Time and space plane shuttle

Chapter 333 Immortal!

Chapter 333 Immortal!

Chapter 71: Immortality and Immortality!

After Carl saw that the big clock was at a disadvantage, he hurriedly put the big clock back in front of him. He was not proficient in manipulating it. If it was snatched away, who the hell would he ask for reasoning?
It was a pity for Li Yun to see this, he still wanted to see the power of the big clock.

"Time bomb!" Carl waved his hand, and bombs with ticking sound separated from the big clock and flew towards Li Yun.

The scene of the strong explosion and the distorted space and time are displayed in the cosmic space.

A strong light effect passed, and Li Yun's figure was still standing there, with the history books surrounding him, forming a protective film.

"That's it? The power of the big clock really disappointed me." Li Yun looked at the big clock with a look of disappointment on his face.

"Back in time!" Carl gritted his teeth, and a strange ripple shot directly towards Li Yunfei.

Li Yun didn't dodge or dodge, he just stood there in a daze.

Seeing this, Carl showed a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, time rewinding, there is not much damage, but it can turn back time within a certain range.

For example, to return you to the embryonic stage.

People who are shrouded in it, their own time will go backwards, so as to return to the baby, or the fertilized egg.

Carl learned that Li Yun didn't know the power of the big clock, so he deliberately wanted to let Li Yun go back in time for fun.

A strange and distorted ripple enveloped Li Yun. Li Yun's expression was indifferent. He quickly turned the pages of the time history book to inquire about the history of this world. After turning to the page where Kieran lost the big clock, he picked up the pen and slowly wrote Start writing.

Kieran didn't lose the big clock.

The simple nine characters are so inconspicuous written in a huge book, but a strange fluctuation comes from the nine characters written in the history book.

A powerful correction force is slowly distorting space, time, and modifying everything in the past.

And the big clock is also slowly disappearing, dissipating before Karl's eyes.

This is the correction power of history!No one can resist the tide of history.


When Karl saw this scene, he was so angry that he spit out a mouthful of blood. Although the history books have revised the past and the memories of everyone in the universe, maybe Karl is the main god, maybe it’s because Li Yun’s strength is too low, and Karl has not been accepted. Modify memory.

He can clearly perceive what happened just now, and he also knows which one-man-tall book in Li Yun's hand is an artifact more powerful than Kiran's big clock!

damn it!
Carl gritted his teeth and looked at Li Yun fiercely. He would never admit defeat even if he died.

"It's just a matter of revising history. It's just a piece of cake. Whatever is written here will come true! For example... the Gluttonous Legion, the White Wolf Star, I might be able to make them all non-existent."

Li Yun looked at Carl, his eyes were extremely flat, but his tone and demeanor seemed to want to crush an ant to death.

After Li Yun finished speaking, he picked up his pen and began to write slowly: The White Wolf Star was destroyed by the earth's nuclear explosion, and the creatures on the planet died 300 years ago.

One sentence changed the past and changed the future.

Styx Galaxy, White Wolf Star!

Suddenly, the core of the White Wolf Star shook violently, and the creatures living on the White Wolf Star were shaken violently. Their faces were full of horror, and finally they turned into a light and shadow in the universe and exploded.

In the Styx galaxy, on an unknown planet, a couple is sitting on the roof, and they are in the dark night.

One after another, the fragments of the white wolf star with fire flashed across the planet.

A couple sitting on the roof pointed to the sky and shouted excitedly.

Meteor shower, a meteor shower formed by the fragments after the fall of the White Wolf Star.

On the earth, although the gluttonous legion is in a situation of retreat, they still occupy the initiative.

Suddenly, a strange wave came, directly sweeping across the gluttonous army.

A frightening thing happened, the gluttonous army directly and slowly dissipated in the air.

It turned into fly ash directly.


Apart from this word in everyone's mind, there is no other mood to describe the current situation.

The rest of the people looked up at the sky, where there were these two figures.

They know that this situation can only be done by two people in the sky, or by gods.

"Sister Yan, the matter that already exists in itself is directly erased, is this scientific? Even Kieran, the god of time, can't do this, and I also found that my memory seems to have changed, but I can't find it." Looking at the destroyed Taobao, Xin couldn't help asking.

"This can only show that he is stronger than Kieran, the god of time." Yan looked at the sky, dazed, the tenderness in her eyes was like water, her choice was not wrong at all.

In the universe, the history books slowly floated around Li Yun, and Li Yun looked at Karl, the god of death, with a playful expression.

"Do you want to continue? You can't play with me." Li Yun's eyes became more interesting, and he squinted to see how Karl answered.

Carl's face is extremely ugly now, his attack can't be effective, and the big clock was modified by the bastard in front of him, and returned to Kieran who didn't know where it was.

However, in Li Yun's hands, he has the ability to destroy him from the root.

But...he is dead!I also want to pull one into the water!Looking at the earth behind Li Yun.

Carl showed a ferocious smile, and began to chant an unknown spell.

A beam of light condensed out of the palm, directly bombarding the earth.

If the power of the main god is only to destroy an earth, it is not too simple.

Li Yun's expression changed. This beam of light is extremely penetrating. If it passes through the earth's core like this, all living things on the earth will die under the violent explosion.

"Damn it!" Li Yun cursed secretly, his body moved, and a shield formed by time and history books was spread out in front of him, directly blocking the white beam of light.

The time history book is worthy of being a time history book. Under a blow that can destroy a planet, it is still unscathed, and even the ripples on the protective cover cannot set off a layer.

Slowly putting away the protective cover, Li Yun looked in Carl's direction, but found that there was no one there at all, and suddenly felt something was wrong.


A palm suddenly penetrated Li Yun's chest, and the bloody hand held a heart and slowly pulled it out through Li Yun's chest.

The owner of this hand is Karl.

"No!" On the earth, Yan looked at a light and shadow that was projecting the battle scene between the two. At this moment, seeing Li Yun's chest was pierced and even his heart was dug out, he immediately exclaimed in pain.

Kneeling on the ground with weak legs, looking at the scene in front of her, she only felt heartache and heartbroken.

The next moment, an unexpected turn appeared for her.

Li Yun raised his head slowly, stared at Karl, and said calmly, "If you are an ordinary god, you really succeeded, but unfortunately... I am immortal!"

Li Yun pulled out Carl's hand, and hot blood spattered from the wound again.

Li Yun punched Carl in the face and sent him flying. The wound on his chest began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. The granulation grew wildly, and a good heart grew out in less than three seconds. The next injury also recovered in an instant.

Except for the blood stains on his chest and the torn clothes that showed that he had been injured, there was nothing.

(End of this chapter)

(End of this chapter)

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