The host is no longer a human today

Chapter 439 Don't hinder me from cultivating immortality (1)

Chapter 439 Don't hinder me from cultivating immortality (1)

Name: Qian Xixi
Race: human
No.: 4588
Soul Strength: SSS
Points: 23305
Items: none
"Dangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdang!" The joyful Baimao Tuanzi pulled out the data board, while summing up with Qian in detail: "The host has completed the main mission and side missions, and only 10% of the human design is left, and a total of 130 points have been obtained!"

After excitedly saying that the host has accumulated so many points, Baimao Tuanzi's eyes fell on the empty inventory, "Eh? We have so many points, do you want the host to buy some tools?"

It always feels a little strange, thinking that the host with so many points should not have such an empty inventory.

But it couldn't remember what was wrong.

"No need." Qian Xixi didn't have much thought about the auxiliary tools in the system mall. Although the beginning of this mission was a little difficult, she still hoped that Liuchai could bring those things with her instead of leaving everything behind. Things as soon as possible to complete the things she explained.

As for this silly dumpling, it's better not to know anything.

"Go to the next mission."

It's a pity that the host actually doesn't like the system mall, but it must be amazing to think that the host can still have so many points when the inventory is empty!

At least it doesn't get entangled anymore, "Okay!"


"General, can you go to rest at the Lord's place today?"

When Qian Xixi came over, he was in a study.

But this study is a bit different. It is not filled with calligraphy and paintings, but various sand tables and weapons hanging on the wall. On the table in front of her are many military books and military aircraft intelligence letters.

But at this time, she was pressing her head with one hand and seemed uncomfortable.

The candles were lit, and it was already late at night.

As soon as she moved, the people around her asked this question.


Is the original body still a general?

Qian Xixi hasn't received the information yet, so she doesn't know what the situation is now, whether the so-called lord has a good relationship with her, and whether there will be trouble if she goes there.

Simply answer, "No, just stay here and rest."

Even if it is a study room, there will be a small bed for resting, which is usually used for taking a nap, and it is not impossible to make do with it at night.

It's just that a little surprise flashed in the eyes of the attendants beside her, and then they agreed and withdrew.

Qian Xixi was the only person left in the room, and he was finally able to receive materials.

Not surprisingly, this is a world of dignitary.

It's not that Qian Xixi hasn't read the female statue, but the details of each author's female statue are different.

Take, for example, the issue of having children.

Some authors just reverse the status of men and women, but their body structure is still normal.Even if it is a female respect, it is a woman who gives birth to a child.

Some authors are even more extreme, not only reverse the status of men and women, but also change the body structure, so that men give birth to children.

There are also some authors who borrowed the setting of Journey to the West Xiliang Women's Kingdom, and they can have children by taking certain things, regardless of gender.

Now, Qian Xixi's world setting is the second one.

A world of femininity where men give birth.

Women are generally stronger than men, and therefore perform all the occupations that normal ancient world men do.

Men, on the other hand, are like feudal women in the normal ancient world, bound by male virtues, doing things like looking after wives and teaching daughters, and taking care of housework.

The identity of the original owner is Xu Yiwei, the general of the Fengyan Kingdom.

The ancestors of the Xu family were loyal and powerful ministers who fought under the founding emperor of Fengyan Kingdom. In addition, the Xu family has produced one or two good fighters who lead troops to fight, so they are also called a family of generals.

But most of the so-called generals are subject to the suspicion of the master of high meritorious service, and the original master is no exception.

The Xu family's Xu family army is the team with the greatest contribution to the founding of the country. They were brought out by the Xu family and are very loyal to the Xu family.

The founding emperor had a lifelong friendship with the ancestors of the Xu family, and the Xu family's contributions were indispensable, so after the founding of the country, the emperor could not cross the river and demolish the bridge and directly let people hand over the military power, he had to let it go.

Of course, part of the reason is that the situation in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China was still turbulent, and there were often unscrupulous former ministers who wanted to rebel, and other surrounding countries also wanted to take advantage of the civil strife just after it ended.

Therefore, the existence of Xu Jiajun is still very important.

By the second generation of emperors, Fengyan's domestic situation was relatively stable, but foreign aggression was still there, so Xu's army became a solid line of defense stationed on the frontier.

In the third generation, Fengyan's domestic and foreign troubles are almost gone, and the Xu family's army is famous all over the world. Even the emperor is afraid of Xu's family's high achievements, but she also knows that without Xu's army, Fengyan's country will be a fat place surrounded by wolves. Meat.

Due to various crises, the Xu family cannot be dealt with directly, so they can only marry in a subtle way.

The Xu family was not stupid, they knew that the emperor was on guard against them, but they also knew that if they surrendered their military power, those soldiers loyal to the Xu family would soon be dealt with by the emperor with excuses.

On the one hand, they are loyal and courageous, and on the other hand, they are soldiers who live and die with them. They are also very embarrassed.

Under the embarrassment, he can only choose the way of marriage by default, and at the same time, he still holds a little hope in his heart.

Thinking that he is married to the royal family, maybe the emperor can see his loyalty and let go of his grudges.

As everyone knows, the emperor came with the intention of destroying the Xu family from the very beginning.

The original owner was the fourth generation of the Xu family, and the original owner's mother was a general of the previous generation of the Xu family, and also the first general to marry the royal family.

She married a man from the royal clan and gave birth to a daughter like the original owner.

The royal family's tactics are still quite gentle, and they are afraid that the Xu family will see their sinister intentions, so they chose a good-tempered man for the marriage at the beginning, and even the man did not know the real intention of the emperor, and married happily Came here and became the head of the Xu family, helping his wife manage the housework and teaching her daughter.

It was also because of this gentleman that the original owner's mother gradually let go of her guard, thinking that the emperor saw the loyalty of their Xu family and no longer resisted the marriage.

When the original owner grew up, he took over his mother's position as a general, and the late emperor passed on to the present Holy Majesty, and the Holy Majesty talked about marriage with the old general in the old way.

This time, the one chosen was not the little white flower that the original master and father knew nothing about, but a black heart lotus that was carefully selected.

The original owner had no idea about getting married, she just listened to what her parents ordered and the matchmaker said.

As for the original owner's mother, she let go of her guard because of a little white flower wife who didn't understand anything, and when she met a black heart lotus who could put on a show, of course she couldn't see anything, so she agreed to the marriage.

Of course, before agreeing, the emperor's plan to deal with the Xu family had already begun.

The original owner "accidentally" met his future husband at the celebration banquet after returning from the frontier.

Of course, the original owner didn't know his identity, and only thought he was a young master of the emperor's harem.

 This is the first time I write about the world of female venerables... I am completely confused about the titles of female venerables, please correct me if I am wrong! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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