Apocalyptic zombie queen demon descends

Chapter 10 How dare you hook up with my family's secretary

Chapter 10 How dare you hook up with my family's secretary
Fortunately, Chu Lingcheng is a prudent person who has the overall situation in mind. He was not infected by the blood of one of his subordinates and lost his IQ. Knowing that he was invincible, he even dragged a group of subordinates down to fight the zombies.

"As your boss, you can't even protect your subordinates well. What's your name? You don't have to be too pessimistic if we run away this time. In fact, if you're lucky, maybe we won't be able to survive until the reinforcements arrive." indefinite."

After speaking quickly, Chu Lingcheng waved his hands: "Don't cry in front of me, get out of here."

No matter how slow it is, when the zombies flood in, no one will be able to escape.

Compared with those who want to stay with Chu Lingcheng, there is also a small group of guys who seem to be sincere but keep slandering in secret. They are all viciously cursing: If Chu Lingcheng wants to die, let him die, What fun are you following along, run away while you have the time, idiots!
"I said, since Boss Chu has said so, let's not waste time. If the whole army is wiped out, how can we be good to the boss who wants to stay!"

One sentence fell, causing a series of reactions.

"You bastard, I didn't like you a long time ago! Since you are so afraid of death, go away!"

"But he's right, the zombies are here, let's run!"

"You ungrateful people!"

Chu Lingcheng looked at the guys who used to call him Brother Chu long and Brother Chu short, but now they were running faster than anyone else, with gleaming and cold eyes.

At this moment, Si Dao ran back with two daggers in his hand, and handed him one: "Boss, don't worry, there will always be black sheep, but in the same way, there are people who really care about you, and I won't run away." Yes, I will rush out with you."

Chu Lingcheng watched as Si Dao didn't recover for a while, and was almost scratched by the rushing zombies.

Adversity builds the truth is absolutely correct.He glanced back at the few people who had fought against the zombies and hadn't run away, showing a crying and smiling expression.

"Let you bastards get the hell out of here. If you die, wait for labor and management to flog your corpse!"

Lumao grinned while chopping up zombies: "Boss, you are still just as bad."

The young man with broken glasses also laughed: "Do you know why I defected to you in the first place? Boss, it's because you have such a good temper!"

The corner of Si Dao's mouth twitched, watching an unusually fast zombie attacking him, he immediately showed a stern expression.


"You fucking idiot, don't run when it's time to run, but that's fine too, the longer you stay there, the easier it will be for labor and capital to escape!"

A younger brother from Chu Lingcheng was running in the corridor, muttering triumphantly.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the more this little brother runs, the more he feels...as if someone is following behind him?
How come there are two footsteps? !

Is it someone who ran away like me, followed behind me?

Turn around abruptly.

Turning around, wondering what was going on, suddenly, he found someone sitting on the rest chair in front of him!
"Fuck!" When did a girl sit over there!

The girl looked over at him.

She has long flaxen hair that is curled at the end, under the thin and even bangs, her charming eyes blink, and the two eyelashes close and close, like a butterfly fluttering its wings lightly.

She smiled brightly and charmingly, stood up from the spot calmly and gracefully, stretched out a hand with a black lace glove, and made a "one".

"I can grant you one wish."

"Come on, get out!" Although I don't know what's going on with this girl, but this little brother always feels a little weird, it's better to leave early.

Unexpectedly, after only one step, he felt that his legs were not in control.

Around him, pitch-black butterflies flew over at some point, and those butterflies seemed to be constantly waving some bright phosphor powder.

He tried to turn around, and saw that weird girl standing behind him, smiling at him.

Still that sweet smile like honey.

"Why, don't you obediently make a wish, maybe you can live longer." She said softly.

"What... mean! Ah, ah, ah, ah!!!"

I saw that person suddenly spew out a terrible white flame from his mouth, and then, the white flame ignited on his skin and face, enveloping his whole body...

The girl looked at the body that was gradually burning to carbon, her smile remained the same, but at this moment, it gave off a cold and heartless feeling.She said softly to the pitch-black butterflies flying in the air, "Blood kite, go and kill all those humans who are greedy for life and afraid of death."

After the voice fell, the girl turned around, turned into black particles, and flew towards the parking lot.


And when the girl flew to the parking lot, the parking lot was in a state of tragedy.

"Hold on to Si Dao, Si Dao, open your eyes!" Chu Lingcheng strangled Si Dao's body with both hands, and retreated into a circle. The periphery of this circle is nothing but a safe place covered by other people as shields. land.

Si Dao was bitten by a zombie.

It wasn't supposed to be his, but who knew that he would suddenly push himself away to block the attacking zombies, and was accidentally thrown down by the zombies and bit him.

At the beginning, Chu Lingcheng blamed Si Dao for not abandoning the bitten Jiang Lin, but this time Chu Lingcheng was as funny as Si Dao back then, unwilling to give up Si Dao who was so loyal to him.

"Boss, give up Si Dao, he was bitten." Someone reminded him.

"Bastard, shut up!" Chu Lingcheng's eyes were red, looking at Si Dao in his arms, and other brothers who were standing outside the circle and fighting zombies, he who had never shed a tear, but at this moment, his face was full of tears.

All preparations seemed so fragile in the face of sudden accidents.

"Boss..." Si Dao said drowsily, "Can you find Jiang Lin for me, and tell her for me...I'm really, really..."

"Brother Chu!!" Someone next to him suddenly exclaimed, "Yes, there is fire!!"

Chu Lingcheng suddenly raised his head.

What happened in front of him shocked his whole body.

All the zombies were like burning candles, burning non-stop, and the white flames lit up the entire basement, but the strange thing was that they didn't feel the heat at all.

Si Dao turned his face sideways, his pupils gradually enlarged, and his eyes focused on a girl walking towards them.

The girl calmly walked through the burning zombies and came to their side.

"You, who are you?" A younger brother outside the circle asked in astonishment.

This girl is really dressed up too strangely.

She is like an aristocrat in England in the last century, wearing a black lace dress, with slightly curly hair, her whole style doesn't match those little hooligans and gangsters.

Seeing that the danger disappeared for now, Chu Lingcheng frowned and stood up, looking at the girl.

Those zombies will be burning, it is likely that the girl did it.

Unexpectedly, as if by magic, the girl suddenly turned into black particles and disappeared in front of them. Chu Lingcheng noticed the girl again, and the girl had appeared beside him, lying on the ground with one hand. Si Dao's hand.

"He... seems to have been bitten."

The girl glanced at Si Dao, said softly, and turned her head to look at Chu Lingcheng.

Chu Lingcheng was stunned, and looked carefully at the girl's eyes. He always felt that the emotion in the girl's eyes was very strange.

That seems to be...jealousy?
The girl looked at Chu Lingcheng and herself, raised her eyebrows, and asked Chu Lingcheng impatiently, "Do you have any wishes?"

(End of this chapter)

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