Time and space plane shuttle

Chapter 182 The Mafia Gang Played By The Turtle As A Monkey!

Chapter 182 The Mafia Gang Played By The Turtle As A Monkey!
Chapter 24: The Mafia who was played by the turtle as a monkey!
As before, Li Yun copied a Rabbit Charm again and held it in his hand.

"Hey, Uncle Yun, can you show me?" A hand was placed on Li Yun's shoulder, which startled Li Yun severely.

"Xiaoyu! You walk silently, you scared me to death." Li Yun patted his chest, he was really taken aback, thinking that his good deeds had been discovered.

"It's Uncle Yun, you are too timid. Uncle Long has never been scared by me." Xiaoyu said old-fashioned, with the appearance of a little adult.

"By the way, shouldn't you be in school?" Li Yun asked speechlessly while holding the rabbit charm.

Li Yun also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't see what he did.

"Of course, I'm here to do my homework, the investigation report on the turtle." Xiaoyu held a pencil and a small notebook and handed it to Li Yun, as if he really came to do his homework.

"Really? Then you should study it carefully, I'll go first." Li Yun nodded, completely disbelieving what Xiaoyu said, she was just interested in spells.

Xiaoyu pouted, with an unhappy expression on her face, she just came here just now, didn't she just want to see the rabbit charm?As for the turtle's investigation report, who cares about that thing?

Now that the charms have been taken away by Li Yun, what is she still doing here?
"I like rabbits more than tortoises!" Xiaoyu jumped up suddenly, snatched the rabbit charm from Li Yun's hand, and ran quickly.

He still didn't forget to turn his head and make a face at Li Yun, and ran outside quickly.

While Xiaoyu was running, she suddenly bumped into a soft object.

Looking up, it was Tru's fierce face that appeared in her eyes.

"You...how are you?" Xiaoyu greeted Tru.

"Hand over the spell." Toru stretched out his palm as big as a cattail fan, and stretched it out to Xiaoyu.

"Uncle Yun, follow!" Xiaoyu turned her head suddenly, and threw the fake rabbit charm in her hand to Li Yun.

Annoyed, Tru picked up Xiaoyu's clothes and threw her out.

Although annoyed, the spell is more important, and he rushed directly towards Li Yun.

Li Yun grabbed the rabbit charm thrown by Xiaoyu, but Trudeau had already rushed over at this time.

Li Yun is not afraid at all, he is just an ordinary person, what fear does he have?

"Give me the spell!" Toru roared and rushed towards Li Yun, grabbing Li Yun with his palm like a cattail fan.

"Oh, I don't know what it means!" Li Yun sneered, and he punched Tohru as hard as he could.

Li Yun didn't use the power of the cow charm, because Li Yun felt that his strength was many times higher than that of ordinary people. If he used the cow charm, he would be bullying people.

Fist palms meet.

Li Yun instinctively felt a strong force coming, and pushed back three steps involuntarily.

His strength is actually inferior to that of an ordinary person?How is this possible!

unless. . .

Li Yun's eyes saw the necklace around his neck, and the cow charm was emitting light.

Bull spell? . .

Li Yun looked indifferent, although he didn't expect that after the Holy Master got the talisman, he could borrow it again.

This is a bit careless.

Li Yun shook his already numb arm, and secretly sighed.

The Rabbit Charm held in his hand suddenly burst into light, and Li Yun instantly turned into an afterimage and appeared in front of Tohru in an instant.

Raising his fist, like a machine gun, he punched quickly, even causing afterimages.

"Ugh!" Tohru was bombarded with dozens of punches in an instant, and was directly sent flying backwards by Li Yun.

Li Yun stopped and looked at Tru, throwing the spell in his hand back and forth, looking extremely proud.

"Bang!" Suddenly, a gunshot sounded from the side, and the rabbit charm that was thrown was blown away.

It kept spinning in the air and fell into the lunch box of the tortoise named Aisuo.

At this time, the tortoise opened its mouth wide and swallowed the rabbit charm together with the feed.

"Swallowed it..." Li Yun also looked confused. Although he wanted to sell a loophole so that the Black Hand could easily take away the Rabbit Charm, he never thought that it was such a coincidence!
Inexplicably, it was swallowed by the turtle. Do you want me to copy another spell and give it to them?
Although Li Yun knew that it was a fake spell, the problem was that these gangsters didn't know it.

Immediately left Li Yun, rushed to the tortoise, trying to catch it.

But the question is, how can the tortoise who swallowed the rabbit charm be caught by them?
Tru opened his arms and tried to grab the tortoise directly. The tortoise was chewing a few pieces of seaweed in its mouth, but it turned into an afterimage when Tru rushed over and disappeared.

When it reappeared, it ran to the other side of the small island.

He was chewing seaweed with his mouth, and looked at Tohru and others with cute dark eyes.

"Go! Grab it!" Trudeau commanded a little annoyed.

A group of villains from the Black Hand gang rushed towards the turtle one after another.

Unexpectedly, the turtle turned into an afterimage again and disappeared. When it reappeared, it ran to Li Yun's side.

Blinking and blinking, the turtle opened its mouth as if begging for food.

Xiaoyu touched the tortoise's head with some surprise, took out a piece of chocolate and handed it to the tortoise, the tortoise didn't refuse, and opened its mouth to swallow it into the air.

The tortoise's eyes looked at Li Yun, it seemed that it didn't try enough.

Li Yun was a little confused, this guy is going to become a genius, so humane?

Li Yun was not stingy either, he stuffed an apple into its mouth, saw it click twice, then chewed the apple and swallowed it.

"Damn it! Catch this tortoise for me!" Seeing that the tortoise was still in the mood to beg for food from Li Yun, Tohru suddenly became angry and directed at the younger brothers.

A group of people rushed towards the turtle again.

Just like last time, the tortoise turned into an afterimage and quickly moved to the other side, and all the members of the Black Hand gang were thrown into the air again.

Several people roared again and again, chasing the tortoise non-stop, but because of the rabbit charm, they couldn't catch up at all.

If the tortoise swallowed the real rabbit charm, these people from the Black Hand Gang would not be able to catch it no matter what.

But the problem is. . .What it swallowed was the rabbit spell that Li Yun forged using the system, and the number of times it could be used was limited.

Once the number is used up, it is no different from ordinary stones.

Therefore, when the magic power of the rabbit charm in the tortoise's belly was exhausted, everyone in the Black Hand gang finally caught it.

certainly. . .They are also tired like dogs.

After all, chasing the slippery turtle around for more than ten minutes.

Moreover, this cowardly tortoise would always run to the farthest place from the gangsters and treat them like monkeys.

After the magic power of the Rabbit Charm was used up, everyone in the Black Hand Gang was exhausted and out of breath.

At this time, Li Yun came up with a smile, touched the tortoise's head, and said with a smile, "We will accept this tortoise, thank you."

Li Yun laughed and led the tortoise away directly. The tired and paralyzed members of the Black Hand Gang could only watch Li Yun take the tortoise away, but there was nothing they could do.

(End of this chapter)

(End of this chapter)

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