Time and space plane shuttle

Chapter 315 Keisha Arrives!

Chapter 315 Keisha Arrives!

Chapter 49: Keisha Arrives!

A week after the nightmare-ridden events, the alarm bells suddenly sounded on the Juxia, and all the soldiers, led by Ducao and Li Yun, rushed to the deck of the Juxia.

The soldiers on the Great Strait also pointed their guns at the sky with vigilance on their faces. The angels who suddenly appeared, and the hundreds of cannons on the Great Strait were all aimed at these angels. If there is a change, the war will break out at any moment.

However, are these firearms really useful to these angels?
A turret was aimed at an angel floating in mid-air, and the angel swung the weapon in his hand, directly cutting the turret in half.

"It's such a grand scene! Keisha!" Ducao looked at Keisha, who was sitting on the throne under the guard of the angel team in the sky, and said sarcastically.

The angel named Kaisha glanced around lightly after hearing the words, with a trace of disdain on the corner of her mouth. The soldiers and those cannons on the Great Strait seemed to be bluffing, but they were useless to the angels at all. In the eyes, only Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, these super fighters.

"Who are you?" Keisha seemed to really not know Ducao, she paused and said, "Oh, isn't this the war madman from Nuoxing, General Ducao? Oh, that's how it is, see Come on, I’m still the last god to reach the earth, it seems that you have already planned the future of the earth.” Kesha’s tone was indifferent, as if she didn’t care about Ducao and others at all.

"I'm afraid you guys are the only ones who only think about how to plan other people's futures." Ducao showed a look of disgust, and he was very displeased with Keisha and other angels who planned other people's futures arbitrarily.

"Who are you? Oh! By the way, Ducao, you once launched a war that even we can only read about in books. With you in this world, I am afraid that even we should be in awe? Huh? Humph " Keisha snorted softly and said with disdain on her face.

Ducao's face changed slightly, and he said immediately: "I admit that I have made irreparable mistakes, and I apologize to the civilization of the whole universe. Even so, it cannot change the fact that I was wrong, but Keisha, don't you Want to follow in my footsteps?"

"Don't think that I care about you when I talk to you, and follow in your footsteps. Do you think you are a god?"

When Keisha heard this, she sneered and said with contempt on her face.

"What do you want to do here? To deal with Morgana?" Ducao didn't care about Kyle's tone. He already knew about Kesha's supercilious attitude.

"After talking with you, I want to talk to someone on my level." Keisha glanced at Ducao, then turned her gaze to Ge Xiaolun and the others.

Keisha first set her eyes on Reina, shook her head and sighed, "Reina, you are too young to understand anything."

"Cheng Yaowen, the royal blood of the German Starlight Shield family, is a bit interesting."

Keisha then turned her attention to Cheng Yaowen. In Kyle's eyes, Cheng Yaowen's message could not be hidden at all, and it was interpreted immediately.

But Cheng Yaowen just aroused Kesha's interest and is not qualified to talk to Kesha.
Keisha unscrupulously checked the information of several people while talking to herself, commenting.

Cheng Yaowen took a step forward and was about to talk to Kyle when he was interrupted, "Well, don't move, that's it, it's good."

"Catch Morgana's specific coordinates and request for a grand trial." At this moment, Keisha's left-wing guard suddenly interjected.

"Executing the Great Judgment." Keisha nodded and agreed without the slightest hesitation. After accepting the order, Yan's wings broke through the atmosphere at an astonishing speed and reached the universe. The flaming sword began to gather energy under the sun's rays!
"What big trial?" Ge Xiaolun and the others had already started discussing below.

"Hmph, that bitch Morgana dares to read my data, I said Earthlings, your systems have been invaded by Morgana like your own, is that how you fight them?" Kesha said His tone was full of disdain and contempt.

"What do they want?" Li Yun stood beside Ducao and asked lightly.

"To be honest, I really don't know. Angel civilization is the most distant civilization, and we know very little about it."

"May I speak to them on my behalf?" Ge Xiaolun interjected.

"Of course, if she is willing to listen." Li Yun looked at Kesha floating in the sky, sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed.

The corner of Li Yun's mouth turned up slightly, as if he saw something interesting, damn it!Floating so high and wearing a miniskirt, do you really think others can't see it?

okay. . .white. . .And I really didn't do it on purpose, I saw it as soon as I looked up. . .

"Hey! The one sitting on the sofa! What are you doing! You're sick!" Ge Xiaolun shouted directly at Kaisha.

The corner of Li Yun's mouth twitched, who the hell called someone like that?If it weren't for the angel's good temper, he would have sent you flying out.

"I'm sorry, the power of the galaxy." Keisha read Glenn's message instantly, her tone changed a little, and she said, "Since the Super Seminary has done so many things here, I won't get involved. Take Principal Kieran's theory with a grain of salt."

"However, our trial of traitors may hurt the innocent."

"I can't let her carry out any trial. God knows what she will do. This is not her home!" Although Li Yun is not very clear about the power of the Great Trial, but if he can kill a god-level figure, he knows that the power is definitely not small .

"Stop! Stop! Stop! Keisha! This is the earth!" Ducao roared, seeing the action of Keisha's guard flying into the universe just now, he knew that the power of the so-called Great Judgment would never be small!

Kesha didn't care about Dukao's roar, she looked at Ge Xiaolun and said, "Please authorize me, the power of the galaxy."

"She cannot be authorized, and no one can promise her. If you are stubborn, we will go to war!" After reminding the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company, Ducao turned his head and shouted angrily at Kaisha.

"War maniacs are like this, your nature is hard to change, please authorize me, the power of the galaxy." Kesha gave Ducao a cold look, ignored it, and turned to Ge Xiaolun.

"Even if I'm a war madman, Ge Xiaolunlun, don't promise her!"

"You are the chief, please give the order!"

"Chief, please give the order!"

"Please give the order! Chief!"

The soldiers of the Xiongbing Company asked Ducao one after another.

"That's enough, you don't have to argue, as long as you know that we won't authorize it." Li Yun waved his hand, calming down the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company.

"Instructor, how do you say? Let's fight!" Liu Chuang stood behind Li Yun, holding the black cut in his hand, and said loudly.

"I don't need you, this battle... I'll do it!" Li Yun waved his hands, looked at Keisha in the sky, and said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

(End of this chapter)

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