Chapter 340 Rexai!
Chapter 79: Rexai!
After walking into the void gate, he walked slowly for tens of meters, but he didn't find any void creature. Li Yun suddenly felt something was wrong.

Logically speaking, now that the void gate has been opened, those void creatures shouldn't be so calm, it's the last word to rush outside without thinking.

Now, it's so weird that I can't even see a void creature.

After walking for a long time, suddenly, there was a rock-like decoration on the wall, and there was a slowly rotating void vortex on it.

Seeing this, Li Yun's expression changed drastically. He said why there are no void creatures. It turned out that when he was fighting Vikz, the void dungeon beast Rexai dug a wormhole in the void, making all void creatures The creatures all ran out.

"Damn it... Is the IQ of void creatures so high?" Li Yun cursed secretly, without thinking too much, he opened his sky eyes directly, and got into the wormhole dug out by Rexai, with a strong void The heavenly eyes of breath escorted Li Yun to pass safely in the void corridor.

When it came out again, it had already reached the earth.

"It's such a long distance, without any sound, and without any detection. This place was directly hit by the insect swarm of void creatures. It is estimated that this place is already a dead zone." Li Yun looked at the barren scene here, Slowly whispering.

"Hiss!" Suddenly, a void creature seemed to have noticed Li Yun's existence, screaming and rushing over.

There are still flesh and blood in its sharp teeth. Looking at the cloth hanging on it, it should be human.

"Go to hell." Li Yun's face was stern, and he slapped his palm directly, and it exploded.

"And... I seem to have been tricked. The wormhole I drilled just now has time turbulence. The time I stayed in the tunnel was obviously longer than I thought." After Li Yun slapped a small void creature casually, his expression Very grim.

Anyone who is cheated will feel very bad.

"The priority now is to understand the current form."

Li Yunteng got up, found the right direction, and flew towards the North Star, the more he flew, the heavier his heart was, it was truly a thousand miles away!
Not a blade of grass grows, let alone people, no creature can survive here.

After the Northern Star fell, looking at the soldiers with grief-stricken faces, Li Yun also knew that the current situation was extremely serious.

I went to find Ducao for the first time.

"Dukao... how long has it been since I went to the void?" Li Yun asked directly when he saw Dukao.

"You're back, oh! It's been a long time, it's not long, it's only half a month." Ducao glanced at Li Yun, with a trace of joy on his tired face.

"Can you tell me what happened? What's going on here?" Li Yun couldn't help but asked hastily, remembering the scene of thousands of miles away.

"Half a month ago, you went to the gate of the void, and early the next morning, many void creatures suddenly invaded the whole world. These void creatures, eating whatever they saw, wiped out the whole world in just half a month. In some areas there is nothing left to eat."

"Because the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company don't understand void creatures, although they fought very hard, they were still able to repel them. But... the opponent has a creature that can escape into the ground and the void, and directly kills the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company. They were seriously injured, and if the angels hadn't rescued them in time, none of those children would have returned."

Speaking of Ducao's tears, his daughter is also among the injured.

"Where are the angels?" Li Yun is more worried about Yan's safety now, she is just a low god, and she can't beat the void burrow beast Rek Sai at all.

"The angels... also suffered heavy losses. In order to help clear the void creatures, the angels were scattered all over the place, but the other party was able to teleport, swallowing all the angels stationed, at least dozens of angels were lost."

Ducao looked at Li Yun with guilt on his face. He knew that Yan was Li Yun's guardian angel, and Yan was also the queen of angels. Those angels could be said to be Li Yun's subjects, but now because of them, they were taken away by the void. The creature ate dozens of angels alive.

"Lei, Ke, Se!" Sure enough, Li Yun became furious. Li Yun knew that these things were probably arranged by Vicz, and the heads of those void creatures were not so good.

However, this does not prevent Li Yun from hating Rek Sai.

Without saying a word, he ran out directly, the sky eye between the eyebrows opened, feeling the breath of the void.

Soon, Li Yun quickly found a void tunnel, the void tunnel dug by Rek Sai, took Rek Sai's breath from it, and put it in the third eye.

Not long after, Li Yun felt Rek'sai's aura, his body swayed, and he flew directly to the place where Rek'sai was resting, surrounded by dense void creatures. If you have dense phobia, you must see this scene. Will be freaked out.

"Go to hell!" Li Yun saw the Void Dungeon Beast Rexai, and without a word, the life-form disintegration ray obtained from Vickz directly radiated from his sky eyes.

"Squeak!" Rexai sensed the danger, and without even thinking about it, he burrowed directly into the ground.

"Get up!" Li Yun stretched out his hand to shake it, then raised it suddenly, the ground exploded suddenly, a giant rock hand suddenly rose up, and Rexai's body was held by the giant rock hand.

"Ah!" Rek Sai screamed, his figure turned into a purple light, and flew into the distance.

"Damn it! The Void Invasion!" Li Yun cursed secretly, Rexai could rely on this move to go to all the void tunnels she had dug.

"It seems that the void tunnel she dug must be destroyed first." Li Yun looked at Rek Sai who had already flown away, and said with some headaches.

After ingesting a bit of Rexai's breath, Li Yun placed it in the sky eye to perceive it carefully.

Not long after, at least six void corridors were discovered.

Li Yun sneered, no matter how fast Rek Sai digs the void tunnel, can it be destroyed as fast as him?Once all the void tunnels are destroyed, then look for Rek Sai, so... she will not be able to escape Li Yun's palm no matter what.

Leaving the ground, Li Yun could easily dig Renekton out.

The void invaded, and she couldn't escape without the void tunnel.

Within 6 minutes, the remaining six void corridors were completely destroyed.

After Li Yun crushed the last void tunnel with one foot, he stared into the distance, and he felt Rek'sai's aura.

The figure looted, directly towards Rek'sai, not only for revenge, but also for Rek'sai's ability to escape and dig tunnels.

(End of this chapter)

(End of this chapter)

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