Apocalyptic zombie queen demon descends

Chapter 101 Making money and supporting the system is king

Chapter 101 Making money and supporting the system is king
No matter how stupid the zombie was, it could sense that its life was being threatened. Instinctively, it raised its claws and roared threateningly at the supernatural being.

At this moment, a red thing in the opposite sky caught the zombie's attention, and it opened its mouth in a daze to look carefully at the approaching light.

"Hey, do you want to tell me that there is something behind me? It's so interesting, you only have this IQ, you think I will really believe such naive..." He turned his head away.

I saw a red light flashing across the eyelids like a meteor, and then hit the zombie next to me... To be precise, it was the mouth!
"Oh grass, what is it!" The supernatural being was surprised.

The zombie over there was caught off guard and gagged.

"Puff, cough, cough, cough..." It felt as if something was stuck in its throat, which was very uncomfortable, and it couldn't help it and started to spin around in place.

Looking at the appearance of the zombie, the supernatural person didn't think about what it was. This was a good time. He quickly shot two shots at the zombie's legs with his gun.

Who knows.

The next thing that surprised him happened, the two shots that were fired didn't know what happened, when they approached the zombie, they suddenly changed direction and came towards him instead!

Accidentally, two bullets hit himself!
"Pfft—" the superhuman spit out a mouthful of old blood.

what on earth is it……

The zombie over there clutched his neck, and was dumbfounded to see the supernatural being fall to the ground...


"Cough 8, don't say anything, hurry up and hand over the original version of the phoenix." Jiang Lin took a bottle of red drink brought by the zombie brother, and said to the system while drinking.

This time the system replied very slowly, and it took a long time before there was any movement.

"If you want the original, get the high street done first. Forget about prepaying or anything."

Jiang Lin curled her lips: "Okay, I know what you said." She didn't embarrass the system anymore, after all, she made so many things embarrassing it before, and the system will almost run out of resources to support it if it continues like this.

"By the way," the system said to Jiang Lin, "I just received a message that the phoenix you lost just now was accidentally swallowed by a zombie."

"Swallow well." Jiang Lin clapped her little hands.Anyway, it's useless, and it can be recycled anyway, so why not.

"The strange thing is, I can't recover it..." the system said in astonishment.

Jiang Lin walked into the supermarket, raised the prices of some commodities by a notch, and asked the system, "Is there any impact?"

"Why are you so calm! You can't recover it. Hey, it's very likely that something appeared on that zombie. As the leader of the zombie, aren't you curious? Don't want to go and see!"

"No time." Jiang Lin said hello to the clerk and left the supermarket, then went to the dessert shop to see Jing Buhui and Lou Qianrao.

"..." One sentence stunned the system.

Jiang Lin said to the zombie brother beside her: "Don't follow me, go find a refrigerator and squat down, and drink two more glasses if you have nothing to do." She raised the red drink in her hand.Needless to say, the drink inside is a special zombie drink, well, according to the method provided by the system, the zombie brother did it.

The zombie boy responded, and left in one direction very obediently.

Just as Jiang Lin was about to move, she was suddenly embraced by someone behind her.

"Where have you been..."

Jing Buhui's breath and voice.

Jiang Lin turned around and saw that it was indeed him.He pulled his little hands off his body, put them on both sides of his own body, and then said to Jing Bugui: "I don't have time to respond to your feelings now, if you want someone to comfort you, go to someone else, if you want Stay by my side and go and finish my mission."

(End of this chapter)

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