Time and space plane shuttle

Chapter 329 Plane war, start!

Chapter 329 Plane war, start!
Chapter 67: Plane war, start!
Time passed slowly, and Yan took the city of angels directly to the earth, and was suspended in the sky above the northern star to confront the countless gluttonous legions.

"My god, I brought my sisters to support you." Yan folded his wings and walked slowly in front of Li Yun, with a charming smile on his face. After becoming a queen, Yan's charm became even stronger. one floor.

"En, thank you very much." Li Yun gently hugged Yan's waist, and kissed his forehead as a reward.

After Yan successfully became the King of Angels relying on what Li Yun gave him, he immediately dispatched troops and rushed to the earth without stopping.

"Actually, you don't have to worry about anything." Li Yun stroked Yan's soft hair, his eyes filled with doting.

"Angels are the embodiment of justice and kindness. I am not here to support you, but to maintain the order and peace of the universe." Yan gave Li Yun a charming look, and snorted.

"Really? It seems that you, the queen, are not well-educated." After Li Yun threatened fiercely, he also started to get down to business.

"System, prepare to break through the plane barrier between the nano core world and the world under one person."

"Ding, a total of [-] reward points were spent to temporarily break through the plane barrier between the nano core plane and the plane below one person, which lasted for twelve hours."

It has to be said that after the system crossed out Li Yun's [-] reward points, the speed of breaking through the barrier can be regarded as extremely fast.

In just half an hour, the plane barrier was broken through.

Li Yun spent half an hour entering these two worlds and making some preparations, then returned to the super god plane, saw the battleships around him, narrowed his eyes, and summoned the super fighters from the super seminary them.

"You are a sharp blade, a sharp blade that destroys the enemy's power. Later, when the war begins, you will complete the task well according to my instructions. Success or failure depends on it." Li Yun stared at it with piercing eyes. A group of fighters from the Super Seminary.

"Understood!" All the soldiers shouted in reply.

"Xin Zhao has high mobility, he uses line characters directly, where there is danger and support there."

"Understood." Xin Zhao nodded decisively, indicating that he understood.

"Qiangwei's micro-wormhole is highly concealed, suitable for beheading the head of the enemy, and with the group characters, it ignores the characteristics of various energy shields, and completes the assassination in each command ship. This is a god-killing weapon. Take it well." Li Yundou He gave Qiangwei two daggers made of nano-alloy, and said lightly.

"Qiangwei understands."

"Cheng Yaowen, you are mainly responsible for defense and protecting your comrades in the front line."


"Ge Xiaolun, you have the final verdict, cooperate with Liu Chuang to kill the enemy."

"As for Liu Chuang, your task is to hack! Hit me hard, no matter what is in front of you, hack them to death."



The half-hour-long task configuration allows each super soldier of the Xiongbing Company to perform their duties.

But at this moment, the gluttonous army seemed to be unable to wait any longer, and began to attack.

"Formation, open!" Li Yun waved his hand, the formation was activated, and the huge formation surrounded the entire North Star.

A defensive formation, although low level, can block the attacks of these gluttonous legions for a few minutes.

With all this time, it was enough for Li Yun's reinforcements to come out.

The first to come out was Yuan Xing's battleship, which flew out of the channel of the plane barrier in a uniform order.

Needless to say, Li Yun, they also know what their goals are.

Before Li Yun's order, they were all suspended in the air, waiting for Li Yun's order.

"Damn it... Space Fleet, the boss is indeed the boss, he can get out of this shit." Liu Chuang sighed a little while looking at the fleet that covered the sky and the sun.

Not long after the army of the nano core plane came out, the aliens from the plane below one also came out.

It is still dominated by Longhu Mountain and supplemented by other sects.

And Zhang Chulan, a scammer, also came.

Professor Li Yun and his reverse life triple, he has practiced to the first level.

And it hasn't been long, so it can only be said that it is worthy of being the protagonist?
"Uncle Master, there are a total of [-] people who came to support this time. Everyone is a veteran of the sect and a powerful person. They are just barbarians, so there is nothing to be afraid of." Zhang Huaiyu cupped his hands at Li Yun.

"En." Li Yun nodded, indicating that he knew, and casually threw a few porcelain bottles to Zhang Huaiyu, "Put your elixir in your mouth, or swallow it, it can keep you alive."

"Thank you, Master Uncle." Zhang Huaiyu quickly thanked him, took the porcelain vase thrown by Li Yun, and ran away happily.

A young man in combat uniform came over and reported the current situation of the Golden Viper troop.

"Azure Dragon Army, twenty nano-soldiers are on standby at any time."

"White Tiger Army, twenty nano-soldiers are on standby at any time."

"Suzaku Troop, [-] nano vanguards are on standby at any time."


"Okay, step back and wait for the battle to start!" Li Yun waved his hand, waving back the support of the Golden Viper troops.

At this moment, in the Digimon world, endless Digimon stopped in front of a dark passage.

The ten fighters stood on a high place, watching the countless Digimons below. The Vulcan stepped forward and said loudly, "We have received a call from the world, and we are going to another world to help our allies. Now! The ultimate body and The full body Digimon is on the line, follow me!"

"Let's go!" Immediately, countless different voices sounded from below, and countless ultimate and perfect Digimon walked into the plane passage.

In the North Star, the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company were a little dazed when they saw these Digimon.

"I'll go... Boss is so awesome, he actually brought so many allies here." Ge Xiaolun looked at the more and more allies around him in a daze, and said adoringly.

"Black Shadow Corps, all are on standby!" Tara half-kneeled on the ground, clasped her hands and replied.

Behind him was a large group of soldiers from the Shadow Corps kneeling down in darkness, with red eyes and a strange face, it was very oppressive.

"Li Yun, my god, it seems that you still have many secrets that I don't know." Yan leaned on Li Yun's side, looking at the countless reinforcements, and said in surprise.

"In the years to come, we will all know the truth." Li Yun put his arms around Yan's waist, enjoying the last peace.

Styx Galaxy, Dead Song Academy.

Karl looked at the increasing combat power of the Chinese side in the screen, and was also a little curious.

"This Li Yun is quite good and amazing, and these guys don't know where they came from. This kind of silent transmission can be compared to a big clock." Carl stared at the picture in front of him and said lightly. .

"My god Karl, do you want to send troops to support?" Yorick suggested from the side.

"No need, I can feel his disobedience, let him perish on the earth, and find another obedient one to support him."

Carl lowered his head, not knowing what to think.

(End of this chapter)

(End of this chapter)

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