Chapter 570

After safely returning to Zixuan Pavilion.

Lin Qiao put the child on the bed, rubbed his sore wrist, and sat on the side of the bed.

Said to the ethereal air.

"Come out, follow me all the way, and don't sit down and rest for a while!"

In the quiet darkness.

No one is empty.

What she just said was like a person talking to himself.

However, Lin Qiao was not in a hurry.

On the contrary, Erlang's legs were crossed, and the two legs were folded together, shaking up and down.


Sure enough, a person came out of the darkness.

This person is Hua Wuhuan.

He stopped in front of Lin Qiao, and slowly raised his head.

It is different from the usual introverted and calm performance.

him at the moment.

It can almost be said to have evil spirits.

The moment he raised his head, the temperament of the whole person changed.

A pair of eyes, dark and full of oppression!
He stared at Lin Qiao firmly.

As if he wanted to stare Lin Qiao out of a hole!

Lin Qiao is not afraid at all!

Instead, he went straight up and met his terrifying gaze.

Smile contemptuously.

"It turns out that you only dare to stand and stare at me from a distance!"


The flowers are not happy.

The extremely gloomy gaze just now was broken in an instant.

It is finally intolerable.

Walking close to Lin Qiao, "Demon girl, I don't care what your purpose is for coming here, you must return the child to me!"

Twice in a row tonight.

He felt his body suddenly unable to move.

When he woke up, it seemed like nothing had happened.

But in fact.

After being anchored for the first time, Concubine Shu's attitude towards Lin Qiao changed obviously.

No arrogance, but a little more jealousy and fear.

It was even more obvious that she was locked up outside the Concubine's Palace just now.

He actually watched Lin Qiao easily carry the child out, and flew back to Zixuan Pavilion as if walking on flat ground.

Piece by piece, piece by piece.

It was hard for him not to associate these things with Lin Qiao.

Hear the word 'demon girl'.

Lin Qiao did not refute, but murmured repeatedly for a while.

It's not so ugly, besides, the body she's using now is a vixen!
He raised his eyebrows slightly.

"If you get closer, I'll tell you what I want to do!"

Hua Wuhuan hesitated.

Still obediently stepped forward two steps.

Lin Qiao smiled lightly, "Don't worry, I don't eat people, if I do, let alone you, the whole capital city will be on my plate!"

Hua Wuhuan took a few steps forward.

While looking at Lin Qiao's face, he approached slowly.

Lin Qiao picked out his ears impatiently.

"Why don't people believe me when I tell the truth! If I'm targeting you, why bother to take this child away!"

"If you want me to say, it's safer for this child to follow me than to follow you."

What she said.

In fact, why doesn't Hua Wuhuan not understand?

But it was precisely because of this that he was afraid.

She already has a lot of abilities, and she doesn't seem to be coveting the land of the Liang Dynasty.

But why, would she help him?
Hua Wuhuan couldn't figure it out.

The cautiousness that has been cultivated over the years, almost like instinct, has to make him think more.

For a while, I thought too much.

I don't even know when I stopped.

Lin Qiao's face twitched.

Completely losing patience, the fox's tail behind him swung out instantly, rolling Hua Wuhuan in front of him!

No teasing, no threats.

Yes, only full of anger!
Rudely rolled up the sleeves and handed them to Hua Wuhuan.

"Hey, how on earth do you become a father? Why do you keep your child's nails so long? Look, look at how he has pinched my hands!"

 The fourth update is over, Beibei is sleeping, good night, babies~ Don’t forget to vote for the recommendation and monthly tickets for this book~
(End of this chapter)

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