Time and space plane shuttle

Chapter 56 KUUGA in Azure Dragon Form

Chapter 56 KUUGA in Azure Dragon Form
Chapter 20: KUUGA in Azure Dragon Form
Li Yun quickly arrived at Li Nana's location, and saw the unconfirmed life form No. 6, using its powerful jumping power, to fight Wudai Yusuke and Li Nana.

The counterattacks of the two of them couldn't hit No. 6 at all. On the contrary, No. 6 bouncing around suppressed the two of them at a disadvantage.

Li Yun drove the Yanlong, and directly crashed into No. 6 who had jumped into the air. No. 6 saw that he was riding a motorcycle that could fly into the sky, and loaded it towards him, but now it was in mid-air and could not take advantage of it.

The Yanlong slammed into No. 6's body, and carried No. 6 into the surrounding buildings. The strong impact directly smashed into a building.

Li Yun let go of the control of the Yanlong, and grabbed the feet of No. 6 with both hands, preventing him from leaving the front of the Yanlong again.

The Yanlong turned around and swooped down toward the ground. The scene changed rapidly. Li Yun took No. 6 to hit the ground at high speed. When there were two meters away from the ground, Li Yun let go. In control of No. 6, he jumped off the Yanlong.

After rolling on the ground, he gave a thumbs up to the two of them coolly, and then looked at No. 6 who was driven into the ground by the Yanlong.

In the smoke and dust, No. 6 clutched his abdomen and crawled out of the pit. He looked at Li Yun with some fear in his eyes, mother, is this tama made by humans?Pushing people down from a height of nearly [-] meters with a locomotive is even more brutal than their Gu Langji.

"Godai Yusuke, go ahead and kill it." Li Yun patted Godai Yusuke on the shoulder and said.

"But, this guy jumps too high, I can't hit it." Wudai Yusuke looked at Li Yun with a dazed expression, and I, Tama, are already ready to be melon-eaters, you want me to do it?
"It's okay, in your head, you have to think that you can jump so high, as long as you try, you will succeed." Li Yun comforted him indifferently.

Li Yun's casual tone made Godai Yusuke feel like he was being fooled.

"You're not fooling me, are you?" Yusuke Godai had a disbelieving expression on his face.

cough cough. . .Li Yun is so embarrassing, it really hit the spot, but how could he admit it?
"What's the matter? If it doesn't work, you can try it. If you can't win, I'll help you get rid of it." Li Bai promised, patting his chest.

Yusuke Goshidai walked up to No. 6 dubiously, and the idea that I could jump this high kept flashing in his mind.

In KUUGA's footsteps, blue light and shadow suddenly flashed from the spar like a crystal ball.

Yusuke Goshiro jumped up suddenly, and jumped directly onto the roof of at least fifteen floors.

"I succeeded, I succeeded, I turned blue." Godai Yusuke shouted excitedly, completely immersed in the joy of form transformation.

Li Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, this is in the form of a green dragon, it's pretty good.

The excited Wudai Yusuke completely forgot about No. 6 below, only to see that No. 6 looked at Li Yun and moved a little cautiously. When Li Yun didn't respond, he jumped up and jumped directly behind Wudai Yusuke without any hesitation. His kick kicked Yusuke Goshiro in the back.

Wudai Yusuke was immediately kicked out, when No. 6 wanted to chase again, Godai Yusuke had already adjusted his mentality, and faced No. 6 calmly again.

No. 6 suddenly jumped up and kicked Goshiro Yusuke, Goshiro Yusuke dodged No. 6's flying kick, and kicked No. 6 on the back.

No. 6 was kicked by Godai Yusuke, although he was hit, but Qinglong's poor form is that the strength of his feet and punches are almost the same for No. 6 as if he hadn't been hit.

Gulangji language: "Are you like this? KUUGA!"

No. 6 patted his chest, and mocked in Gu Langji with a look of disdain.

Yusuke Godai looked at his hands, and looked at No. 6 with a bewildered expression, why couldn't he hurt it?
Gulangji language: "Surrender to death, KUUGA!"

With a roar, No. 6 rushed towards Wudai Yusuke, and quickly smashed his fist at Wudai Yusuke.

Of course, it is impossible for Wudai Yusuke to be hit by No. 6. After all, Li Nana has tortured him to death these days, and he also knows how to effectively avoid the attack.

Easily dodged No. 6's attack, Godai Yusuke quickly punched No. 6 in the abdomen.

However, this is of no use. No. 6 resists Godai Yusuke's fist, so there is no need to be cowardly.

No. 7 said that Lao Tzu was completely fearless, patting his chest and mocking Godai Yusuke with his actions.

Wudai Yusuke stepped forward again in disbelief, and kicked No. 6 violently, which only knocked No. 6 back two steps.

No. 6 slapped Goshiro Yusuke's foot away, kicked Goshiro Yusuke away, and looked at Goshiro Yusuke provocatively.

Gulangji language: "KUUGA, come with me if you dare!"

It was really afraid of Li Yun, a guy who was more ferocious than him. It was afraid that when it was fighting with Wudai Xiongsuke, Li Yun would drive the motorcycle again and give it another shot.

That would be no fun, No. 6 jumps away first, and Godai Yusuke naturally follows.

The two of them jumped up and down on various buildings as if they were flying into the air.

Li Yun lifted the Yanlong out of the pit, straddled it again, and stretched out his hand to Li Nana.

Li Nana readily accepted and sat across the back seat of the motorcycle, holding Li Yun's waist with both hands.

Li Yun looked at the figures of the two people in the sky, and drove the motorcycle directly into the mirror world.

Wudai Yusuke's attack was basically ineffective against No. 6. Although his jumping power was enhanced, his fist and leg strength were all weakened.

No. 6 held Wudai Yusuke under control with a smirk, walked to the edge of the building, and pushed Wudai Yusuke directly down.

Yusuke Godai fell directly from a height of more than [-] meters, and Yusuke Godai smashed a big hole in the ground. Yusuke Godai struggled to get up, and his bones were about to fall apart.

Li Yun's motorcycle stopped beside Wudai Yusuke, and he said jokingly, "Tsk, I'm so embarrassed, let me give you a hint, the warriors of Director Shui can turn any long object into a weapon .”

"Understood, I will definitely kill it." Wudai Yusuke said very unconvinced.

He broke a guardrail casually, turned into a blue dragon stick and held it in his hand, Wudai Yusuke jumped up suddenly, and jumped to the top of the tall building.

After Wudai Yusuke held the green dragon stick, he was like a tiger with wings added, completely hiding his weakness of fist and foot strength.

There is a weapon to fight against No. 6 without a weapon. An inch is long and an inch is strong, and an inch is short and an inch is dangerous.That's a good sentence.

Wudai Yusuke wields the green dragon stick, stick to the flesh, No. 6 can't even touch the shadow of Wudai Yusuke, how can we talk about fighting with him?

Soon, No. 6 showed signs of decline, and Yusuke Goshidai seized the opportunity, and the green dragon stick suddenly thrust out, hitting No. 6's heart.

Immediately, No. 6's chest was filled with light, and the ancient characters emerged, and within a few seconds, it exploded and died.

Wudai Yusuke looked at Li Yun and Li Nana who were watching the battle on the ground and gave a thumbs up.

Li Yun couldn't help but laugh, Wudai this guy. . .What a fool.

(End of this chapter)

PS: (Please recommend, please collect, please reward.)
(End of this chapter)

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