Time and space plane shuttle

Chapter 77 Invite the 5th Generation Yusuke!

Chapter 77 Invitation to Battle Five Generations Yusuke!
PS: (Thanks to Millennium Bookworm and Night Rain@溪花雨 for their 100 rewards. Although not much, it is the best support for me. By the way, to celebrate reaching [-] collections, hereby add another one.)
"From now on, you are a member of the Ge Group. Change your name to Ge Baruba Yun." La Dorudo Gu stared at Li Yun with cloudy eyes, and said with a heavy mouth. announced loudly.

"Are any of you dissatisfied?" Li Yun pointed the broken blade at the group of Gu Langji and asked.

Who dares to refuse?I'm afraid I was hacked by you the first time I stood up.

All the Gulangji slandered, lowered their heads and dared not speak. In Gulangji's group, fists are the truth.

"Since there is no doubt, then he can also participate in the game." La Baruba Die came out, although she was asking, but her tone was beyond doubt.

"Of course, you can choose between killing humans and defeating KUUGA." La Dorudo Gu nodded, giving two choices.

Li Yun chose to defeat KUUGA without even thinking about it. In fact, La Dorudo Gu didn't understand why their king didn't let them kill this extremely weak KUUGA. You must know that in ancient times, it was KUUGA who killed them The Gulangji family was wiped out.

However, since this was the king's order, they naturally had to obey it.

La Dorudo Gu glanced at Li Yun strangely. The option of killing humans is obviously easier, but why did he choose to defeat KUUGA? However, he just thought about it and didn't talk too much.

Although Li Yun has always considered himself a member of Gulangji, he resisted this kind of murder from the bottom of his heart, so he didn't think too much about it, and directly chose to defeat Kuuga.

"Since he has obtained the approval of the two of us, then he has officially advanced to the Ge Group, and now I will take him away." La Baruba Die said lightly. Yun was promoted from the Mei Group to the Ge Group. Now that the task is completed, there is no reason to stay here.

La Dorudo Gu nodded, indicating that La Baruba Die could do whatever she wanted, and La Baruba Die left with Li Yun without saying much.

"If I want to be promoted to be a member of the La Group, what are the conditions?" Li Yun asked suddenly.

La Baruba Die smiled lightly when she heard the words, and said, "At least 10 humans must be hunted down, and KUUGA must be defeated five times."

"That's it, isn't it difficult?" Li Yun stroked his chin and said casually.

La Baruba Die said helplessly, "It's only for you, it's extremely difficult for other Gu Langji, it takes a long time and energy just to kill one hundred thousand human beings." , and KUUGA is growing very fast, you won't wait until you have killed 10 people, you will have been killed by KUUGA."

"It's just that they are too weak." Li Yun said proudly, he has a strength that can make him proud.

"Shhhhh, shameless." La Baruba Die lightly spat on Li Yun and scolded with a smile.

Li Yun touched his nose in embarrassment, really, why not cooperate.

"Here, this is the counter." La Baruba Die handed Li Yun a counter with an iron ring hanging like a yin and yang fish.

"What's the use? This counter is too easy to fake." Li Yun asked with some doubts while holding this peculiar counter.

La Baruba Die gave Li Yun a charming look, and said softly, "Of course it works, if you don't kill a single person, you can't break the counter that counts your kills, and it's impossible to fake it. The same goes for counting the number of times you beat KUUGA."

Li Yun suddenly realized that this thing was made with the power of ancient civilization. No wonder, Li Yun always thought that this thing was just a decoration.

Li Yun put the bracelet on his wrist, looked at the pitch-black night, and decided to forget about troubles with KUUGA at dawn.

Returning to La Baruba Die's apartment again, she fell asleep with Wenxiang nephrite in her arms.

Having nothing to say all night, Li Yun woke up naturally after sleeping, and found that it was already eleven o'clock.

Li Yun was stunned for a while, what the hell!How did you sleep for so long?

Fortunately, he didn't delay his appointment to fight with Yusuke Godai. He got up, washed his clothes quickly, and ran out immediately. He found a hidden place and transformed into Ophelia Enoch. The characters on his body changed from blank Become the word of steel.

Walked to a mirror, walked in slowly, and disappeared. If anyone saw this scene, they would faint from fright.

Li Yun used the power of steel to enter the mirror, and after a while, ripples began to appear on the mirror of the tallest building in the city.

Ripples began to appear on these high-rise buildings at the same time, and many words were displayed on the glass. This scene attracted the attention of many citizens.

I saw it said: KUUGA, if you want the human beings in this city to live, fight me in the suburbs.

This scene refused to disappear for a long time, and the streets and alleys were full of topics about the mysterious Gu Langji's invitation to fight No. [-].

"Teacher Wudai, do you think this mysterious unconfirmed life form will win this battle or No. [-]?" Minoru Wudai's student ran up to her and asked loudly.

"Of course No. [-] wins." Minoru Goshiro smiled. No. [-] is her brother, so of course she supported Yusuke Goshiro.

"Look, I knew it." After sending away a group of children, Wudai Minoru became worried. She didn't know whether her brother could win.

She looked up at the handwriting that hadn't disappeared yet, and couldn't help worrying about Godai Yusuke, would her brother be his opponent for an unconfirmed life body with such abilities?
The middle-aged director of the Metropolitan Police Department angrily threw the folder on the table and shouted, "Damn it! This unconfirmed life form is too arrogant."

"It's only No. [-], doesn't it mean he doesn't care about us at all?" Some police officers said in a very angry way.

"Shut up! You pigs! If it weren't for number four, would you be able to stand here and talk? There is a reason why he doesn't pay attention to us. Since the appearance of unconfirmed life forms, we haven't even had a single unconfirmed life form." Killed, all relying on No. 1, G2 and G[-], you guys still have the face to say this, I'm so mad!" The middle-aged director roared angrily at these idiot-like subordinates.

A group of police officers were scolded so bloody by the middle-aged director that they didn't dare to vent their anger. Looking at the wimpy appearance of his subordinates, the middle-aged director really felt that his lungs were about to explode. He was really a bunch of trash.

"One, what do you think should be done?" The middle-aged director managed to calm down his anger, and turned to one and asked.

"I think the top priority now is to appease the people, and then live broadcast the battle against this unconfirmed life form on the [-]th." After a little thought, Yiyi gave a more pertinent suggestion.

"Okay, okay, okay!" The director said three good words in a row, not hiding his admiration for Yiyi. After he retires, Yiyi will be able to take over his position.

(End of this chapter)

PS: (Please recommend, please collect, please subscribe, please ask for a reward, please ask for a monthly pass, the empty volume will be over soon, and the AGITO story will begin.)
(End of this chapter)

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