Apocalyptic zombie queen demon descends

Chapter 159 Who is the Sheep

Chapter 159 Who is the Sheep

I heard Jiang Lin say that this is a dream.Si Dao froze for a moment, then frowned and looked around, feeling a little lost in thought.

Then, as if thinking of something, he asked, "So, I'm still in your hands. What about Yan Yan and the others?"

Jiang Lin immediately said proudly, "As a competent attacker, of course I will kill them all. Not to mention Yan Yan, he is a traitor to me."

"You killed him..." After hearing Jiang Lin say that Yan Yan was dead, Si Dao showed a hint of sternness on his face, and teleported to Jiang Lin in a strange way, grabbing her shoulders with both hands, "Yes Just come at me, why did you kill him!"

Jiang Lin frowned, shook her shoulders away from Si Dao, and took a step back, "Do you think it's just between you and me? Naive! You probably don't understand why I attacked you, just tell the truth , what I want to kill is the owner of the base in City S, and those in City H are my allies."

After Si Dao listened, his eyes were stern, as if he had rehearsed the appearance of strangling Jiang Lin to death countless times in his mind.

"I don't know whether it's better to say that you are brave or extremely stupid." Si Dao sneered, "Dancing with wolves, sooner or later you will be eaten by wolves without leaving any residue."

Jiang Lin crossed her shoulders and glanced at him, "How do you know Miao Zi is a wolf? Maybe I am?"

Si Dao suddenly snorted coldly, "Neither of you will be a sheep. It would be better if there were two wolves. In the best case, one of them will leave the stage, and the worse one will die together. That's exactly what I want to see!"

Jiang Lin's face darkened as she listened.

"However, this idea can't be compared," Si Dao looked directly at Jiang Lin, and said coldly, "At this moment, your life is about to be killed!"

Suddenly, a swirling air flow blew wildly from a distance.

Jiang Lin quickly raised her arms to cover her face, and looked carefully at Si Dao.

Unexpectedly, at this sight, Jiang Lin's pupils shrank, and Si Dao disappeared in place again.

From nowhere, his voice came.

"Since this is my dream, if I have strong consciousness, it should come according to my idea?"

Jiang Lin frowned as she listened.Immediately, as if answering Si Dao's words, the wind that was still able to stand still suddenly became several times stronger, and almost swept Jiang Lin into the wind.

"Since you've come in, don't go out, die here."

Si Daosheng's cold words pierced Jiang Lin's eardrums. Jiang Lin listened, and the corners of her lips under her arms shielding the wind suddenly outlined a voluptuous arc.

"So you... are too naive." Jiang Lin said, with a wave of her arms, she immediately opened a blue defensive net in front of her, "I have never been an impulsive person. When I came here, I naturally thought about it." This possibility, Si Dao, you lose again."

That defensive net blocked the strong wind, allowing Jiang Lin to stand there without any damage.

Si Dao was silent.No word from him came from anywhere else.

Jiang Lin just wanted to use the power of the glove to use the dream ability to find Si Dao.Unexpectedly, all of a sudden, the surrounding blackness flowed treacherously as if fading, and gradually, it turned into another scene.

I don't know which bluestone alley it came from, suddenly there was a shout.

"You stop the labor and management!!"

Jiang Lin turned her head all of a sudden, wondering who it was that called so hard.

The result was not too bad, when she was bumped into her arms by a short man, staggered, and Jiang Lin fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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