Time and space plane shuttle

Chapter 335 Void Raiders Attack!

Chapter 335 Void Raiders Attack!
Chapter 74: Void Reavers Attack!
Pop, pop, pop!
There was a slapping sound in someone's room.

Li Yun looked at Liang Bing, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "By the way, Xiao Bing, you are too much."

Liang Bing was wearing a black leather jacket at the moment, holding a soft whip in his hand, and was slapping Kaisha who was lying on the ground viciously...

Keisha's face was abnormally rosy at the moment, and she seemed to feel quite comfortable.

"Hmph, didn't you say that you can be beaten and punished at will when no one is around? Why? I feel distressed?" Liang Bing glanced at Li Yun, asked lightly, and raised the whip in his hand, the queen was full of aura what.

Keisha looked at Li Yun pitifully, not to mention... really distressed.

"Anyway, it's your sister, so it shouldn't be like this." Li Yun looked at Liang Bing helplessly, and asked helplessly.

"Hmph, what do you know?" Liang Bing snorted softly, raised his whip and lashed Kesha's buttocks directly.

"Master..." Kaisha stared at Li Yun pitifully, looking so cute.

"Huh? Did you tell me to talk?" Liang Bing raised the whip in his hand, trying to twitch, so frightened that Kesha covered her small mouth, her body curled up, and began to tremble.

"Okay, stop making trouble, it's meaningless to bully her like this." Li Yun walked over and touched the red mark on Kaisha's body that was drawn out by the cold ice. The strong stimulation made Kaisha groan softly, and her face was very rosy.

Li Yun hugged Liang Bing and whispered in her ear.

"Hmph, to put it bluntly, you just feel bad." Liang Bing snorted and looked at Li Yun with contempt.

This made Li Yun feel a little overwhelmed. He pushed Liang Bing viciously onto the bed, pressed her on top of her, and whispered into Liang Bing's ear, "How dare you despise me? It seems that you have to learn a lesson."

Immediately, there was a swaying bed board and sweet groans in the room.

Kesha was also emotionally watching from the sidelines, Li Yun immediately pulled Kesha in and joined the battlefield.


Li Yun sat on the bed with a swollen face, rubbed his face that hurt from the cold ice, a smile appeared on his face, the sisters are flying together, this wave is not bad.

Although I was beaten up by Liangbing in the end, this wave is not a loss, this wave is not a loss!

Keisha sat beside Li Yun, gently pinching Li Yun's shoulders, even though her body was still a little weak, there was still some tingling pain below.

Suddenly, Li Yun's expression changed, he put on the robe directly on his body, and rushed towards the universe involuntarily.

In the universe, where the magic sealing formation is located, a pair of forelimbs that are as sharp as a sickle directly cut through the formation in the center of the magic sealing formation, and a ferocious praying mantis head came out.

Corrosive liquid dripped from his mouth.

"Digest...and evolve!" Muttering in his mouth, he got out of his whole body and flew towards Pluto's giant insect bridge.

Li Yun, who came late from Shanshan, looked ugly when he saw the hole in the middle of the formation. These void creatures were able to break through his formation, even though the formation was not very advanced.

Li Yun shook his head and shook off the distracting thoughts in his mind. The most urgent task now is to increase the strength of the seal.

On the basis of the magic sealing formation, Li Yun added it again, and many formations have been strengthened, but they can only be sealed for two years. After two years, these formations are the impact of void creatures, just like today It was as if the formation had been dug open, and it had only been a month.

"Back in time and space!" Li Yun made a seal with his hands, and the scene just now appeared in the air, a void creature similar to a praying mantis emerged from the formation.

"Ka Zeke!" Li Yun's expression eased, but luckily it wasn't the monster Ko Gas!If Ko Gas is allowed to escape, he doesn't need to play anymore. Once Ko Gas hides and grows slowly, who the hell can stop him from growing up?
Even if Ka Zik evolves to the extreme, Li Yun still has a chance to kill him.

"The universe is so big, it ran out, and now I have no way of knowing where it is going, so I have to strengthen my vigilance." Li Yun muttered, and returned to the earth again. One month after the war, both the city of angels and the city of demons Did not leave, still floating above the earth.

The angels and demons are all on the earth. As for the angel star field, under the leadership of Yan, all of them have already migrated to the earth, preparing to fight a nebula-level war. Who knows that Li Yun's time history is too buggy Woolen cloth?

They didn't play a big role at all, but they learned that there would be infestation by void creatures two years later, so they simply stayed on the earth and didn't go back to the Angel Starfield.

Li Yun easily passed on the news that a void creature had escaped.

Let them strengthen their vigilance and monitor the movement around the earth around the clock.

Half a month later, a monster with a lion head fell from the sky, landed on the earth, and was quickly surrounded by angels.

Li Yun was the first to rush over, and when he saw this lion-headed orc, he looked dazed... Let me go, isn't this a poodle?
A lion head with a dagger in his hand, a necklace of animal teeth around his neck, and one eye is blind.

Poodle is fine.

"Ka Zik is coming soon. It devoured countless lives and evolved three times. At the beginning, I was able to defeat it. After three evolutions, I can no longer defeat Ka Zik. "The first thing Rengar did when he woke up was to tell the angels the news that Kha Zek was coming.

Li Yun nodded. Rengar has the strength of the peak of the middle god, and he was defeated like this. Kha Zik's strength has at least reached the upper god.

It's only been half a month, and the evolution speed is too fast, from a high-level warrior to a high god, how many lives must be devoured!
Moreover, it is inevitable for Ka Zik to come to Earth. Two upper gods, a dozen lower gods, and even a few middle gods are a great supplement to Ka Zik. Once one of the upper gods is swallowed After that, it can evolve for the fourth time and become a main god-level monster.

No wonder Karl keeps talking about the ultimate fear, these void creatures are really the ultimate fear!
If Ko Gas comes out, it is estimated that it can grow into something that can swallow a planet in one bite.

Li Yun is not afraid of Ka Zik. He is just a high god. He has even killed the main god. Unless Ka Zik evolves for the fourth time, will he still want to swallow the creatures on the earth?Totally impossible.

In the past three days, a guest with bad intentions ushered in outside the earth.

Ka Zik!
"Digest...then evolve!"

It shook the wings on its back, with sharp spikes on its back, and the sickle-shaped limbs in its hands were longer and sharper.

Compared to when Ka Zik first came out, it is completely different.

It can also be seen from this that the void creatures are terrifying!
(End of this chapter)

(End of this chapter)

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