Apocalyptic zombie queen demon descends

Chapter 137 What's the use of you!

Chapter 137 What's the use of you!
"Scum, I wanted to eat you just now, but now that I see you, I have no appetite at all."

Jiang Lin pulled up the corner of her mouth, showing an angry smile, "Since I came in, I don't know how many times you have killed me, but the system keeps reminding you to treat me as blind? You should be the only one." Man! You stay in this basement forever!"

As she said that, Jiang Lin kicked the girl flying towards her again, and ran straight out of the basement. Then, seeing the girl's frightened appearance, she slammed the only exit wooden plank to death, and locked it by the way. The glue used to fill the gaps in the export planks was airtight.

"It's crazy!" Jiang Lin raised her hand and smashed the glue bottle on the ground, rubbing her arms back and forth with her hands.

She has long known that some people are shameless, but she did not expect to be so shameless!

At this moment, Diao Minghan ran back. After looking for Jiang Lin everywhere, he saw her in a small shop and ran over quickly.

"You are here... Hey, who made you angry?"

He obviously noticed that Jiang Lin's expression was wrong.

"It's okay." Jiang Lin glanced at him, "How about what I asked you to do?"

"I found it!" Diao Minghan said quickly, and then said: "But that guy doesn't seem to be very obedient."

"Where's my little brother?" Jiang Lin was referring to the zombie brother.

Diao Minghan stared at the basement, and then said to Jiang Lin, "He's staring at that guy, come with me."

At this moment, the girl's screams kept coming from the basement, attracting many zombies to circle around...

Jiang Lin didn't even look at the basement, and ran out with Diao Minghan.

When she arrived at the location, Jiang Lin found that the zombie boy was fighting with the zombie that swallowed some phoenix hairpin.

A voice came from the system: "I can no longer feel the power of the phoenix. It's unbelievable. The phoenix was completely absorbed by that zombie."

"Its ability should be something like swallowing." Jiang Lin tapped her chin and looked to the side. "What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and pull them apart!"

Diao Minghan looked at Jiang Lin in embarrassment, "Although I don't want to say it, I still have to say it, my strength is not even half that of that one, how can I stop it!"

Jiang Lin rolled her eyes, kicked Diao Minghan out again, "Think about this kind of thing yourself, if you can't even handle such a trivial matter, can you find a corner and cut yourself off?"

Diao Minghan looked at Jiang Lin helplessly, if someone else kicked him, he would have kicked him back, but Jiang Lin...

Cough, don't bother with this woman.

Speaking of how to stop it... After much deliberation, he really thought of a way.

He couldn't pull it away, so he just interfered and sent a group of zombies to gather there. He didn't believe that the two over there could still fight!
The next moment, Diao Minghan was already gathering ordinary zombies.

The zombie boy is fighting another zombie depressedly. The zombie doesn't know what medicine he took to make him so strong. His strength seems to be endless. , so that he almost thought he was fighting against a Super Saiyan.

At the critical moment, the zombie boy gathered all his strength to hit the opponent, but unexpectedly, suddenly a wave of zombies rushed over, like a sea tide, squeezing the zombie boy so unstable that he almost tripped Own.

Here Diao Minghan watched, happy.Hey, good idea, those two guys are finally separated!
Unexpectedly, he would be stupid in the next second, because as soon as they separated, the zombie brother's opponent was like a mouse that had escaped from the trap, and started running away in one direction.

"Uh..." Diao Minghan stared blankly, this is troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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