyesight. This time, please be sure to accept this invitation card, and then, according to your preferences, choose whether to participate or not."

Luoxi stretched out her hand very calmly, and handed a black card to Cecilia.

Cecilia's code name on the altar, Ai Er.El is also the name of Cecilia.

She raised her eyes and observed him carefully for a moment. Luo Xi was dressed very simply, a white T-shirt and a blue vest, and light blue jeans on her lower body.

If it was before the end of the world, she would not have recognized him. No wonder no one knew who the five managers of the altar were after all these years.

Then her eyes fell on the black card he was holding, and she took it curiously. She found that the front was completely black, and there was only a row of small italic characters printed on the back, Doomsday Killing Society.

Obviously, the altar has started to make some big moves again.

After reading it, Cecilia had already handed the card back to Luoxi without asking why this card didn't even have a contact information, "I'm really sorry, I'm not interested in the altar at all, so I'll return this card to you."

"Altar?" Jiang Lin turned her head and glanced at Si Dao. This couldn't be some kind of weird organization, could it?
Si Dao shook his head, expressing that he didn't know.

Jiang Lin turned her head back again.

Seeing that she didn't push him away, Si Dao increased his strength a little, and wrapped his arms around Jiang Lin's waist, tightly encircling Jiang Lin, with a happy smile from the corner of his mouth.

Feeling the strength of her waist, Jiang Lin glanced back at Si Dao unhappily, and just saw his smiling face. I have never seen a handsome guy.She shook her head and immediately turned back.

Cecilia looked over there with deep eyes, as if hesitating what to do next after being exposed.

And Luoxi did not leave immediately after finishing the work, and stood there with his arms folded as if he was watching the excitement.

Jiang Lin pushed away Si Dao who was tired of tilting her. Sure enough, Si Dao who had no memory was more interesting, and Si Dao who recovered his memory was annoying.

"If you have nothing to do, go and disperse the crowd of onlookers. I don't want my story to become a legend and continue to be a topic of gossip among humans." Jiang Lin looked at him sideways.

"Simple." Si Dao raised his hand and ruffled Jiang Lin's hair. In Jiang Lin's eyes about to kill, he smiled and waved to the distance, and instantly changed into a poker face: "Yan Yan, come here, help."

I have heard this name before, but now, Jiang Lin still feels a sense of horror.She turned her head, and suddenly saw that the person running over was that familiar face, the corner of the white coat was rolled up by the wind, and his body inside the white coat seemed to be much thinner.

Jiang Lin turned her head to look at Lin Minyi, only to see a faint smile on his face.

Obviously, before Lin Minyi said that his three-person team, the first person is him, the second is Si Dao, and the third is Yan Yan.He was the one who saved Yan Yan.

When passing by Jiang Lin, Yan Yan just glanced at Jiang Lin lightly, and she no longer had the same intimacy as before.

Jiang Lin turned her head indifferently and continued to stare at Cecilia. To her, Yan Yan who had lost her abilities was nothing. The person who should pay attention at this moment is Cecilia.

The next moment, Cecilia walked towards her.

"Why did you come here? Want to investigate my situation?" Jiang Lin asked with a thorn in her words.

"Actually, you don't need to use that kind of attitude. I never want to be your enemy." Cecilia shook her long hair sticking to her neck, and sighed, "You probably don't know, how much do I want?" I hope you can recover your memory."

(End of this chapter)

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