Time and space plane shuttle

Chapter 549 Surrender or die!

Chapter 549 Surrender or die!

Chapter 55: Surrender or Die!

"What a powerful dark force, it's definitely a blood-sucking monster!" Li Yun led the army out of the light gate, feeling the fluctuations from a distance, and frowned.

"Guangqiu is in that direction." Looking at the map in her hand, Xiao Ying's face was slightly dignified. She knew her identity a long time ago, and also knew that Yagami Jiaer was the eighth child, that is, her future partner. She is not worried.

"The blood-sucking monsters arrived only ten minutes earlier than us. They made moves so quickly. We must hurry up." Li Yun looked at the strong dark energy coming from Guangqiu, and immediately led the army to attack.

"It seems that you have already felt the crisis? But you don't know the time difference between the Digimon world and the real world." Li Yun thought to himself, it is not the style of vampire monsters to attack directly like this. The only explanation is that he has already felt it. Pressure, need to improve yourself quickly.

Know yourself and know your enemy, win every battle, the person who knows you best is not your friend, let alone your family, but your enemy.

Li Yun understands the character of vampire monsters very well. From the ups and downs of hundreds of vampires, in order to open the gate of the dimension, you can see how forbearing, stable and careful vampires are.

When he first came to the human world, there was such a big fanfare. It seemed that the vampire monster should have noticed that he was coming, and the vampire monster's reaction was unexpectedly fast.

The blood-sucking monster wants to be one step ahead of Li Yun and find No.8's chosen child. Unfortunately, the city he was looking for was wrong, and the direction he was looking for was wrong from the beginning. Who is the child called.

"Iori Jiaer...Sakura, you and Taiyi go back to his house first, and protect Yagami Jiaer. Qianxue manages the army to invade the territory, and I will negotiate with the human leader. Be careful!" After Li Yun ordered, Watching the army disperse, rushing into the human settlement like a broken bamboo, and suppressing all resistance forces, they walked towards the palace where the emperor of the island country was at ease.


The Reaper Beast slowly floated over Tokyo, followed by countless ferocious ghost beasts and a large number of mature Digimon.

Slaughtering all the resisting forces, the broken limbs along the way dyed the entire ground red.

"Surrender or die!" No one could resist the edge of the scythe of the Death Beast, and after destroying the human army, he came to the government and roared loudly.

"!!" Hearing the death beast's words, many people were shocked. They only now know that these monsters can talk and communicate. They are not irrational monsters, but intelligent and able to communicate.

Moreover, now these monsters are asking them to surrender, surrender to the government representing the country, these monsters who came out of nowhere! ?

"Who are you, why are you attacking us humans? Are you from outer space?" The government immediately asked the Digimon on the radio.

Through various information, they all know that the army of vampire monsters has appeared all over the world and launched attacks on the government capitals of various countries.

It turns out that these terrifying monsters are intelligent creatures, then this must be a huge conspiracy, a huge conspiracy against human beings.

They have regarded Digimon as 'aliens', thinking that they are creatures from outer space that invaded the earth.

Although there are some differences in essence, the digital world and the human world are different worlds, and it is not wrong for them to think so.

"Surrender or die!" The Death Beast was not in the mood, answered the leaders' words, destroyed the buildings beside it, and urged them again impatiently, asking them to surrender.

The mission given to him by the vampire monster is not to listen to the beeps of these politicians, but to conquer the human world.

"Wait, wait, please wait, please give us some time, we are discussing." The person in charge seemed to feel the impatience of the Death Beast, and quickly shouted through the radio.

Hearing the broadcast, the Death God Beast stopped, shook the golden scythe impatiently, and said coldly, "It's better to be quicker, give the result in 10 minutes at most, otherwise..."

The Death God Beast waved its golden sickle, and a ten-story building collapsed.

"Don't worry, 10 minutes is enough." The person in charge of contact was sweating, afraid that the unhappy person in front of him would cut himself off.

"President, all countries have been contacted." In the government office, various officials and leaders sat here, and the informant reported to the president.

The president didn't leave, not because he didn't want to leave and share the joys and sorrows with his people, but because he couldn't run away.

The whole city was paralyzed. He wanted to leave by helicopter, but the sky was full of flying Digimon. The air supremacy of the whole city had been completely occupied. The helicopter would be destroyed before it could fly.

The presidents of all major countries have made emergency contact, through emergency repairs, barely functioning satellite video, discussing the matter of the Digimon, and explaining that the Digimon have intelligence, can communicate, and ask them to surrender and so on.

"Absolutely cannot surrender!!"

"But, if we don't surrender, we won't be able to defeat these monsters at all."

"They are not monsters, they are aliens, alien creatures that invaded the earth." In the video conference, the leaders of various countries had a heated discussion.

However, only a part of the countries that can participate in this video conference are big countries in the world.

There are hundreds of countries in the world, big and small, with different economic strengths. Only big countries are eligible to discuss and participate in this video conference. Many small countries can only make their own decisions.

Many small countries surrendered one after another under the vanguard of the blood-sucking monsters, and many people worshiped the army of blood-sucking monsters as gods, etc. After all, the forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds.

After a heated discussion, there was still no reason to discuss. Seeing that 10 minutes were about to pass, the Reaper Beast was getting impatient, and shouted outside, "In the last minute, if you don't make a decision, you can kill everyone!" amnesty!"

"Tsk, don't be so irritable. The world is so beautiful, but you are so irritable. It's not good!" A chuckle came, and Li Yun, who was wearing a red war robe and holding a rapier, came to him after a few jumps. On the top of the ZF building, he said with a slightly playful expression.

"It's you!" The Death Beast suddenly grasped the sickle in its hand, and looked at Li Yun as if facing a formidable enemy.

"Are you here to save these humans?" Death Beast asked in a deep voice with a slightly cold expression.

Immediately, the human leaders inside glanced at each other. There seemed to be factions among these monsters, and maybe they could take advantage of them.

"Of course not. I'm here to grab the territory. I want to conquer the human world too."

(End of this chapter)

(End of this chapter)

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