Time and space plane shuttle

Chapter 48 The Training Routine of the Fifth Generation Yusuke

Chapter 48 The Training Routine of Godai Yusuke

Chapter 12: The training routine of Yusuke Godai
After sending away Wudai Xiongsuke, Li Yun locked all the doors and windows around him, so that no one could disturb him.

Li Yun sat cross-legged, his internal energy flowing according to the road map in his mind.

His current strength is not even as good as a third-rate warrior in martial arts novels. To put it bluntly, he is the best of the best, just a little better than the minions.

Even if he can transform into Kamen Rider Yanlong, it will be of no avail. Under the spit of internal energy, he can directly shatter your internal organs. It is unreasonable to be so powerful.

No matter how hard you hang on after transforming, you can head-to-head with a natural master, as long as the opponent uses internal strength, even a first-rate master can kill you in minutes.

So his current strength looks powerful, but in fact, as soon as he enters the world of martial arts, he can be regarded as a third-rate martial artist at best.

You still have to work hard, Li Yun didn't waste a single bit of time, and kept meditating to increase his internal strength.

It takes one night to exercise. At seven o'clock in the morning, Li Yun woke up on time, and Wudai Yusuke was already standing in front of his door.

Looking at Wudai Yusuke covered in scars, Li Yun knew that he must have met Gu Langji at night.

"Losing?" Li Yun asked.

Wudai Yusuke just nodded without saying a word.

"So, you want to become stronger? So what's your reason?" Li Yun folded his arms and asked lightly.

"Do you know that feeling?" Wudai Yusuke didn't answer Li Yun positively, but said something irrelevant to him.

"Is it that feeling that you can save a life, but because of your own weakness, you watch him being killed, but you can't stop it?" Wudai Yusuke lowered his head, his voice was a little choked, he was blaming himself and guilty.

"So, what is your reason for becoming stronger?" Li Yun asked coldly, without affecting his feelings at all.

"I became stronger to protect, to protect those weak people, to prevent those hateful guys from fighting as they please!" Five generations of Yusuke's eyes were burning with raging flames, which was a flame called fighting spirit.

Tsk, are you worthy of being the protagonist?The mind is really simple.Li Yun not only sighed in his heart.

Li Yun could feel that every word Wudai Yusuke said came from the depths of his heart, from the bottom of his heart, every word was the truth, not some high-sounding lies.

"Hehe, if that's the case, then follow me, remember not to lose track of me." Li Yun chuckled lightly, using his inner strength to walk like flying, Wudai Yusuke could barely follow behind Li Yun unless he followed at full speed.

Li Yun looked at the figure of Wudai Yusuke, and slowed down his pace, but he was always at the limit of Wudai Yusuke.

Although Wudai Yusuke is also exercising all year round, but after breaking out his fastest speed, he is also a little tired. Looking at the distance in front of him that has not decreased at all, Wudai Yusuke's will is very simple, and he will break out every once in a while. I want to catch up with the figure in front of me.

As if it was a good deal, once Yusuke Godai exerted his strength, Li Yun would also speed up. The distance between the two was always so much, and it didn't change at all.

Half an hour later, Li Yun stopped. They have now arrived at the outskirts of Nagano City. The internal force in Li Yun's body is running faster and faster. After running at high speed for a long time, Li Yun is just sweating. Like Yusuke, his panting voice was as hoarse and ugly as a broken bellows.

"It's here, you can stop and rest." Li Yun looked at Wudai Yusuke who fell limply to the ground, fearing that he might not be able to get up. Physical strength has been exhausted.

He survived the remaining 10 minutes by relying entirely on his own perseverance and will.

Li Yun touched Wudai Yusuke, who was like a puddle of mud, with his foot, and said bluntly, "You're not dead, get up if you're not dead, and you can eat now."

When Wudai Yusuke heard that it was time to eat, he immediately revived with full blood on the spot, rushed to a piece of food that had already been prepared, and started to eat and drink.

Because he ate too fast, he choked on a meal five times.

Li Yun is also a little strange. How did one convince his immediate superiors? These politicians and businessmen are the same. Don't do it.

But one still convinced his immediate boss, and he actually gave Li Yun great convenience, and also gave him a bank card that he can swipe casually without his payment.

One won't have a dirty PY deal with his immediate boss.Li Yun thought extremely maliciously.

"Ah, sneeze." One, who was watching the two training in the car, suddenly sneezed, and the other wiped his nose. The weather has suddenly turned cold recently, so he shouldn't be catching a cold.

After a meal, Li Yun looked at the fifth generation Yusuke who was already alive and well, and couldn't help sighing, is he really worthy of being the protagonist?
"Now, after my inspection, your will has passed the level, and the next level is to train your combat experience." After Li Yun coughed twice, he said in a deep voice to the fifth generation Yusuke who had fully recovered.

"Battle experience?" Goshiro Yusuke made a funny expression with a black puzzled face.

"That's right, it's combat experience and power control. Last time I saw that you were beaten by the unknown life body No. [-], it was because you had too little combat experience and insufficient power control." Li Yun patiently explained.

"Then what should we do?" Wudai Yusuke looked at Li Yun seriously and asked with an expression of studying hard and making progress every day.

"It's okay to control the strength. In terms of combat experience, it can only be accumulated." After pondering for a while, Li Yun said slowly.

"Then let's start the force control training." Li Yun took out the props and handed them to Wudai Yusuke.

Wudai Yusuke looked at the tender tofu in his hand with a confused face, how to train this thing?
"Your task is to remove these tofu without any damage." Li Yun handed Wudai Yusuke a pair of wooden chopsticks.

Godai Yusuke looked at the extended chopsticks in his hand, feeling a little embarrassed. If he could get them out, he could even go to the Guinness Book of World Records for fun.

Li Yun saw Godai Yusuke's thoughts at a glance, took the chopsticks calmly, and picked up the tofu without any damage.

Then he handed the chopsticks to Yusuke Godai to signal him to continue. Yusuke Godai held the chopsticks with a serious expression on his face. He put the chopsticks next to the tofu and picked them up forcefully. The tofu was scratched by the chopsticks immediately.

Wudai Yusuke was very embarrassed, standing there at a loss, Li Yun sighed lightly, dragged out a pile of tender tofu, and handed it to Wudai Yusuke.

Yusuke Godai started his daily routine of sandwiching tofu. In order not to waste the rotten tofu, he gave all of it to Yusuke Godai to eat.

In the future, when Yusuke Godai has controlled his strength, he has already developed the habit of being disgusted when he sees tofu.

(End of this chapter)

PS: (ask for recommendations, please collect, ask for rewards, ask for anything exactly.)
(End of this chapter)

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