Time and space plane shuttle

Chapter 123 Hunter VS Odin

Chapter 123 Hunter VS Odin

Chapter 1 and Six: Hunter VS Odin

"You bastard! Fuck me!" Odin let out a deep roar, the hunter's words had once again uncovered the scars in Odin's heart, and Odin couldn't hold himself back to the hunter. With killing intent, he raised the golden long sword and slashed towards Li Yun.

"Are you only going to escape? Coward!" The hunter sneered, provocatively looking at Odin who was charging towards him.

"Bastard! Shut up!" Odin raised the golden long sword in his hand and wanted to chop off the hunter.

A piercing sound of metal clashing sounded in the empty mirror world, and the sound wave echoed in the surrounding area, which could not dissipate for a long time.

The blade of the golden long sword collided with the body of the Horned Spear, making a piercing sound wave, and with the sound wave, there were sparks flying in all directions.

Clang clang!
The two broke apart as soon as they touched each other. Odin held up the golden long sword and slashed at the hunter. The hunter raised his gun and stabbed out. The tip of the gun and the blade of the sword collided continuously. One piece, in the collision, the weapons of the two people were all sparked due to the strength of the other side.

Seeing that the two had been stalemate together, unable to attack for a long time, Aoting couldn't help feeling ruthless in his heart. The death of his sister Kanzaki Yui was his negative scale, and no one should touch it.

The dragon has reverse scales, touch them. . .Must die!
Since the mysterious Kamen Rider in front of him violated his reverse scale, he will definitely make this guy pay the price.

AD VENT (Contract Beast Advent)

A card was inserted into the loader, and after a mechanical sound sounded, countless golden feathers suddenly began to fall from the sky.

"Chirp Chirp!" A resonant phoenix cry sounded from the sky, and a petite golden phoenix appeared in the air. After circling a few times in the air, it landed beside Odin, and the brilliance of flames seemed to dance in its eyes. .

AD VENT (Contract Beast Advent)

The hunter was naturally not to be outdone, and a card was pulled out from the card holder and placed in the loader, almost at the same time as Odin's mechanical sound.

"Aww!!!" A deep roar that looked like a tiger is not a tiger, and a leopard is not a leopard came from afar.

One has a face like a tiger, with long horns on its head, a streamlined body like a leopard, and five tails behind it.

Five tails and one corner are ferocious!
Hin, who was nearly four meters long, came from afar, and both of them could clearly see Hin's footsteps, but his speed was not slow at all, and he had already covered a distance of tens of meters in just a few steps.

When the golden phoenix landed beside Odin, Hide also came to the hunter's side.

"Go to hell, bastard!" Odin roared, the summoning machine in his hand, the golden scepter stood up high.

The golden phoenix behind him suddenly opened his mouth, and the power of flames was condensed in his mouth.

Fireballs were spewed out one after another, and the scorching heat melted the ground.

The hunter's eyes were fixed, and he raised his gun, and with a single shot, he directly pierced a ball of flames.

This group of flames exploded with a bang, and the flames around him scattered in all directions, melting everything around them into magma.

Of course, it wasn't just the hunters who shot, there were also hideous ones!
After roaring up to the sky, he jumped up ferociously, smashing a fireball with his claws. Although the fireballs spit out by the golden phoenix were extremely hot, after these fireballs were smashed, they were only a few hairs that were scorched.

One after another, the fireballs came one after another, stalking the hunter, jumped up suddenly, rolled in the air, and the tail carried a sharp whistling sound, instantly wiped out several fireballs.

The golden phoenix stared at the hideous, fluttered its wings, and swooped towards the hideous.

Hide showed his fangs, let out a low roar from his throat, bent his limbs slightly, brewing strength, and was ready to jump up and bite the miscellaneous birds flying around in the sky at any time.

The two contracted beasts had already run to one side to hurt each other, so the two Kamen Riders naturally couldn't be idle.

The two threw away their weapons at the same time, and they also knew that if they held weapons, it would be a waste of time and energy if they fought again.

"Ah ah!"


The two ran, clenched their fists, and roared at each other.

Both of them had no defense, and there was no need to defend. They hit each other with all their strength, almost in a line, and the sound of fists and armor colliding suddenly sounded.

Both of them backed up at the same time, and every time they took a step back, a deep footprint appeared on the devastated ground.

The two of them covered the place where they were hit at the same time, and stared at it with serious faces. After a while, as if they had made an appointment, they started to move at the same time.

The hunter jumped up suddenly, and punched Odin with terrifying force.

Odin stood still, and when the hunter's fist was half a meter away from him, he suddenly disappeared.

The hunter punched the empty space, and the terrifying force directly collapsed the ground, revealing a big hole three meters wide and two meters deep.

The hunter knew that he was going to suffer when he hit nothing with one blow. A lazy donkey rolled and rolled towards it, but it happened to avoid Odin's kick.

Is it teleportation?What a rogue skill.

The hunter looked at Odin with a cold gaze. This kind of teleportation to sneak behind other people to attack others is simply nothing.

The hunter stood up and punched him in the chest.

Odin crossed his arms, not paying attention to the hunter's fist.

Just like before, Odin used teleportation again, and disappeared directly in front of the hunter.

The hunter kicked behind him without hesitation.

The moment Odin appeared, he saw a foot magnified in front of his eyes, and then he was kicked out by the hunter.

Boom boom boom!
The hunter's kick can be said to have exhausted all his strength, and it is already second only to the existence of the knight's flying kick. Odin was kicked by the hunter, smashing several buildings directly, and then slowly stopped. Down.

Suddenly, a mechanical sound came from the ruins.

The hunter was startled, this is the rhythm of getting angry from embarrassment.

That being the case. . .I can't fall behind!

The hunter inserted the card that finally arrived into the card holder, and the blunt mechanical sound sounded only after Odin's voice appeared.

"Eternal Chaos!"

Golden rays of light shot out from the ruins continuously, and a golden phoenix flew out of the ruins carrying a terrifying aura. The space was torn apart between the flapping of its wings, but the golden phoenix spotted the hunter right. The killer slammed towards the hunter.

At this moment, Hide also started to move, with a purple-black energy ball condensed in his mouth, aiming at Odin who was standing on top of the ruins.

A bunch of purple-black energy pillars flew towards Odin violently, and the purple-black energy pillars intersected with the golden phoenix.

The golden phoenix hit the hunter's body, and the ferocious purple-black energy column also hit Odin's body.

At this moment, the hunter's body gradually turned into particles and began to disappear, and so did Odin on the other side.

In this battle, both sides suffered.

(End of this chapter)

(End of this chapter)

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