Time and space plane shuttle

Chapter 87 Bright MARS

Chapter 87 Bright MARS
Chapter 62:Bright MARS
PS: (Today, the king has been updated, and there are only two updates for those who play ranked, sorry.)
The sun slowly shone on Li Yun's body, giving him a very warm breath. His injuries were slowly recovering. The armor on Li Yun's body seemed to be absorbing the light, and the surrounding sky suddenly darkened.

Li Yun's waist kept flickering with this light. Li Yun didn't suspect him, but thought that the Yamadam ore was absorbing light energy. In fact, AGITO's belt was revived after absorbing the energy of No. 45 Yamadam ore. automatically absorbing the power of light
Zero looked at the change in Li Yun's figure and showed an interesting expression. He seems to be getting stronger?interesting!Finally, there is an interesting opponent.

The light characters shrouded Li Yun in it, and a burst of soft light floated out. Li Yunyou's blue-purple thunder light form transformed into a moonlight form.

"The power of light? An annoying breath." No. [-] felt the power of light emanating from Li Yun, and said with some disgust.

After changing his form, Li Yun, who was revived with full blood on the spot, immediately jumped up excitedly. He now feels that he is more than several times stronger than the thunder light form just now. If he fights against No. [-] again, he probably won't be so weak.

Li Yun pulled out two handle-like objects from the back of his waist, and the next moment, a light blade popped out of the handle, which turned out to be a lightsaber.

"Weapons... It's very interesting, let's see how far you can evolve." Zero looked at the silver-white figure and murmured.

Li Yun stepped on the ground suddenly, his two swords crossed together, and directly slashed on Zero's abdomen, which was neither dodging nor dodging.

Immediately, two bloodstains appeared on his abdomen. Zero touched the abdomen with two bloodstains. The blood-stained palm appeared in front of Zero's eyes, and the smell of blood lingered on the tip of his nose.

He was actually injured, how many years?He has never tasted the feeling of being hurt, and he actually tasted it today.

"Very good...you are more worthy of my expectation, let me see what you have." The wound on No. He has been hurt.

Li Yun raised his arm, with a gun barrel on it, a beam of light shot out suddenly, piercing Zero's skin, and then. . .There's no after that.

This kind of attack can only penetrate his skin defense. This kind of injury can be recovered in less than a second, and there is no need to dodge at all.

"Damn it!" Li Yun cursed secretly, this number zero is simply a monster, it can only penetrate his skin defense, not even his muscles.

Li Yun raised his fist and punched No. [-]'s face, and finally his head was affected by the force and turned away.

"Well, it's much stronger than the strength just now, but it's still not enough! Let me show you the real power." Zero said indifferently, and punched Li Yun's chest fiercely.

Li Yun flew into the air again and smashed several walls. Li Yun inserted the lightsaber into the ground to reduce the impact, but was still sent hundreds of meters away by Zero.

Li Yun only felt a burning pain in his chest. The 80-ton fist force was really unbearable.

Although he was still sent flying by No. [-], it was much better than before, but he didn't lose his combat ability after being hit by one blow.

"Ahem... What a scary guy." Li Yun felt it. His current punching strength is at most forty tons, which is far from the eighty tons punching power.

If it is the KUUGA of the ultimate body, the power of his flying kick can reach a terrifying two hundred tons in an instant!
Similarly, No. [-]'s leg strength is also [-] tons, and when using flying kicks, it also has a terrifying force of [-] tons.

"Aha!" Li Yun climbed up from the ruins, shouted angrily, jumped up suddenly, and kicked towards No. [-] with a flying kick.

No. Zero remained indifferent, raised his hand, and grabbed Li Yun's ankle. Although the strength in it made No. Zero take a few steps back, it was limited to this.

"Tsk, you're so pitifully weak. Although you've made some progress, you still don't have the qualifications to fight me now." Number Zero's tone was full of disdain, and he swung Li Yun violently, and Li Yun jumped over directly. From a distance of several thousand meters, countless buildings were smashed, and it reached an altitude of several thousand meters.

However, his momentum remained undiminished, and he directly penetrated through several clouds. After Li Yun reached the high altitude, the sunlight became more intense, and the two belts around his waist were absorbing the energy of the sunlight.

Gradually, Li Yun's silver-white armor changed again, turning into milky white, and the light lingering around his body changed from soft moonlight to manic sunlight.

The daylight form of MARS, Bright MARS!

Compared with the soft moonlight, the power of sunlight is more violent, based on the moonlight form, it has been strengthened again.

The strength of his fists has changed to more than 70 tons, and the strength of his feet has become more than 170 tons. With the strength of falling from high altitude, Li Yun once again assumed the posture of flying kicks. Following the momentum of falling from high altitude, the strength of his feet has reached a terrifying [-] or more. Ton, such an impact, even number zero has to be prepared for it.

Li Yun slammed down with one foot, and Zero's two arms actually supported more than 170 tons of force, but the place where Zero was standing, collapsed, forming a terrifying crater, which spread for tens of meters , Fortunately, there are no buildings around here, otherwise, the loss would be huge.

"It's not bad, it has become stronger again. It's really a powerful evolutionary ability. I'm looking forward to the final confrontation with you, but right now, it's better to teach you a lesson first!" Zero was thrown away by Li Yunyi Ji Fei kicked, kicking his unconscious hands, his voice was cold.

Li Yun's attack can be said to have played his real fire. If it weren't for the fear of losing an opponent who could fight, No. [-] would have killed Li Yun long ago.

Although Li Yun was horrified, he didn't show the slightest fear. Compulsion is a must, even when facing an opponent he can't win.

Nima's! More than 170 tons of flying kicks!Nima's kicking can knock down a building, but No. [-] doesn't even have a shit, how can this not make Li Yun feel terrified.

"Hmph, let me teach you a lesson first. I hope you won't be so presumptuous in the future to challenge opponents you can't beat." Zero showed a weird smile, as if he was really preaching.

Li Yun was startled, is this guy coming for real?

Number Zero suddenly disappeared from Li Yun's sight, and then a foot magnified infinitely in Li Yun's sight, and finally kicked Li Yun's chest violently.

Boom! ! !
This kick directly sent Li Yun flying, smashed several buildings, and finally slammed into the wall of an unknown company. Li Yun looked at No. [-] hundreds of meters away with blurred eyes. , seemed to want to record the number zero in his mind, then his head tilted and he passed out.

Zero's kick, Zero only used [-] tons of strength, it just beat Li Yun to serious injuries, and it didn't kill him. He was still looking forward to the final battle. Before that, Li Yun and Yusuke Godai cannot die.

(End of this chapter)

PS: (The chapter name of this chapter is God of War of Light, why not use Chinese? Because English is a little bit forced.)
(End of this chapter)

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