Time and space plane shuttle

Chapter 162 Dark God

Chapter 162 Dark God
Chapter 13: The Dark Lord

After Li Yun transformed into Dijia and killed a monster, it seemed that the big boss here couldn't sit still anymore, darkness gradually enveloped the earth, and thick dark clouds covered the sun.

The sky gradually became darker.

"Are you coming?" Li Yun raised his head and looked into the distance, where the dark atmosphere was the strongest.

That must be the lair of the so-called Dark Demon God, but Li Yun didn't care. In the original plot, this guy could be defeated by a kid with no combat experience. One can imagine how hot this guy is.

"Darkness has come." Several native villagers were a little frightened.

On the contrary, Amuyi didn't feel any discomfort, and was very excited to pester Mahoraba and Li Yun and chatter about something.

"Sister Mahoraba, this sword of yours is so handsome, where did it come from?"

"Brother Li Yun, why can you become a giant of light? What did you use to transform?"

Amu Yi asked chirpingly, his eyes full of curiosity.

Mahoraba's expression was very unnatural, as if her own sword. . .It should, maybe, probably, it seems to be Li Yun's trophy. . .

"Why can I transform? Because I have the power of light." Li Yun explained the reason why he was able to transform into Tiga without caring.

"As for what to use to transform, this is it!" Li Yun held the magic light stick and handed it to Amu Yi.

"Hey! This is it!" Zhenjiao Yi said in surprise after seeing the magic light stick.

"Yi, do you know what this is?" Amu Yi handed the divine light stick to Zhenjiao Yi and asked.

"Well, I know, this is called a magic light stick." After looking at the magic light stick for a while, Zhen Jiaoyi handed the magic light stick to Li Yun.

"Shenguang stick? Yi, how do you know so clearly?" Amu Yi asked suspiciously.

"Because my father, it was Li Yunjun who had a magic light stick very similar to this one in his hand and transformed into a giant of light."

Zhenjiaoyi explained, but he didn't seem to have any idea about this magic light stick. Zhenjiaoyi had the same thoughts as his father, and it was better to be an ordinary person than to become Tiga.

In layman's terms, it's a voluptuous slut, not having extraordinary power, but being an ordinary person.

"Then, Yi, you can also transform." Mahoraba looked at Zhenjiao Yi in surprise, and asked.

"In theory, it should be." Zhenjiaoyi nodded. From a genetic point of view, Zhenjiaoyi inherited the genes of Zhenjiao Dagu, so he can naturally transform into Dijia.

"Hey, did you hear? This thing belongs to someone else, return it to him quickly." Mahoraba pushed Li Yun's shoulder and urged.

"Aren't you sick in the head? Why should I give him the magic light stick? This is my trophy, and the sword in your hand is also the same!" Li Yun rolled his eyes and took the sword in someone's hand. The sword was taken away.

"Damn it!" Mahoraba rolled her arms like sleeves, and got entangled with Li Yun again.

"The two of them...the relationship is really good." Wolong smiled and looked at the two people who were wrestling, and laughed loudly.

"Yes." Amu Yi nodded in agreement.

On the contrary, Zhenjiaoyi's expression is confused. They must be bitter and bitter. How can you tell that they have a good relationship?


But they were not happy for a long time, and a figure appeared in the sky, a monster like a ceramic doll, and a dark demon god appeared.

Li Yun looked at it and was a little speechless. Can this guy be called the Dark Demon God?Are you sure it's not the funny guy invited by the monkey?

Nima!I thought it was a stronger opponent, but it turned out. . .Is it such a thing?
Are you kidding me?In an instant, when Li Yun saw the so-called Dark Demon God, he lost all interest in making a move.

Bullying children. . .Really bad, if it is a stronger monster, how could it be controlled by humans?

This is really a joke, this is definitely a joke.

but. . .Even so, it is still necessary to draw a full stop to my short time travel.

"Transformation!" Li Yun took out his divine light stick and whispered softly. He preferred to shout 'transformation' rather than calling out Di Jia's name.

"Om~" The divine light wand suddenly opened, and the intense light shone around, dispelling the surrounding darkness.

"This is, the giant of light!" The villagers who had taken refuge on the mountain naturally also saw Di Jia's figure, and they couldn't help but knelt down and prayed.

Li Yun walked straight to the dark demon god without any defense, just walked towards it.

The Dark Demon God opened his eyes and shot out two scorching rays of light.

Li Yun didn't dodge or dodge, and punched the light in front of him with a fist. Suddenly, the light shattered and many sparks sputtered out.

Li Yun waved his hands, he was evasive towards this kind of enemy, he was simply despising himself.

With his hands crossed on his forehead, the crystal above his head flashed a glimmer of light.

The color of the whole body turned red, turning into a powerful Tiga.

He strode towards the Dark Demon God, and punched it. Suddenly, many cracks appeared on its ceramic-like body.

The Dark Demon God was thrown flying by Li Yun's punch, and fell to the ground, throwing out countless dust.

Like a zombie, the Dark Demon God stood up straight up, as if nothing had happened, and swung his fist towards Li Yun.

Li Yun calmly grasped the Dark Demon God's fist, kicked it on the Dark Demon God's body, and the cracks increased again.

However, Li Yun successfully jumped into the air and soared above the blue sky with the help of the stepping stone of the Dark Demon God.

To be honest, Li Yun enjoys the feeling of flying in the sky, everyone has a heart yearning for the blue sky.

After being intoxicated for a while, Li Yun has not forgotten his goal.

After adjusting his posture in the air, he kicked towards the Dark Demon God. At an altitude of several hundred meters, with a weight of tens of thousands of tons, if he hit the kick, the Dark Demon God would definitely be severely injured.

But how could the Dark Demon God do what Li Yun wanted?
He flew straight into the air, staggering Li Yun's flying kick, which caused Li Yun's flying kick to hit the empty space, causing him to sink deep into the ground.

The whole person is only above the arms left outside.

Fuck!This damn. . .You are cheating yourself.

Li Yun kept trying to pull himself out, but it was obviously useless. He looked at the dark demon god who was throwing at him.

Li Yun crossed his hands on his forehead again, and the crystal on his forehead flashed light again, but Di Jia's red body turned blue.

Using the light figure of the blue air-type Di Jia, he flew directly out of the pothole kicked out by himself.

And the attack of the Dark Demon God also hit the empty space, Li Yun soared in the air, constantly dodging the light emitted from the eyes of the Dark Demon God.

Li Yun's speed increased rapidly, and he quickly dodged behind the Dark Demon God, and used the flying kick again, kicking towards the Dark Demon God.

But the Dark Demon God seemed to be aware of it, and turned around, but this kick hit its abdomen.

Finally, the fragile ceramic-like body also collapsed, and many ceramic fragments kept falling down.

After Li Yun landed, he changed from an aerial type to a compound type again.

Cross your hands in front of your chest, stretch your arms out, and form an 'L' shape with your arms.

Zapelio's rays of light shot out.

Li Yun turned around slowly. When Li Yun turned around, the Dark Demon God suddenly fell to the ground, and a shocking explosion occurred.

(End of this chapter)

(End of this chapter)

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