Chapter 192
He walked directly to the back of the red chaise longue, and stood there motionless.

Jiang Lin raised her head and glanced at him: "Actually, you can go down and sit down. There's no need to be my bodyguard."

The zombie boy didn't move at all as if he didn't hear it, he was almost like a statue.

Jiang Lin turned her head and looked at the crowd: "Okay, from now on, this will be the commander of my personal guards, and the next six positions will be called the Six Great Lords. There is only one daily task, which is to harvest heads."

After a pause, Jiang Lin stood up and stretched out her hand to the six positions, seeing the atmosphere of people below gradually becoming serious, "I know that many of you here don't know me well, and think that I am not suitable for the position of leader. However, there must be a rule in everything, so that a team will not be chaotic. Therefore, no matter who wants to challenge me for this position, he must first sit in one of the following six positions.

So come on, who's interested?Don't be polite, we are all predators in this world, we have no courage, sooner or later our heads will be blown off by the supernatural being..."

As soon as he said that, there were zombies moving below.

No. [-] walked to the seat closest to Jiang Lin with a sneer, sat down, put his hands on the handles casually, and stared straight at Jiang Lin with sinister eyes.

There was interest in Jiang Lin's eyes, "Very good, there are still five places left."

As soon as Jiang Lin finished speaking, everyone started to compete for the position after seeing that they were just fighting for the position.

Until the final big fight, the scene was once chaotic.

Jiang Lin didn't stop it directly, because that's the nature of zombies.Only in this way can the six strongest Hades be selected.

When everyone was playing, Diao Minghan didn't forget to find a place below.He felt that he had to occupy a position, otherwise he would not be able to convince the public when he spoke in the future, and he might be suppressed by others.

He's pretty self-aware.

Jiang Lin saw that he took a seat easily, and no one else competed with him, thinking that he had Jiang Lin as a backer, so it was better not to target him.

Then there are four spots left.

Then, the little brother No. [-] with the devouring ability conquered a group of zombies with his primitive strength, and sat next to No. [-].

No. [-] glanced at him: "You guy didn't see it, you have great strength."

Jiang Lin thought to himself that it was because of the benefits brought by swallowing the phoenix, which not only weakened the enemy's attack, but also increased his own physique and strength.

Then there are three spots left.

Soon, a female zombie with slanted bangs that Jiang Lin didn't know took the position.

It is worth mentioning that now that it is difficult for zombies to awaken their abilities, only Jiang Lin, No. [-], the woman zombie with slanted bangs, an uncle with curly hair, and an old man with a beer belly have obtained abilities as zombies.

There are two spots left.

In the end, the positions of these two people were undoubtedly taken away by the other two supernatural beings.


The white sofa on Jiang Lin's left.In order, classmate Diao Minghan No. [-], a girl with oblique bangs, and an old man with a beer belly.

Black sofa on the right.In order, the eagle-eyed youth No. [-], the swallowing boy No. [-], and the curly-haired uncle.

They seem to be consciously scoring similar points, and went to the team they are better at.The ones on the left are of ordinary force, but they look very alert, and the ones on the right seem to have strong fighting power.

"Come here!" Diao Minghan yelled to the outside: "Come in quickly and clean up."

(End of this chapter)

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