The host is no longer a human today

Chapter 432 Want to eat my teeth have collapsed (24)

Chapter 432 Want to eat my teeth have collapsed (24)

Losing Qian Xixi just passed the aunt period before arriving in Eslan, otherwise...

Think of a thousand or eight hundred vampires smelling the aroma of food, and she might die.

Of course, if Qian Xixi fights to the death with her powerful soul, she may not die, but her soul may be damaged after the mission, which is too bad.

Although I said so, it has been ten days since Qian Xixi waited for the group of people to find out that the team is different, and then apprenticeship. Her menstrual period is 28 days, which means she still has 18 days of "safety period". .

For this reason, Qian Xixi decided to play a big one.

You can't follow the slow way of training their team, you have to do it quickly.

There are also fast methods, but compared with laying the foundation slowly, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

If you lay a solid foundation, it will be more solid, and the battle battery life will be longer.Because of the lack of solid basic skills, the fast skills have a relatively short battery life.

But it's not a big problem!

Because of Eslan's affairs, there are a large number of elite teams nearby.

The elite team is not only larger in number than the ordinary team, but also has higher skills than the same team. Otherwise, how can they kill the Earl and his little brothers?
This means that the number of people here is not only large, but all of them have the highest basic combat power, You Feng and the others who have practiced martial arts for a month or two.

One of the exercises that Qian Xixi handed over to this group of people can increase the force value by 200%. If the practice time is longer, the force value may continue to increase, up to 500%.

It can be said to be very powerful.

But this depends on talent and hard work, not everyone can.

Another skill is to ensure their battery life, which belongs to the category of healing.It's different from the healing techniques given to Lorna and the others.

This healing technique is a bit like energy conversion. The person performing the healing technique needs to keep eating. The more he eats, the greater the milk volume. Even water can be converted into milk volume.

After all, what they have to deal with are all kinds of high-level vampires with high attack power and fast movement speed, and they are afraid that they will be killed if they don't have enough milk.

In addition to the two main skills of attack power and milk volume, Qian Xixi also taught some other small skills.

For example, if you use exercises to cool down your body, vampires mainly rely on the heat and the smell of blood to feel their prey. As long as there are no wounds on your body, and you lower your body temperature and hide it, the vampire will be blind.

Of course, the most basic light work skills to increase speed cannot be missed.

If you can't fight, you can still rely on this to escape.

After passing on all these exercises, Qian Xixi also needs to make some preparations.

In fact, the best way is to stay away from Aislan, and she will come back after these people clean up the vampires in Aislan little by little.

But You Feng and the others are preparing to fight, how can Qian Xixiyou leave by himself and let them stay.

Moreover, Qian Xixi also has an idea about the special physical condition of this body.

For the remaining few days, Qian Xixi locked herself in the basement surrounded by many layers.

Because vampires rely on heat to sense the smell of blood to find food, some buildings on the ground are not well insulated from heat sources, so there are basements almost everywhere in this world, and this place is of course no exception.

Qian Xixi's experiment is not only to isolate the heat source, but also the smell of blood.

The thick layer of soil can isolate the spread of the bloody smell, so that even if there are vampires who smell it, they won't find the exact place so quickly.

Just in case, Qian Xixi chose a place far away and guarded by many people.

She got a lot of cloth strips and bled herself.After bleeding, they asked You Feng and the others to help find something to cover the bloody smell of the cloth, and see how many things are needed to completely cover it.

Of course, those who cooperated with the experiment were local materials-many vampires wandering around the edge of Aislan.

You Feng and the others also knew that the purpose of Qian Xixi's experiment was to cover up her impending menstruation, so they didn't have any opinion.

After wrapping and testing with several strips of cloth, it was finally found that if Qian Xixi wanted to completely cover the smell, at least she had to cover it like a ball.

Qian Xixi: ...


It's better to cover it like a ball than the smell of blood, the vampire is like crazy, okay?

It may be a little troublesome to change and wash the cloth strips during menstruation.

Qian Xixi even thought that since her blood is equivalent to a bait that attracts the hatred of the blood race, can she make a fake bait and blow up these things with a bomb?

Unfortunately, there are no bombs in this world.Even if there is, it is probably not very useful according to the setting of vampires.

But this bait can be considered.

Of course, it is impossible for Qian Xixi himself to be the bait, but they can take cloth strips dyed with menstrual leave and tie them to some fast animals...

The vampires in this world are not picky eaters, they can also drink the blood of animals.It's just that among all kinds, human blood is the most delicious.

Therefore, if there are sweet and delicious animals, they will not refuse them.

This gave Qian Xixi a lot of whims.

Eighteen days passed by in a hurry, and Qian Xixi's case arrived as scheduled.

But because of preparations this time, Qian Xixi had already wrapped herself into a ball before going to bed the night before, with the quilt that Lorna and the others helped cover on her back.

Although it was inconvenient to sleep like this, for the sake of his own life, Qian patiently endured it.

Isn't it just squatting in the basement for five days to get moldy?
No problem!

Sure enough, this method is more effective. After layers of isolation, even if the smell of blood diffuses a little, it will be ignored when it floats into the air.

The grilled crayfish also has to open the door to the wind to smell it from a distance.

This time, not only the doors and windows were closed, but there were several layers of clothes under the blanket, covering them tightly.If it weren't for Qian Xixi's ability to lower body temperature, he would have suffered from heat stroke long ago.


Although it was only ten days from Qian Xixi started teaching to Qian Xixi dealt with his own affairs, but because this kind of exercise was learned quickly, they just practiced and saw great progress every day.

In just one month, many teams were able to deal with several earls at the same time.

During this period, they didn't even know that Qian Xixi squatted for five days and the basement was moldy.

It's just that you would occasionally see You Feng's team tie tightly wrapped bloody cloth strips to the rabbit's body, which would often attract a bunch of vampires and save them all from going out to hate each other.

Everyone is very happy to go with You Feng and the others.

First of all, because An Luo is a member of You Feng's team, it's easy to have a good relationship with them.Secondly, their bait is too strong!

As a blood hunter, what kind of bait haven't you tried?

Naturally, they also know this method of bloodletting animals, but this kind of bait generally does not attract vampires, so it is useless.

But why, the effects of You Feng and the others are too heaven-defying! !
 Blood hunting friends (with dull eyes and shocked face): What kind of bait are you so fierce!

  You Feng's team (embarrassed): Uh... An Luo's aunt's health bar? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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