Summoning mercenaries from all realms

Chapter 76: Catching Medusa Alive

Chapter 76: Catching Medusa Alive

Medusa's heart sank when she heard the words, and saw that several people who obeyed orders had already rushed forward, threatening: "If a member of the snake-human clan dies today, I swear, I will definitely destroy your clan in the future."

Obviously, the other party knew that she was not from the main body.

At this time, Richa and others, who were already close to the three snake-human race kings, were unmoved.

Hyuga Hinata took the lead, covering all the clansmen in a large area, blocking the opponent's first wave of attacks, and then the thirteen fighting kings hit them with their empty palms.

The ninjutsu fell, and although the three of them had used the secret technique to improve to the peak fighting king, they were still vomited blood by the full blow of more than a dozen people, and fell straight to the house below.


Seeing this scene, Rizai, who wanted to kill them, wondered in his heart, is he so weak?

It seems that there is no need to kill them, it is enough to kill them alive.

"Flower Snake, Yinshi, Mobas~~"

Medusa didn't care about the clansmen who died because they overwhelmed the house, and was looking at the three fallen people in a daze.

"Daily difference! Kill them all!"

Hinata and Nisai were planning to capture them alive, when the elder brother's words came down from above.

He didn't hesitate, and walked over with his tribe. Although they looked powerless to resist, he still understood the truth of "a lion fights a rabbit with all its strength".

Not afraid of wasting manpower, but afraid of being injured by them.

"You dare!"

Medusa yelled, and the clone began to dissipate slowly, and at the same time, a terrifying coercion came from the castle below.

Hyuga Hidetsu's heart shuddered, just by coercion, he was already stronger than the eight-star fighting emperor Ling Ying two years ago.

And Richai's group didn't save their fighting spirit, and immediately hit the seriously injured people with empty palms.

Thirteen people, with a daily difference, one person gave two palms, and three snakemen who had been raised to the peak fighting king with secret techniques, pawns!
From the beginning to the end, each of them made a move, was stopped by the day's messenger, and then died...


After confirming that the three were dead, a heart-piercing sound came from the castle, and the person who made the sound seemed to be suffering some kind of heart-wrenching pain.

After half a sound.

A terrifying heat wave gushed out from the castle, and after a while, crimson magma burst out from the center.

The complexions of the 14 people below changed, and their fighting spirit turned into wings and flew towards the foot of the sun.

When they flew up into the sky, Medusa was covered with colorful fighting energy to cover her delicate body after being burned by the strange fire, wasting some fighting energy, and sent all the tribe members several miles away.

"You! You are all going to die."

While speaking, with the coercion of a peak fighting emperor, he walked towards them, "I said, if a clansman dies, I will destroy your entire clan."

She has been stuck at the peak Douhuang for a long time, this time with the help of the strange fire, she could have broken through the snake-like beast soul of her sixth-rank Douhuang, successfully broke through the Douzong, and led the people out of this desert, but they interfered .

She didn't expect that the other party didn't care about her threat at all, and would kill him as soon as he said it. If she knew this, she should have appeared immediately.

Hinata Hyuzu and his party of 15 people were still waiting there, not paying attention to the threat of Medusa. Yefu also had Zefa who was at the peak of the Douhuang, Nagato the middle-ranked Douzong, and six Payne puppets.

If nothing else, Tiandao Payne would probably blow her up.

"You can't go alone today."

Medusa said and slapped them, flapping her colorful wings, and flew towards them.

A guy who has just entered the Douhuang, with a group of Douwang, dares to trouble the snake people.


Seeing the colorful palms coming, he made a low sound, instead of hiding, he advanced, and stopped in front of the clansman with Huitian.

Rizai and the others spread out and did not go to surround Medusa. They formed a radius with Rizu as the center.

They are just fighting kings. Medusa, who is at the peak of fighting emperors, still poses a great threat to them. If the distance is too far and the support is not timely, people will die!
as predicted!

While Hinata Hyuzu was performing Huitian, Medusa ignored him and directly hit a middle-ranked fighting king.

The middle-ranked fighting king, seeing her flying, did not attack, and directly wrapped himself in the sky. Medusa's fighting skills fell, and he groaned and resisted.

The clansman beside him, Qiqi hit Medusa with his empty palm.

But Richai and Rizu flew towards her, and dropped their empty palms, hitting Medusa's battle armor, and then the two brothers who were close to him also hit her delicate body with Bagua 72 palms.

As soon as the palm fell, the expressions of the two of them changed. After hitting 72 palms, they retreated instantly.

Chakra and vindictiveness cannot hit her body.

"what happened!"

Rizai looked at his brother in surprise.

If Baguazhang doesn't work for people above the peak Douhuang, wouldn't they be half useless in the future?

"It doesn't make sense."

Shaking his head in disbelief every day, "The eight-star fighting emperor in the mansion last time, although it didn't help much, it was still able to get in."

Lingying Eight-Star Douhuang, he is only a low-level Douwang, although he can only play one set of Huitian and Baguazhang and it will be useless.

But anyway, it also consumed a lot of his fighting spirit, and later successfully sealed his heart.

Can't get in now?

And Medusa was not as relaxed as she seemed on the surface. She wanted to spit out a mouthful of reverse blood, but was melted by her fire attribute grudge. If she showed that she was invincible now, the enemy would probably chase after her fiercely.

Their battle qi and chakra did not penetrate into her body, but the full blows of the five high-level fighting kings and the seven middle-level fighting kings still caused some damage to her.

Not to mention that the two brothers Douhuang and Dianfeng Douwang played a set of Baguazhang on her delicate body.

If it weren't for the armor transformed from the peak Douhuang's thick fighting spirit, she would probably be seriously injured by now.

Rizu and Risai were in shock, while Medusa was also pretending to be calm, slowly recovering her fighting spirit and her injured body.

The scene was deadlocked for a while.

After Medusa absorbed Dou Qi faster, the two brothers stared at each other with white eyes, and teleported away. Not only the clansmen didn't react, even Medusa didn't react.

The two empty palms fell, and Medusa had no time to dodge, so she could only defend. When they fell, the two came to her again.

The second time Bagua 72 palms hit her tender body, this time the target was the position where her tendons were running just now, even if the battle qi couldn't get in, attacking these places is better than other places.

After finishing one set, although Medusa recovered a little bit of fighting spirit, her injured body got worse again.

"Everyone, go together and capture her alive!"

After Rizuru said something, everyone began to move closer to her.

He could tell that the snake girl was injured, and she was almost bluffed by her just now.

Medusa's complexion changed drastically, and she spat out a mouthful of blood, no longer suppressing the remaining strange fire in her body, she whispered, "You all deserve to die!"

If she gives up this opportunity, she doesn't know when she will be able to break through her own limitations.

 When I woke up, there was an extra leader. Thanks to the boss of Blue Pegasus, the agreed 16 book coins plus one change, plus today’s two changes, the leader’s [-] changes, plus yesterday’s three changes, all [-] changes, Book friends can supervise!

  By the way, the leader of the Blue Pegasus helped me launch that world news, and give some support if you can support it. Although I know it may be successful, but in case, the publicity effect of this thing is still okay.

(End of this chapter)

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