Chapter 560

Lunar calendar, the last day of April.

The sky finally cleared.

The warm sunshine swept away the haze of the past few days.

Everywhere in the capital was beaming with joy, and everyone had a smile on their faces.

Aside from the fact that the weather today is really good, more importantly, it is because today is the birthday of the Son of Heaven!

Although it is not a full ten years of life!

But the ostentation of the Emperor's Birthday Palace Banquet is definitely not too small!

There were so many fine wines, delicacies, jewels, jade, etc. offered from all over the place, and even other dependent countries around the Liang Dynasty also took this opportunity to send a lot of gifts.

Among them, I heard that the Silver Moon Country is the most unique, and it actually gave away a whole carload of beauties!

Although Silver Moon Kingdom is small.

But beauties, BMWs, etc. have been produced since ancient times.

Many courtiers who were lucky enough to attend the emperor's birthday banquet were very curious about the carload of beauties.

The ladies who were able to attend the palace banquet were so angry that they were indignant!

Before they even met, they decided that the whole carload of so-called beauties were all vixen from Silver Moon Kingdom!
As the director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Hua Wuhuan may let his subordinates do other things on weekdays.

But for tonight's palace banquet, he must do more investigation and pay strict attention.

As night falls.

The sound of silk and bamboo sounds, and the palace banquet begins!
Watching the palace people file in and start performing.

Melons, fruits, drinks and other items were also delivered slowly, everything was in good order, orderly and not cluttered, exactly as expected.

Hua Wuhuan, together with the others, breathed a sigh of relief.

The body also relaxed a bit.

The little eunuch next to him hastily supported him, "Director, there are several other young eunuchs watching over here. Your old injury has not healed, and you have worked hard for several days. You should go back and rest first!"

"It's okay!"

Hua Wuhuan raised her hand to stabilize her body.

The persistence in the eyes cannot be ignored.

The emperor didn't care about his affairs recently, not only him, but everyone in the court knew it.

Especially at this juncture.

The more he can't go wrong!

And ahead, the palace banquet has reached a fiery stage.

After a while of empty Qiang flute sounded, Huqin and other frontier musical instruments of foreign ethnic groups also sounded at the same time.

It was as if he had brought everyone's minds into a foreign world.

There is no bustling capital here, and there are no small bridges and flowing water houses in the Jiangnan water town.

Yes, it's just a state of desolation, bleakness, and desolation.

As the old saying goes, the wind is rustling and the water is cold.

That's probably what it feels like!
During the palace banquet, many courtiers changed their faces because of this song.

After all, today is the birthday of the Son of Heaven, and all the performances are festive songs and dances.

I don't know what people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs do for food. How dare such a bleak song appear on stage?
Some people think of the changes in the court during the recent period.

Some people have already imagined the scene where the emperor punishes Hua Wuhuan in anger.

But right now.

The sound of silk and bamboo changed suddenly!
The sounds of musical instruments such as Qiang flute and huqin no longer exist.

Instead, there are dense and powerful drums!

Bang bang!

Bang bang! !
Bang bang! ! !

One sound, one burst!

There is also a faint sound of some weapons colliding with each other.

In this feast of sound.

The scene that still made people feel barren and bleak just now has disappeared.

Transformed into a fighting battlefield!

The sound of the drums became more and more intense, and the situation on the battlefield became more and more tense.

The sound of the drums drove the emotions of the people present, and made many people forget what they were thinking just now.

Probe into the brain, curious about what performances the dancers from the Silver Moon Kingdom will present next?

Enter the final climax stage with the sound of drums.

A group of young women approached slowly from the end of the palace banquet.

 Did you guys get any red envelopes?
(End of this chapter)

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