I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 234 The Yamazaki Brigade is destroyed!

Chapter 234 The Yamazaki Brigade is destroyed!

"Little RB Captain Yamazaki, listen. Li Yunlong, the head of the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army, has learned that you come from a family of martial arts. Our head wants to have a one-on-one fair sword fight with you!"

"If Commander Yamazaki has the guts to engage in a duel, stop shooting and get out of the fortification..."

Li Yunlong proposed a duel with Yamazaki just to distract the enemy.

At this time, the little devil soldiers focused all their attention on the direction of the shouting soldier.

Soon, the bombardiers of the Independent Regiment, carrying baskets of grenades, approached the Lijiapo devils' position along the trenches.

"Captain Yamazaki, listen, our regiment leader said, since you dare not come out to a duel, you are a coward, a coward like you, if you lay down your weapons, our independent regiment can spare your life, the doggy Yamazaki heard No!"

Yamazaki Zhihei on the top of the mountain heard the provocation from the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army, and was so angry that he cursed.

"Baga, ah Lu, hateful Li Yunlong!"

"Machine gun team attack, kill the chicken!!!"

Yamazaki Zhihei raised the command knife in his hand and loudly ordered the soldiers to fire.

"Da da da!!!"

"Thumbs up!!!"

The Devil's machine gun team was fully fired, and dense bullets flew in the direction of the sound.

A large number of bullets flew, and the shouting soldiers retreated to the bottom of the trench.

At this time, all the soldiers of the independent regiment's bombing team were in place.

They placed the grenades on the trenches, where they could be easily reached by hand.

The soldiers of the bombing team held the grenade fuze in their hands, waiting for Li Yunlong to give an order.

Suddenly, several flares flew into the air.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The flare flew over Lijiapo, and the scorching light instantly illuminated the little devil on the top of the mountain.

"Brothers, bomb attack, throw the grenade in your hand as quickly as possible!!!"

Li Yunlong shouted at the top of his voice.

Immediately, more than 300 independent regiment soldiers below the trench threw grenades at the devil's position not far away.

On the top of the mountain, Yamazaki Zhihei looked up at the flares flying into the air, and his brain suddenly short-circuited for a few seconds.

By the time he reacted, countless grenades had already fallen from the sky.

Yamazaki Zhihei looked at so many grenades falling, his whole body was petrified in shock, and his mouth became an "O" shape.


Before the old devil Yamazaki finished speaking, thousands of grenades fell around the devil soldiers like a goddess scattering flowers.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The sound of explosions was as dense as setting off firecrackers during the Chinese New Year.

The unlucky old devil Yamazaki was the first to be blasted into pieces by the rain of grenades.

Hundreds of people from the Independence Regiment dropped bombs, ten grenades per person, adding up to more than 3000 grenades.

This terrifying explosion effect is simply unimaginable.

All I saw was a sea of ​​flames within a few hundred meters of Lijiapo.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

The enemy's screams were accompanied by continuous explosions.

Grenades exploded everywhere, and all the fortifications built by the enemy were blown up.

The devil soldiers who lost their fortifications were blown up one after another, and the flesh and blood of the enemy's bodies were blown up.

"Baga, watch out for the grenade, hide quickly!!!"

"There are too many grenades, run away!!!"

The little devils on the battlefield shouted everywhere.

The enemy gave up resistance, they dropped the weapons in their hands, and fled in all directions in a panic.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Wave after wave of grenades fell, and the devil soldiers and weapons exploded into the sky at the same time.

In less than a minute, thousands of grenades were thrown on Lijiapo's position.

The enemy had no chance to fight back. The little devil was so dizzy that he fell to the ground with many casualties.

The weapons of the little devils on the battlefield were all blown to pieces.

Under such a dense bombardment, I am afraid that there are not many surviving little devils left.

At this time, the trumpeter of the independent regiment blew the charge

"Beep beep..."

The high-pitched charge horn rang, and hundreds of soldiers from the independent regiment charged Li Jiapo with weapons at the same time.

Next, the only thing waiting for the Yamazaki Brigade is the complete annihilation...


At the same time, Lin Xiao led the cavalry battalion to defeat the reinforcements.

Five to six hundred people were killed or injured by the little devils, and the commander of the devils was almost killed or injured.

The enemy had no intention of fighting any more, so they began to retreat, trying to escape from the road.

"Turn in quickly, get off the road!!!"

The little devil discarded a lot of weapons and equipment, and fled along the same route.

However, the little devil's retreat has been tightly blocked by Ma Kui and his men.

The devil was fine when he came, but he couldn't go back!

The devils organized several breakouts, but not only failed, but were killed and injured nearly a hundred people.

"Brothers, block fire, keep shooting!!!"

"Don't let a little devil go, the machine gun team will beat you hard!!!"

Ma Kui shouted loudly, directing the soldiers around him to fight.

More than a dozen light machine guns and dozens of submachine guns fired uninterrupted fire at the enemies who broke through.

"Tug, chug, chug!!!"

"Da-da-da, da-da-da..."

The firepower of the cavalry battalion was strong and dense, and the bullets flew crosswise, and the little devils who rushed over fell in pieces under the rain of bullets.

The firepower suppressed the rushing little devils, and some soldiers attacked with grenades continuously.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

A large piece of grenade flew down from a high place and landed beside the devil soldier.

The little devil who fled on the highway blasted the people off their backs, bloody stumps and broken arms splashed everywhere.

"Uh, ah, ah..."

The little devil's screams could be heard from the highway.

The little devil rushed several times but couldn't break through, so he had to give up breaking out...

Lin Xiao manipulated the M2 heavy machine gun, and the mobile machine gun fiercely shot the little devil in front of him.

"Tug, chug, chug!!!"

"Little devil, go to hell!!!"

Under his control, the machine gun is simply an artifact to kill the enemy.

The 12.7 mm large-caliber bullets are extremely lethal. Many little devils were directly torn into several pieces, or their limbs were sent flying.

"Ding, the host killed a ghost lieutenant with a headshot, rewarded 20 boxes of canned food, gained 400 hatred points, and 400 military merit points."

"Ding, the host kills a devil second lieutenant with a headshot, and rewards three Bulun machine guns, gaining 200 hatred points and 200 military merit points."

"Ding, the host kills a Devil Sergeant with a headshot, rewards a box of gas masks, gets 100 hatred points, and 100 military merit points."


After shooting for a while, Lin Xiao finished firing the bullets.

Immediately, he replaced it with a chain full of bullets.

Soon, the roar of the M2 heavy machine gun resounded again, mercilessly reaping the life of the little devil.

The M2 heavy machine gun is not only powerful, but also has extremely high accuracy and range.

The little devils on the road are like living targets, constantly dying tragically under Lin Xiao's gun...

(End of this chapter)

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