Time and space plane shuttle

Chapter 14 Disagreement

Chapter 14 Disagreement
Chapter 21: Disagreement
"Ouch, I'm so hungry." You Shu groaned as he rubbed his empty stomach.

"No money is a flaw." Li Yun couldn't believe that he would worry about being hungry one day.

"I'm so hungry, let's borrow some food." Junpei also passed the excitement of getting the fighter spirit.

"Hey, you are one of the ten righteous fighters! How can you steal something to eat?" Bai Xiaoshou hurriedly stopped.

"No matter how righteous it is, we still have to fill our stomachs." Zhibenquan said weakly.

"Who has money!!!" Junpei wailed in despair, attracting the attention of many Digimon.

"I have some money, I don't know if I can use it." Orimoto Izumi took out a cute pink wallet and took out a handful of change.

"Let me see, show me." Bai Xiaoshou pulled Zhi Benquan's clothes and said.

"This is called money to you, but to us it's just a pile of scrap metal." Bai Xiaoshou took a look at the R coin and shook his head, throwing it directly on the ground.

"Ah—what's the matter?" Zhibenquan quickly put away all the change scattered on the ground.

"Then what does your money look like here?" Junpei asked.

"Well, you will know when you go to earn money and work." Bai Xiaoshou said as a matter of course.

"But, don't you have a wallet?" The quiz beast finally got smart.

"This..." Bai Xiaoshou looked at the people with green light in his eyes, swallowed, took out a wallet from his crotch, opened it and poured it down.

"Gugu~~" The wallet was empty.

"Look, there is no money in the wallet." Bai Xiaoshou put away the empty wallet without any embarrassment and sighed.

"Then I have to go to work." Zhibenquan sighed as he looked at the recruitment notice somewhere.

"Everyone, look at that cloth sign." Junpei saw a recruiter with a particularly good salary.

"Look for an assistant, you can eat all you want!" Zhibenquan read out every single word.

"Okay! Just because of this sentence, I will go!" You Shu was overjoyed.

The three of them ran over in a hurry, and Li Yun walked slowly behind, not in a hurry at all.

"Why don't you go with them?" Bai Xiaoshou asked strangely.

"There is no such thing as a pie in the sky." Li Yun smiled faintly and looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle.

A round object suddenly fell from the sky and hit Li Yun's face, the strong fragrance filled his nostrils.

"Wow, pie fell from the sky." The quiz beast sighed in surprise.

Fuck, who's brat is throwing things everywhere? !Li Yun took off the pie covering his face, and was speechless for a long time, the pie really fell from the sky.

On the other side, although the three of them looked at the snail beasts a little strangely, they didn't care so much in order to fill their stomachs.

After wolfing down the meal, the few people who were full were ready to complete the promised things.

Several people on the train sat on a small train, and the locomotive beast pulled them forward.

"So, you want us to deal with that guy named Goloton?" Li Yun asked.


"That guy said he wanted you to hand over the digital code?"

"Yeah, he took all the girls in our village."

"I don't agree with this matter." Li Yun suddenly said coldly.

"Why? How can you do this!" Zhibenquan asked.

"I'm thinking about you, you know? That Groton is one of the ten fighters."

"What? That guy is also one of the ten fighters? Why did he do this? It's too hateful. He must be defeated." Youshu said angrily.

"Don't take it for granted, that guy has a beast-like fighter spirit that we don't have, and his strength is several times stronger than yours." Li Yun struck.

"Mr. Yun, how do you know?" Zhibenquan asked in bewilderment.

"Because it is recorded in the book of Baixiao Beast, I peeked at it." Li Yun said nonsense.

"What?! You actually peeked at my book! I fought you." Baixiao Beast bumped into it head-on, with short legs and short hands, Li Yun held down its head, no matter how it moved Can't meet Li Yun.

"You can't beat Yun, just give up." The question and answer beast patted Baixiao beast on the shoulder and said.

"I know, it's just to liven up the atmosphere." Baixiao Beast shrugged and said indifferently. Originally, there were no big secrets in its book, but it was much more detailed than the legends passed down by word of mouth.

"Do you know now? How dangerous is this?!" Li Yun asked.

"What are you afraid of! I don't believe that he can beat the four of us, so what if he has the spirit of a beast fighter? Are we weak?" Chunping just got his own fighter spirit, and it was the time when he was full of energy. Simply put, pride.

"That is to say, Mr. Yun, you are too careful." Zhibenquan was not worried that he and others would fail.

"Forget it, since you don't listen, then forget it." Li Yun sighed quietly, if they didn't suffer a bit, they wouldn't improve their memory at all.Anyway, it's not that they can't beat that guy, Li Yun just wants them to suffer, and it's enough to turn the tide at the critical moment.

"My God!" the question-and-answer beast exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Junpei immediately stood up and looked around.

"Look." The Q&A Beast pointed to the railroad tracks ahead.

On the roller coaster-like railway track in front, several people exclaimed at the same time, "Oh my god, we won't pass there."

"Really, hurry up and hold on." Li Yun hurriedly reminded.

Then they flew into the air suddenly, but fortunately they were steady, otherwise they would have been thrown out.


Li Yun's face was a little pale. Although he often played roller coasters when he was a child, everyone had protective measures, but sitting in this kind of small cart, the experience was extraordinary.

This rhythm of accidental car crash and death.

The locomotive beast directly rushed up the steep cliff, which was nearly ninety degrees, and it was already against the laws of physics to be able to walk on it, and Newton's coffin board could no longer hold it down.

Pulling on the edge of the car, Orimoto Izumi screamed, "Are we going to the bird's nest?"

"No, this is going to our village." The snail replied.

"It feels like we are taking jujube pills in our current situation." Li Yun said indifferently, since he couldn't die anyway.

"Don't be a crow's mouth to me!" Zhi Benquan said angrily to Li Yun.

As soon as the voice fell, the small carriage had already derailed and smashed into the fence on one side.

Everyone hugged tightly on the fence, looked at the cloud-shrouded mountainside below, swallowed their saliva, if they fell, they would die without even scum left.

"What are you doing? Come in quickly." Seeing that everyone was nervously grabbing the fence, the snail beast asked a little puzzled.

"Of course you can walk against the wall, but we can't." Junpei said with shame.

A gust of cold wind blew by, and everyone hugged the fence even tighter.

"How can we get there?" Zhibenquan looked at the steep cliff, and there was no place to climb.

A wooden ladder suddenly fell from above, almost hitting Zhibenquan and Li Yun.

"Please climb up the ladder." The snail replied.

"You Shu, go up first." Li Yun put You Shu on the ladder and asked him to climb up first.

"Okay. Brother Takano." Youshu grabbed the ladder firmly and climbed up in fear, followed by two Digimon, and then Li Yun began to climb up.

In the end, only Orimoto Izumi and Junpei remained on the fence.

"Ladies first, Koizumi please first." Junpei said courteously.

Orimoto Izumi's face darkened, he held down his short skirt with one hand, Junpei looked down, and blushed immediately.

"What's your idea, pervert!" Orimoto Izumi slapped Junpei's face with a 'Tathagata Palm'.

The slap marks on Junping's face were still steaming, and he muttered wanting to cry, "Really, I didn't think so."

"Shut up, pervert." Izumi Orimoto's roar below made Junpei almost fall down, so he had to cry silently.

(To be continued)
PS: (Newcomers ask for support and recommendations.)
(End of this chapter)

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