Chapter 232
There are still records of Emperor Li Chang and Empress Enai I.

But why is there no record of Emperor Li Chang dismissing the harem as the spiritual empress?
And what happened to the empress conceived a son named Li Mingling?She remembered that the emperor's name was not Li Haozhi!

Sheng Liuying always felt that she had discovered something extraordinary, her heart beat faster, and she always felt that things should not be like this, but she couldn't help but continue to read.

After turning over a page, I saw a deep post with a rapid increase in clicks.

#Shen Pa History The Most Like Time Traveling Person#
Proprietor: Let me show my male god first [Picture] [Picture] Oh, hoo hoo, I saw the show today, my male god is really beautiful! ! !Those little fresh meat remakes of TV series can't show the grand pattern of my male god at all! !
Landlord: Ahem, as the title says, I must nominate my male god Li Changdi! !All the things he has done in office can be summed up in two words - reform!
Host: Military reforms, political reforms, land reforms, tax reforms, legal reforms... That's why the Jin Dynasty of "prosperous civil society and prosperous martial arts" appeared! ! !To be honest, I think my male god posthumous title should not be Li Changdi, but Li Gaidi, there is nothing that my male god has not changed! !


24L: The poster has swiped so much by himself, I seriously suspect that the poster is actually an Amway post.Well, I am also a big pear! !

25L: Big pear +1.Although it is an Amway post, I think what the host said is very reasonable. Who else is most like a time-traveling person in the past and present, except for the male god!Being able to be like a mudslide in a group of feudal society thoughts... Ah no, like the rising sun!If the melon seed in the head of the male god is not time-traveled, then I really can't imagine that the male god who can genetically mutate into such a male god from feudal thinking is a real ancient person.

26L: Hahahaha upstairs you are a rotten pear right you are the mudslide


32L: Does Emperor Li Chang have Amway stickers?Today our teacher just told us about Emperor Lichang, and asked us to check the information. I found this post after I checked.Meng new information ah ah
33L: Here comes the materials.Emperor Li Chang ascended the throne at the age of 19. The first 8 years were unremarkable, and he was a successful king.Since the age of 27, his harem has suddenly become turbulent...

34L: ? ? ?Not data?Why did you talk about going to the harem?
35L: Don't interrupt.The historical facts are really like this, Emperor Li Chang almost couldn't resist the temptation to become a faint king, but fortunately the male god firmly rejected the beauty!It is said that the dispute in the harem is mainly the dispute between the Su family, the Xiao family, the Sheng family and the Li family.Speaking of this Su family, I think of hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

36L: ? ?What happened to Su Shi?Hey, hey, I'm taking notes seriously, can you be more serious!

37L: Alright, alright, let me pay attention, talking about this Su family, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, this unlucky Su family was thrown into limbo after being struck by lightning twice, it is so pitiful hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha …

38L: ...Forget it, I'll check the information myself

79L: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I came back from checking the information, this Su family is too unlucky! !Emperor Li Chang's family history really started from the harem.It is estimated that he was frightened by the concubine's competition for favor, so Emperor Li Chang found an excuse to release the two favorite concubines, Sheng and Li, from the palace to go sightseeing in the mountains and rivers, so that he could finally calm down and start reforming.

80L: Wow, hardworking student party.By the way, isn't this time travel? Why are you talking about Emperor Li Chang?Then I'll show you something different!I nominate the one who looks most like a time-traveling person, Emperor Li Chang's Concubine Xiao!That's right, the concubine who made all kinds of novelty snacks for Emperor Li Chang every day!Many of the iron pots and spices we use now are made by that concubine!How could a boudoir lady who was raised at home suddenly know so much? It's unscientific!
81L: What you said above makes sense, but I think the reformer is the most outrageous. Apart from various reforms, his disappearance is the most like a time traveler. I seriously doubt that the reformer has time-traveled again rather than ascension. Why? That's outrageous!Every time I see those official historical materials, I feel like I am reading a fantasy novel

82L: Reform Emperor is outrageous, his posthumous title has been changed, NB upstairs.But the disappearance of Emperor Li Chang is indeed nonsense!He is also the only emperor in history who disappeared after abdicating, right?The official historian actually described him as Xia Guang Yingli, who flew away with the spirit queen.This he jumped from the history textbook to the fairy tale novel in an instant!What's even more ridiculous is that at that time, the people of the Jin Dynasty still deeply felt that Emperor Li Chang was a fairy who descended to the earth to endure calamities... I will go!
83L: To put it mildly, in fact, I think not only Emperor Li Chang, but also Concubine Ling looks like a fairy.Have you seen the official portrait of the new queen?AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahHow can there be such a good-looking person in this world!Just one painting alone would kill me. Compared with the unearthed portrait of Emperor Li Qin, I now seriously doubt that Emperor Li Qin picked it up!Why can't he inherit his parents' fairy looks at all! !

While Sheng Liuying was browsing these, compared with what she heard and saw in her dream, her body became colder, her heart trembled uncontrollably, and her heart beat wildly.

and so……

The dreams she thought she had were actually real? !

Otherwise, why did her existence appear in history!

Sheng Liuying stared fixedly at the few concubines vying for favor mentioned in the post, those things were exactly the same as what she had dreamed about.

The reason why she believed it was that after waking up from this dream, the historical materials she found were completely inconsistent with her previous memories.

As for the speculation in the post, Emperor Li Chang was not extraordinary, Sheng Liuying even wanted to tell everyone loudly that it was true!
This is true!
If it wasn't a god, how could the other party see that there was a strategy system hidden in her body, and how would she know that her soul was completely different from that body...

Sheng Liuying's face turned pale.

For a whole day, she locked herself in the room, hugging the quilt and daring not to get off the ground. Even though her whole body was covered with sweat, she still felt cold all over.

After everything in the nightmare turned into a real historical event, it almost drove Sheng Liuying crazy.

She was even thinking, Emperor Li Chang is really a fairy who went down to earth, would he still look at her through some means now, if he didn't behave as he wanted, would he...

As if feeling the threat of death, Sheng Liuying didn't dare to be a monster anymore, and obediently cooperated with the treatment, because her body was like an old man in her seventies, and she didn't dare to squander her health at will.

Apart from occasionally checking the posts and news that she has browsed online, she is now afraid to even touch the projects that young people like, such as star chasing, because she is afraid that she will not be able to control herself!
Among them, Sheng Liuying browsed the most, and it was also the original deep pick post.


4522L: I'm here to dig a grave!Have you seen the latest data dug up! !Never expected that the Great Jin Dynasty actually had the dark guard camp made up in TV dramas... The tomb of the dark guard commander Wei Mingxin was unearthed! !
4523L: I see, I see!Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!This world really is still fantasy in nature!The handbook unearthed with Wei Mingxin actually said that both Emperor Li Chang and the Empress Mew were vixen!vixen!Ahhhhhhh I'm going crazy! !

4524L: Ahhhhhh I'm crazy too!There were also Hu Tingjian, the famous military strategist at that time, Huang Zhengyuan, the prime minister, Luo Shan, a great poet... half of the officials in the court, big and small, were unexpectedly!All!vixen! ! !

4525L: Not only am I crazy now, I also want to beat Wei Mingxin to death. This dead-headed man has been wondering whether my male god is plotting against Da Jin to the end of his life! !

5414: Does anyone remember this building?Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck!Xiao Wan's 25th generation descendant Xuanqing Daoist priest came forward to say that Emperor Li Chang and the Empress Ling are really vixen! !and!Emperor Li Chang is still a female vixen! !
5415:? ? ?I rely on!The male god I've been fan of for decades is actually a goddess! !So here comes the question, both vixens are women, how did they give birth to babies?
5416L: Hahaha... I knew someone would notice this problem, no need to put the hammer, Emperor Li Qin must have picked it up!
5417L: I don’t know why I suddenly feel sorry for Emperor Li Qin hahahahahahahahaha
5418L: No, no one has noticed that there are monsters and gods in our world!It is said that Xiao Wan's cultivation technique was passed down by Emperor Li Chang!Does it mean that we can all cultivate? ?
5419L: Watson, you discovered your blind spot!
5420L: Blind student, you discovered Huadian!
5421L: You don’t have to think about it, just look at the ages of Xiao Wan’s successors in the past, you will know that it is no longer possible to cultivate immortals in this world, and that cultivation method can only be used to maintain health and maintain good health
5422L: That's what I said, but... I still envy the people of the Jin Dynasty during the Yuanlong period!Think about half of the civil and military people in the Manchu Dynasty are vixen!Famous poets, writers, and others who are famous in other fields are all vixens in all likelihood!Are vixen genes so good? !Woo woo woo!

5423L: Those upstairs, watch your words!It is clearly recorded in the handbook published by Daoist Xuanqing that Emperor Li Chang's empress and others are collectively called fox demons!Then Emperor Li Chang became the most powerful fox fairy!It's not the same thing as a vixen!


" demon..." Sheng Liuying's pupils trembled when she saw the updated content above!Because of the revelations above, she even searched for videos explaining the official exhibits and watched them from beginning to end.

The knowledge mentioned in the video was like a big joke hitting her head, making Sheng Liuying cry and laugh at the same time.


She understands everything!
It turned out that what the strategy system said was true, the Queen of Souls was indeed a vixen, but the strategy system didn't know that the vixen that originally belonged to the heroine had snatched the position that really belonged to the hero Li Nanjing!
And she still foolishly thought that she had defeated Li Dongqing, but actually... Actually, Su Rao was already in the atmosphere!

Sheng Liuying's chest heaved and fluctuated. Perhaps it was because the amount of information was too large. The memories before and after the time-traveling were like a mess, clogging her heart until it stopped beating.

(End of this chapter)

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