Chapter 554

Hua Wuhuan and the others left except for the guards he brought.

There are also a group of imperial doctors from the capital.

After leaving the boundary of Shanyin, he headed towards the nearest Kuaiji County.

When the sun rises three poles.

They walked into a thick wood.

Tall trees shaded the scorching sun overhead, bringing a bit of coolness.

The sweat on the outside of the skin also caused the pores to shrink due to the sudden intrusion of coolness, and he rubbed his shoulders subconsciously.

I don't know if it is their illusion.

I always feel that after entering this forest, the yin is too heavy.

With timid and cautious psychology.

After they walked for a while, they felt relieved when they saw that they were still safe.

The imperial doctors seldom go out.

The bumps along the way have long made them feel tired.

Seeing the coolness in the forest, they jointly proposed to Hua Wuhuan to rest here for a while.

After all, since they left Shanyin County last night, they haven't rested once on the way.

Hua Wuhuan paused for a moment.

Did not agree.

"This area is not peaceful, everyone must keep up!"

The imperial physicians disagreed.

They were about to walk out of this forest, why didn't they see anything uneven.

Besides, they were able to come here because of the golden words of the Holy Majesty, not because of the eunuch Hua Wuhuan!
Those with a stubborn temper immediately sat in the carriage, and the groom was not allowed to move on.

Someone takes the lead.

One after another, more and more imperial doctors stopped halfway to rest.

Hua Wuhuan never looked back.

Even the horse he was riding didn't stop for half a minute, instead he sped up and ran towards the outside of the forest.

There was a sound of hooves.

The wind picked up.

Rolling up the dead leaves all over the ground, like countless densely packed dead leaf butterflies.

Dancing in the air.

But no one appreciated half of it.

At this moment, the few imperial doctors who stayed in place also felt a little nervous, and immediately ordered the groom to keep up with the team!'s too late!
A group of men in black came with the wind!

The silver light flashed from the sword in his hand, whether it was the groom or the imperial doctors, they all became the souls of the sword!
The wind is getting stronger!
The leaves on the ground were blown up, layer upon layer, round after round!
Like a vortex in the air with an invisible bottom.

Attacking Hua Wuhuan and others in front of them crazily!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Several darts flew out from the front in an instant, instantly destroying the vortex formed by these dead leaves!

Hit a few men in black!
The man in black who was hit fell down.

But the number of these men in black is simply too many.

Afterwards, the other men in black followed closely behind, and together with the other men in black, they were in a front and back attack mode, seeing Hua Wuhuan and others trapped in it.

Among the men in black.

There was a person standing at the forefront with an arrogant tone!
"Master Hua, you have nowhere to escape. If you are sensible, put down your weapons now, maybe... we can still consider leaving you as a dead body!"

Hua Wuhuan held the horse's reins tightly.

A dart flew out without a sound, knocking down the person who spoke just now.

Eyes round and waiting, die with peace!
Regarding this, he snorted coldly, his eyes were full of disdain!

"If that's the case, even the master behind you will not dare to tell me!"

"That being the case, let's go together!"

The rest of the men in black looked at each other.

All at the same time, from different directions towards Hua Wuhuan!
The two sides quickly handed over.

When the blades meet, there is a ping-pong sound!

Amid the flashes of swords and swords, a guard avoided the attack of the man in black.

He didn't rush to protect Hua Wuhuan, but grabbed Lin Qiao who was next to him, and ran away!
It made the people in black next to me laugh.

I thought Hua Wuhuan's guards were so loyal, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that!

 I wrote this chapter again, but I didn’t feel very satisfied, so I deleted it and re-written it again. The speed is too slow, and I haven’t updated it tonight. See you tomorrow, good night, babies~
(End of this chapter)

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