Quick Pass: The host has no desire to survive

Chapter 192 The Mermaid Princess's Treasure (20)

Chapter 192 The Mermaid Princess's Treasure (20)

Hearing Bei'er's question, Qing Jian retracted her bony hand slightly, and the shocking scene disappeared without a trace, and slowly replied: "Er'er, there is such a legend about the dragon clan. The star of Erebus is the incarnation of the ancestor of their dragon clan, and at this moment, that star is always approaching the star of Amitemis, and according to my judgment, there should already be people from the dragon clan who have infiltrated into the mermaid clan."

When Bei Er heard Qing Jian's words, there was a look of surprise on her face, but she knew very clearly in her heart that the dragon clan mentioned here was probably Long Qian disguised as a human.

After hearing Qing Jian's words, Elder Qi slapped the table angrily, and said angrily: "Damn and cunning dragons, what are they trying to cheat from us mermaids? The previous mermaid princess Kaloy, They were deceived by the people of the Dragon Clan, since the High Priest said that they have infiltrated the Mermaid Clan, I will ask the guards to start investigating one by one."

Elder Bi held his chin and said, "Looking at what the high priest said just now, why do I think it should be the day when a human teenager enters the island?"

When the other elders heard Elder Bi's words, they all began to nod in agreement.

"Elder Bi is right. Since that human entered the island, a series of changes have taken place. I think it should be thoroughly interrogated."

Elder Qi's eyes were icy cold, and she also began to doubt when she heard Elder Bi's words.

At the beginning, Princess Kaloi was deceived by the Dragon Clan who pretended to be a young human being. It is not ruled out that this human being is also a Dragon Clan pretending to be a human. Looking at Bei Er's innocent and beautiful face, she clenched her hands tightly and looked at her eyes. become extremely firm.

This time, they must protect her well. Her Royal Highness can't let her have an accident, otherwise the mermaid clan will really cease to exist, but they have already completed the "first kiss contract" and it cannot be canceled, nor can it be during the interrogation. Hurt people, or the princess will be hurt too.

Elder Qi looked around for a week, and said in a loud voice: "I think what Elder Bi said is very reasonable. It can't be ruled out that the human being is pretended by the Dragon Clan, but because he has completed the 'first kiss contract' with Her Royal Highness, we can't hurt him. Fate, now I have to find a way to let him show his feet before he wakes up. If he is really a dragon, he will have his dragon tendons pulled out, and he will be locked in prison for the rest of his life, if he is not trying to find another way to stabilize him. "

Bei Er glanced at the solemn and respectable Elder Qi. It is undeniable that she is really a very capable leader, but she really doesn't have the slightest bit of majesty in front of her~
"Elder Qi, I think that no matter which human being... is a dragon or not, we can't scare the snake away. What if he really does something drastic?" Said worriedly in a light voice.

Elder Bi stood up, walked in front of her, rubbed the top of her head as he did when he was a child, and said softly, "Your Highness, please rest assured that we will ensure your safety and will not let you have any accidents."

There was a flash of light in Bei'er's eyes, "I can make him fall in love with me completely, and he won't hurt me then, right?"

At this moment, Qing Jian was wandering indifferently. Hearing Bei Er's words, he raised his eyes to look at her in surprise. When did the innocent and kind little girl in his heart become a wise princess?
(End of this chapter)

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