Time and space plane shuttle

Chapter 532 Chosen Children!

Chapter 532 Chosen Children!

Chapter 36: Chosen Children!

Seven elementary school students, one in sixth grade, five in fifth grade, and one in second grade, were grouped together because they knew each other.

When they came to the summer camp, they were very excited. They sneaked away from the camp stipulated by the school, and found a place with few people. They camped at a shrine near the mountainside, and enjoyed the summer camp freely.

And when they were enjoying the summer camp, suddenly, pieces of white floated down from the sky and landed on them.

"This is... Snow?" A boy named Yagami Taichi, wearing blue short-sleeves, with his head turned up, and goggles, was lying on a branch, enjoying the sunshine, and suddenly felt the coolness on his face, not only Opening his eyes, he stretched out his hand to touch it, and found that the snowflakes on his face had turned into water drops, he said suspiciously.

It's summer now, and it's still the hottest season. How can there be snowflakes.

Not only Taiyi noticed, but the other six children also noticed the flakes of snowflakes falling in the sky, and they were all very surprised and stunned.

And more and more snowflakes fell from the sky, and in the distant sky, there was a cloud, which was visible to the naked eye, drifting towards their summer camp.

A little boy with chestnut hair was sitting on the wooden board of the shrine, with a notebook on his lap, and was quickly typing out pieces of code.

Although this young man named Quan Guangzilang is only in the fifth grade of elementary school, he is already proficient in using computers and writing various codes. Looking at the nimble movements of his fingers, the sophistication of writing codes is not inferior to professional seniors at all. programmer.

There is no doubt that this young man named Guangzilang is a veritable genius, a genius in computers.

However, just in the fifth grade of elementary school, sitting in front of the computer all day has a great impact on physical development. Compared with Taiyi, who is in the same grade as him, Koshiro is obviously shorter, nearly half a head shorter.

"What's going on, it's summer, how could it snow?" Snowflakes fell on the screen of the notebook, Kozhiro closed the notebook, looked up at Kankong in surprise.

"What a beautiful flower, eh. Snow?" Wearing a red dress and a pink hat on her head, a very beautiful and lovely girl named Mimi Tachikawa is squatting beside the flowers, watching the growth on the mountain Wildflowers, seeing the snowflakes, showing a puzzled expression.

"Brother, it's snowing!" Wearing green clothes, a small hat, and carrying a small schoolbag, the youngest of the seven, in the second grade of elementary school, a little boy named Gao Shiwu, lay on his stomach on the steps and ran to different places. The boy in the distance.

This cool boy with blond hair standing there with his hands in his pockets, named Ishida Yamato, is Gao Shiwu's brother, his own brother. As for why the two brothers have different surnames, it is because of family reasons.

"Ah Wu, it's strange, why is it snowing?" Ah He called his younger brother, and was also surprised by the snow falling in the sky.

And just when the children were wondering, the snow floating in the sky became bigger and bigger, and the temperature began to drop sharply. The air that was originally hot and dry began to cool down, and there was even a cold wind blow.

"Taichi, there seems to be something wrong, come down from the tree." Wearing a yellow jacket, wearing a round hat, full of energy, like a tomboy, a girl named Takeuchi Sona shouted to Taiyi on the tree.

Su Na and Tai Yi are both in the same class. Moreover, they are childhood sweethearts and members of the same football team. Their relationship is very close.

"Oh!" Tai Yi replied and got up from the tree.

"It seems to be getting colder." Su Na was wearing a sleeveless shirt, and she could clearly feel the temperature drop.

At this time, the dark clouds in the sky had already floated over the summer camp, and Taiyi and the others were shrouded in shadows.The snowfall became heavier and heavier, and even the wind began to blow. The strong wind rolled the snowflakes and roared, shaking the trees.The weather is changing extremely fast. A few minutes ago, the sun was shining brightly, making people feel hot and dry. Now it has become like winter, with heavy snow falling and strong wind blowing.

"Hurry up! Everyone gather, hide in tents and cars, everyone don't run around!!" Seeing the snowstorm getting bigger and bigger, the teachers in the camp hurriedly greeted the children in the summer camp and hid in a safe place .

However, because there are too many children, the teachers are not enough, and the scene is very chaotic and chaotic. The teachers did not find the seven children who sneaked away from the camp and went to the mountain.

"The weather is too abnormal. We should go down the mountain and go back to the camp to find the teacher." A thin boy with glasses, who looked like a good student, or a nerd, named Cheng Huzhang, said.

He is the only sixth grade student among the seven children.

"However, we are too far away from the camp, the snow is getting heavier and heavier, and we have no time to go back to the camp." Guangzilang said.

"Then what should we do now?" Meimei asked.

"Brother." Ah Wu hid behind Ah He, very scared.

"It's okay, I'm here." Ah He comforted Ah Wu.

"We can't stand here forever, we will be frozen to death." Su Na said with her bare shoulders in her arms. Under the snowstorm, when they talk now, they will exhale visible to the naked eye.

"It's too late to go back to the camp, everyone go to the shrine to avoid the wind and snow, the teacher will definitely find us and come to find us!" Seeing this, Taiyi said decisively, pointing to the dilapidated shrine not far away.

"Quick! Come in, everyone!" Tai Yi ran over, opened the door, and greeted everyone.

Although this shrine, which had been abandoned for a long time, was very dilapidated, its structure was not too damaged, and it could shelter the children from the wind and snow outside.

The children all ran into the shrine, and after closing the door, they felt much better immediately, not as cold as outside.

However, the wind brought blizzard, and the sound of blowing on the shrine made the children in the shrine feel very uneasy. The cold wind blew into the house along the gap, lowering the indoor temperature.

"Brother, it's so cold." Ah Wu nestled beside Ah He, trembling slightly.

Ah He, who was wearing short sleeves, also felt very cold, but seeing his younger brother, he didn't say anything, pretending that he was not cold at all, stretched out his arms to hug Ah Wu, and warmed Ah Wu with his body.

"Did the heavy snow cover the signal?" Kokoro looked at the notebook on his lap, took out his phone, and frowned.

"Guozilang, what are you doing?" A piece of Meimei looked at Guangzilang's movements suspiciously and asked.

"I want to contact the teachers by phone and tell them about our current situation. However, there has been no signal and the wireless network can't be connected. The blizzard seems to be no hindrance. Seeing Meimei's confused and ignorant expression, you can It can be seen that she can't understand what Kokoro is saying at all. Maybe, he can understand by telling her about dolls and the like.

(End of this chapter)

 emmm, the college entrance examination is still [-] days away, the author is still a student and needs to review, only one update in the last [-] days, I am very sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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