Chapter 179

No wonder Si Daozui is getting weaker and weaker. The black mist can absorb people's mental and physical strength. If it goes on like this, it's a question of whether he will die, let alone get up.

The voice of the system recalled in Jiang Lin's head, "You can't go there. If you go to save Si Dao, you will put yourself in instead. Why don't you just see the result."

Jiang Lin showed an irritable expression.

In just one day, Si Dao was pulled in by black chains.She's not ready for anything yet.

"Shall we stay away?" the system reminded.

Jiang Lin shook her head: "Just here, if there is any accident, we will exit the dream immediately."

I don't know if it's the crow's mouth, but Si Dao over there suddenly let out a scream, which made Jiang Lin feel even more irritable after hearing it.

Amidst the system's surprised shouts, Jiang Lin quickly moved towards Si Dao's direction. While moving, she did not forget to explain: "Since it is observation, it is better to observe closely."

System: "..." You have many reasons, and you are right.

Jiang Lin stopped ten meters away from the black chain. If she got closer, the black mist that seemed to be reaching out from the chain would grab her, just in case it was the closest.

Standing here, Jiang Lin, who has good eyesight, could clearly see the expression on Si Dao's face.

Surrounded by the black mist, he seemed to be sleeping in mid-air. He did not sleep peacefully, as if he was having a nightmare in a dream. His face was bulging with veins and he was sweating coldly. The black mist covering his body was no longer invading but is overflowing.


Jiang Lin seemed to have heard the system's prompt.

The system intercepted the prompt, and said to Jiang Lin in his own words: "It seems that something is coming, you have to be careful!"

"I know." Jiang Lin listened, and looked at Si Dao and his surroundings with more serious eyes.

In the next moment, a light suddenly appeared in the depths of the darkness...

No, a lot of light!

Like meteors, they kept flying over from a distance, rushing into Si Dao's body extremely fast!People looked a little caught off guard.

With the rush of countless meteors, the blackness on Si Dao's body was instantly expelled, and after a while, Si Dao was like a luminous body, emitting a soft light all over his body.At this time, his expression also changed from ferocious to peaceful.

Then, as if nothing happened, the light disappeared, and at that moment, Si Dao opened his eyes.

He didn't move immediately, but stared blankly at the distance as if in a daze. After about 3 minutes, his fingers began to move, and then he slowly turned his head to the side, as if he noticed Arrived and someone was watching himself.

"" He stared at Jiang Lin for a long while, then opened his eyes wide suddenly, as if he had seen a ghost, he said with a touch of excitement, "Jiang, Jiang Lin..."

Jiang Lin thought that the other party's head was quite normal, but she still remembered her name, "Well, although I don't know what happened, you woke up unexpectedly, and it seems that nothing happened..."

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The sudden and continuous screaming interrupted Jiang Lin's words, and Jiang Lin looked at the other party in astonishment, and saw Si Dao holding his head as if having a sudden convulsion, making a hysterical look.

"No, no, no, this is a dream, this is a dream, it's not real, it's not real, but, but...why I don't want to..." Si Dao raised his face and looked at Jiang Lin, the eyes in his eyes Constantly flowing out, "Don't come close to me, don't come close to me, don't!!"

(End of this chapter)

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