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Chapter 482 I became the ancestor of the vixen (21)

Chapter 482 I became the ancestor of the vixen (21)

Yongyi Township is a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters. Because it is close to the river and there are many mountains, although the transportation is inconvenient, the people still rely on this big river and several big mountains to eat and drink without worrying about it.

"Erlang, have you been kicked out of the house?"

"What are you talking to that bastard! Hurry up and go to work!"

"Oh, I was wrong. I didn't think he might have some money..."

Hu Zijin was walking on the way into the mountain, and he could hear such conversations anytime.

Those who greeted him may have a smile on the surface, but their eyes are mostly contempt and disgust.

He kept silent and ignored it, because years of experience told him that once he spoke, he would be ridiculed even more.

Hu Zijin's background is not glorious.His mother had originally discussed the marriage with Mr. Qi's family, but two months before the wedding, his mother eloped with someone.

The Qi family was furious, so they had a quarrel with the Hu family. In the end, it was the Hu family who compensated the younger daughter to marry the older daughter to calm down the storm.

Half a year later, the eldest daughter of the Hu family, who had been missing for a long time, came back, not to mention her big belly, and there were two luxuriously dressed people beside her.

Leng Leng said something like "It's just a one-night affair, and I also want to enter the mansion", and left the person in disdain, and left by herself.

Since then, rumors have spread throughout Yongyi Township that the eldest daughter of the Hu family was cheated by some master and sent back, and the Hu family was completely humiliated for a while.

The culprit who made the Hu family ugly was immediately expelled from the genealogy. If it weren't for the old man Hu and his daughter-in-law's begging, I'm afraid he would have put this rebellious girl in the pond back then. Where would there be such a person as Hu Zijin? ?
Driven out of the house and turned into a lonely family, the Hu family was hated by the world. He knew that he had done something wrong so he didn't refute it.But he persisted for the child in his womb.

Living in the closest and most desolate abandoned house in the mountains, I slowly cleared out the place where people live alone.He ventured into the mountains to pick wild vegetables and fruits without anyone to help him, and secretly learned the traps of those hunters to catch some small animals to exchange his daily necessities with the folks cheekily.

I don't know if it was her luck or Hu Zijin's fate, but even in such a difficult environment, she was able to reach the day of childbirth safely.

At that time, Mrs. Hu was already skinny to the bone, with pitifully little flesh on her body, except for the horrible big belly.On the first day of delivery, the amniotic fluid broke, and she had to kneel in front of the Hu family's door and beg bitterly, so that the Hu family was soft-hearted and helped deliver the baby.

However, Hu Zijin was born in exchange for his own mother's life.

It's not that Hu's childbirth is difficult, but because she knows that she has humiliated the Hu family, and she can't bear to take her child to die with her.

I persisted for a few months but wanted to wait until after production.

When she knelt at the gate of Hu's house, she had already made up her mind and swore to heaven: "My daughter knows that she has brought shame on the family. Although she has been expelled from the house, and the child is innocent, she only asks her parents to save her life. My daughter is willing to die to make the Hu family innocent."

Hu Zijin survived, and before he opened his eyes after he was born, his mother hanged herself as agreed.

The Hu family can only accept such a baby who has just fallen to the ground, and at the same time, they feel blocked. When they see him, they think of the absurdity of the eldest daughter of the Hu family and the face of the Hu family, but they should let them ignore this child. What was left was not satisfactory no matter how I thought about it.

He simply threw it to the youngest son of the Hu family and asked him to raise him as a son.

The Hu family and the Hu family have only three children in total. The eldest daughter eloped and escaped marriage, and the second daughter took her place. The third son is the youngest son of the Hu family.

Hu Zijin was adopted in this way.

On the surface, the Hu family tried to put a fig leaf on it, saying that the child had no relatives and no reason, and they looked at it poorly, so they let Hu Laosan adopt him, and they also wanted to be a companion for their good grandson.

But who in a county does not know?

The matter between the Hu family and the Qi family was such a big deal, the daughter of the Hu family died in the front foot, and the third son of the Hu family had an extra son in the back foot.Although no one has exposed it on the surface, but behind the scenes everyone calls the wild species Kehuan.

Children learn to speak, and adults treat Hu Zijin with precepts and deeds. Children are not like adults covering up. Hu Zijin just doesn’t want to know his own life experience, and because of Hu Yiming’s own son, Hu Yiming, he has spoken against each other since he was a child. understand the meaning.

Hu Zijin's existence was like a piece of fat stuck in the Hu family's throat.

I can't cough, I can't swallow, and I'm sick to death.

No, Hu Zijin had only turned sixteen, and when he reached the age when he could establish a household, they couldn't wait to drive Hu Zijin out of the house.Just like the treatment of Hu's daughters, the family and clan were eliminated.

However, in order to look good on the surface, the Hu family still gave Hu Zijin a few taels of silver, lest the villagers say that the Hu family was too heartless.

Hu Zijin walked into the mountain silently. According to various information he heard in 16 years, his mother settled down in the abandoned house on the way into the mountain. He thought that he could do it.

It's not that Hu Zijin didn't resent his own mother, why did he elope, why did he do such absurd things.But when he thought that he was a bastard born after elopement with an unknown father, and even that he was able to survive because his mother gave her life for another, his resentment was ridiculous.

He doesn't even have any qualifications for resentment, maybe he can only live in such a muddle-headed way?

Ignoring the gazes looking at him along the way, he has long been used to the contempt and sarcasm after listening to it for so many years.Hu Zijin just lowered his head with a blank expression, his mind went blank, he didn't know what was the point of being alive.

Until he was in a trance, he seemed to hear the woman playing and laughing.

Looking up again, the sky has already become dark unconsciously, there is a bright mansion not far from the dark road, with white walls and blue bricks, stone lions are located on both sides of the gate, it is very impressive.

The woman's laughter came from here.

Hu Zijin was confused for a moment.

In Yongyi Township...

Is there such a grand and rich family?
Probably because he was puzzled, his curiosity was aroused, or the sweet laughter was clear and soft, like the sound of heaven, Hu Zijin approached by a ghost, walked around the mansion, followed the sound and found a place with Standing on the low wall supported by stones uncontrollably.

In the yard, five or six beautiful fairies, dressed in silk and satin, were picking flowers, laughing, playing and jumping among the flowers.

Look at the garden scenery patchwork, exquisite and luxurious.

Even the cups, bowls and saucers brought by the maidservants are all carved from beautiful jade.

Splash the sky and be rich!Splash the sky and be rich!
Hu Zijin's mind was filled with the four characters of fairyland on earth, he was stunned for a while, he didn't notice that his foot slipped, and fell off the big rock in an instant.


"Who? Who's out there?"

Hu Zijin's voice startled the fairies in the yard, and after a coquettish heh, another girl said, "I'm afraid someone might have seen something, grandma said we can't meet strangers casually, why don't we let brother Xuanying go and see?"

 That's right, this big yard is full of vixen!
  That's right, Hu Zijin is the third male lead!

  The third story should be a more classic opening of Liaozhai. The down-and-out male protagonist meets a strange beauty, then peeps (crossed out), and then gets the attention of the young lady, and starts a story from then on... Barabara...

(End of this chapter)

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