Chapter 149 Awareness
Two 10 minutes ago.

Some people are hiding in a warehouse.Among them, two teams were wearing military uniforms, with serious faces.

Another group of people were wearing white coats, and they were surrounding a person leaning on a wooden box.

"There's no need for treatment, it's almost done." The person leaning on the wooden box said heavily.He has blond hair, under the bangs, is a pair of dark gray pupils, where there is a faint flicker of weakness, looking at several members of the medical team around him.

The military leader came over and scanned the road carefully, "Although I really want to listen to your orders, it's better for you to be healed for a while longer."

"No need!" Si Dao squinted at the other party and said firmly.Following the trend, he pushed away the supernatural being healed next to him, walked down from the wooden box, looked around, frowned suddenly, and asked in a cold voice, "Where's Yan Yan?"

The military leader suddenly became embarrassed: "Just like before, it disappeared again."

"Disappeared..." Yan Yan frowned dissatisfiedly, "Is he still the leader? Did the leader leave the team and go missing?"

Yes, yes!The military leader nodded in agreement.

It would be even better if you directly kicked Yan Yan away as the leader, no one would object at all.

But the strange thing is, why don't you become the leader?Someone asked before, but Si Dao just said that he was not interested.

I don't know if it's true or fake.

Yan Yan was even more confused than the military leader at this time.He always felt that something was missing from him, until now he finally found out that he seemed to have lost a certain memory, and it was a particularly important one.Some of my memories seem to have faults in the middle, and I can't always connect.

But what is certain is that he will not kick Yan Yan, it seems that he was rescued by Yan Yan, and because he saved him, he went to S City, and then he took care of him for a long time until he recovered, and he awakened by chance after recovering He got the supernatural ability, and helped him become the leader of S city.It's just that Yan Yan is getting more and more strange, always disappearing suddenly.

The former self may still know the reason, but now that his memory is broken, he has forgotten the key, so he doesn't understand why Yan Yan disappeared. What's the point of playing disappear?

"Have you sent someone to look for it?" In such a sensitive period, City S cannot be without the leader Yan Yan.

"I've gone, but I haven't come back yet..." As soon as he said this, the military leader saw someone running over, "It seems that there is news."

"Team leader, it's too bad!" The man quickly ran over and said to the team leader and Si Dao, "I saw this on the road, so I don't know if it's true or not."

The man handed a white card to his superior team leader.

The military leader took a look and his expression changed.

【Place.Yan Yan is here with me, he has been poisoned, if you don't want him to die, Young Master Li, you'd better rush over alone as soon as possible. 】

"Look at this." He gave the card to Si Dao.

Si Dao saw the end from the first word, and after reading it, he went straight outside.

"You all stay here and don't move, I will go back as soon as I go."

The leader was shocked.How could I let Si Dao go alone!
"Wait a minute, Young Master Li, I haven't figured out whether this card is real or not. It's easy for you to fall into the enemy's trap in such a hurry."

"I know, but I don't have time." Si Dao said, clutching the card in his hand, and quickly ran outside, "It's useless for you to come here, why don't I go and see by myself, compared Hundreds of people, the target is much smaller, I will be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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