Apocalyptic zombie queen demon descends

Chapter 112 Perfect Suppression or something...

Chapter 112 Perfect Suppression or something...

There are two people who are constantly confronting each other.

Without a doubt, it was Lin Minyi and Si Dao.

Lin Minyi, he was able to avoid the headshot attack just now?
"No, no, no, it's not avoiding, he used his abilities to form a protective film around him to protect himself." The system suddenly reminded.

"Really?" Jiang Lin saw Lin Minyi releasing lightning at Si Dao again. At first, Si Dao was a little at a loss, but soon, he stretched out and got used to Lin Minyi's speed. He was so surprised before, and was able to avoid Lin Minyi's supernatural attack.

To be honest, Si Dao was really surprised. When he met Lin Minyi before, he was not so strong, but now he didn't know why he became so strong all of a sudden. It is probably because of electricity, which naturally restrained his mental power. , and second, maybe he deliberately concealed some strength in the previous battle!
If Lin Minyi knew what he was thinking, he would definitely tell him that the last time he fought Si Dao with almost all his strength, it was almost a normal level.But who would have thought that his talent in fighting, in the last battle, he had absorbed too much experience, which actually improved his abilities in all aspects to a higher level.Moreover, the ability has become one he likes more.

The thunder and lightning ability not only has the ordinary "one hundred thousand volt" attack, but also can emit extremely lethal - electromagnetic gun!

Lin Minyi showed an interesting smile, he thought of a fun thing, he wanted to fire an electromagnetic cannon to see if he could punch a hole through the powerful man in front of him from front to back.

Seeing him take a step back and show such a smile, Si Dao also secretly became vigilant.

What is he going to do - Si Dao thought so, and quickly approached Lin Minyi, he would not let him get what he wanted.

"You are so boring." Lin Minyi said in a frivolous tone. Suddenly, with a fluttering extreme movement, he pushed back a long distance like a ghost. He grabbed something in his pocket and threw it into the sky!
It was a small black iron ball.As the iron ball fell, Lin Minyi made a gesture of holding it, facing the small iron ball with both hands, and released the supernatural power.In an instant, a crackling sound exploded!

The electric arc intertwined back and forth between the hands, and the iron ball floated in mid-air due to the magnetic force.Concentrating on that, Lin Minyi suddenly increased the power, and soon, he saw that the surrounding gravel was attracted and floated into the air, and the sphere seemed to have reached the final critical point. At that moment, he made a wave gesture , suddenly, the iron ball rushed towards Si Dao with a dazzling lightning tail!

Before he could react, he swallowed the approaching Si Dao extremely quickly.

With a bang, yellow sand was blown up all over the sky, making it hard to keep your eyes open.It is estimated that there is another deep pit in the world.

"Si Dao!!!" Jiang Lin screamed, her expression changed.

The system was secretly upset. Sure enough, at a critical moment, Jiang Lin's concern for Si Dao could be clearly seen.

Well, this time it seems that Si Dao is really not Lin Minyi's opponent. I hope that guy can kill Si Dao directly, so that my master always does so many weird things for Si Dao.

Fortunately, Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief looking at the distance.Although Si Dao seemed to be vomiting blood, at least he didn't die from the electromagnetic gun just now.

Si Dao was also taken aback at this moment, and frowned secretly. He climbed out of the deep pit with the assistance of psychic powers, and couldn't help thinking that if the power of the attack just increased a little bit, he would probably die at the bottom of the pit completely.

(End of this chapter)

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