Time and space plane shuttle

Chapter 51 The Red KUUGA

Chapter 51 The Red KUUGA
Chapter 15: The Red KUUGA
Wudai Yusuke is now in pain and happiness every day. He is being abused by Li Nana every day, but he finds that he is also getting stronger.

In the past few days, in Godai Yusuke's mind, a Kamen Rider who is very similar to KUUGA keeps flashing through the mind, which is very strange.

Wudai Yusuke told Li Yun about his doubts. After hearing this, Li Yun was very indifferent, just patted Wudai Yusuke on the shoulder and said, "You have to wait until you meet a strange person, imitate his movements, and then finally Shout out 'transformation' and there will be a surprise."

Wudai Yusuke was full of thoughts about what Li Yun said, why did he say that imitating this action would bring surprises?
Wudai Yusuke scratched his head in trouble, and didn't think about these things anymore. After all, Li Yun would not harm him, as long as he did what Li Yun said.

By the way, he invited Li Yun and Li Nana to perform love performances in the kindergarten run by his sister.

Li Yun originally wanted to refuse, but Li Nana said that she hadn't been to the kindergarten yet, and wanted to go and take care of the children by the way.

Li Yun had no choice but to nod his head helplessly, and agreed to Wudai Yusuke's invitation.

Li Nana brought a lot of fruits and toys to the kindergarten, which caused all the children to be attracted by the snacks and toys, and no one went to see Godai Yusuke's acrobatic performance.

Wudai Yusuke performed acrobatics on the podium in embarrassment, he did it to death, even if he was kneeling, he had to finish the performance.

Li Yun just quietly looked at Li Nana's innocent appearance happily playing with these children.

Li Nana seems to be a child who will never grow up, she is very innocent, her thoughts are pure, and she is carefree.

Wudai Yusuke finally finished his embarrassing acrobatic performance, walked to Li Yun's side, saw Li Nana having fun with a group of children, and couldn't help sighing, "These children like Miss Li Nana very much."

Li Yun nodded in agreement, and saw Li Nana hopping over, holding Li Yun's arm and saying softly, "Brother Yun, I also want a child, can you give me one? They This is quite fun."

Li Yun rolled his eyes when he heard this, he choked on his own saliva, damn it!Is it for kids to play with?
Li Yun looked at Li Nana's slightly mature body, touched her nose, and turned her head. The child was made, how do you ask me to give it?And it's against the law! 'Starting in three years, the maximum death penalty' ah.

Li Yun doesn't want to have the water meter checked by the police uncle, so let's wait two years and talk about it.

Li Yun patted Li Nana's head, and replied with black lines, "Well, let's wait for another two years to talk about it."

Li Nana was obviously dissatisfied with Li Yun's vague answer, and was about to continue acting like a spoiled child endlessly, trying to get Li Yun to agree to her.

At this time, the principal of the kindergarten, the younger sister of the fifth generation, grabbed Li Nana's hand, took her to a corner and whispered many private stories about her daughter's family, and handed Li Nana a note.

Li Nana put the note away as if she had found a treasure, anyway, Li Yun didn't know what was written on it.

At the same time, in the Police Headquarters of Nagano City on the other side, Yi Yi is participating in a major meeting about unknown life forms.

After some discussion, everyone decided to include all unknown life forms in the attack range.

At this time, one stood up and suggested: "I think number two, number three, and number five should be excluded from the attack range."

"Oh? Why?" asked the rich middle-aged man.

"Because No. [-] and No. [-] have saved my life, and No. [-] and No. [-] are not one of these weirdos. They are humans who used the power of technology to transform into No. [-] and No. [-]." A somewhat vague explanation said.

"Are you sure?" the middle-aged man asked.

"Definitely!" A vowed answer.

"Can you guarantee that they won't harm humans?" The middle-aged man looked at Yi Yi with sharp eyes.

"Of course it can be guaranteed, because they are all human beings, and there is no reason to harm human beings."

"In this case, you can introduce them to me." The middle-aged man looked at such a confident look, and felt very reliable.

"This..." One hesitated.

"What? Didn't you say you can guarantee it?" The middle-aged man was not angry, and felt the pressure.

"That's not the case, because the news came from above, and no one can disturb them." One took out a document and handed it to the middle-aged man.

After the middle-aged man opened it and took a few glances, he didn't ask this question again. He already understood why.

Of course, he is not afraid that Yi Yi is cheating, because these things will be revealed as soon as he asks about them. Normal people would not do this, let alone Yi Yi is a smart person.

"In that case, let's exclude No. 1 and No. 2, and call them G[-] and G[-]." The middle-aged man made a decision in just two sentences, without giving anyone a chance to refute.

Afterwards, just like the plot of the original novel, Yi Yi met Rose Girl again, followed her, and saw something she shouldn't have seen.

After being discovered, he was beaten up severely. If the rose girl hadn't interceded, one would have been beaten to death.

Two Gulangi left this remote place, leaving the badly wounded one behind.

"Oh, one of our police officers is really in a mess." Li Yun slowly walked out of the mirror, looked at a messy look, and teased.

"Why are you here? Where's that guy from the fifth generation?" One was leaning against the wall, panting heavily, almost got his braids up, and his legs went limp from fright.

"Going to fight No. 5, can you still walk?" Li Yun pulled one up and asked.

"Really? Why don't you help?" One loosened his hand on Li Yun's shoulder.

"That guy is an idiot, he insisted on proving the results of the special training, but I asked my sister to watch him." Li Yun chatted with Yiyi very leisurely, anyway, Wudai Yusuke will not die, so don't be afraid.

On the other side, Wudai Yusuke rode a motorcycle and quickly rushed to the area where Gu Langji was wanton. Seeing the unscrupulous killing of No. 6, Wudai Yusuke's eyes suddenly turned red.

Recalling the memory in his mind, his hands kept moving, and the belt suddenly appeared on Yusuke Godai's waist. No. 5 saw KUUGA's belt, and immediately shifted his target to Godai.

Just as he finished the action in his hand, No. 5 ran in front of him.

Immediately, the light on the belt shone brightly, and after a burst of light curtain dissipated, what appeared at this moment was the red KUUGA, exactly the same as the one in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

PS: (Still asking for recommendations, collections, and rewards.)
(End of this chapter)

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