Quick Pass: The host has no desire to survive

Chapter 102 Little Rabbit Loves to Eat Grass by the Nest (59)

Chapter 102 Little Rabbit Loves to Eat Grass by the Nest (59)

Everyone's attention was on Fei Ji and Gu Zexing, and they didn't pay too much attention to Gu Qingwan who had become a demon.

Even Bei'er's own attention was focused on those two people, and he didn't see the sword flying from the shadows at all.

The small body was directly pierced by the cold Qingshuang sword.

Jun Mo turned his head and wanted to hug Bei Er in his arms, and was asking Fei Ji how to recover.

When the pitch-black phoenix eyes saw the fluffy snow-white little rabbit on the stone table, at this moment a sword pierced the small body, and the snow-white hair was dyed bright red, and there was even blood. It dripped down the stone table and fell to the ground.

He teleported to the stone table, squatted up, and stretched out his palm to hold her in his arms.

But the hands couldn't pick her up in mid-air, for fear of hurting her again, the eyes were blocked by a layer of water mist, and she asked with a clear voice, with a serious cry: "Erer, what's wrong with you? Don't you?" scare me!"

Gu Qingwan stood in the distance, her face was full of happiness, seeing the dazzling red, she laughed happily: "Haha, heaven has eyes, this bewitching witch is finally dead."

Bei'er was lying on the stone table, covered in blood all over his body, and was in a dazed state.

There was only a strong tingling sensation on her body, and a little bit of fear that the green frost sword would suck her life force away.

Her consciousness was eroded little by little, and gradually lost.

The ruby's rabbit eyes were full of decay, trying to open them, Jun Mojin's deep phoenix eyes actually had tears flickering.

The whole body was filled with great sadness, which made her feel a little distressed, and she really wanted to comfort him: "Baby Mojin, I'm fine, don't be so sad, make it look like I'm going to die."

Jun Mojin carefully hugged her in his arms, concentrating all the mana in his palm, pulled out the sword stuck on her body, and then poured mana into her body, and began to say unconfidently : "Erer, don't worry, I won't let you have an accident, absolutely not..."

A steady stream of magic power entered Bei'er's body, but she still clearly felt that her vitality was still being lost a little bit, so she lifted her short leg weakly, and lightly tapped his wound attached to the wound. Palm, let him meet her eyes.

Trying to use the look in her eyes to convey what she wanted to say in her heart.


Knowing that the demon who was injured by Qingyun Mountain's sword cannot be saved, why waste mana stupidly.

After I'm gone, my baby Mojin, don't be sad, or I will feel distressed.

Jun Mojin understood the expression in her eyes, and a tear fell from the socket of her eyes along the face of the banished fairy version to the ground.

He knew that everything he was doing now was futile, but how could he be willing to lose her.

When he didn't meet Bei'er, he was always alone, he didn't understand the emotions in the world, and he didn't know how sweet it is to fall in love with someone.

All this is what she taught herself.

Now that he has learned everything, why can't he keep her?
Is it true that humans and demons can't fall in love, is the world intolerable?
If he can be with her for a long time and save her life, he is willing to break this world, only in exchange for staying with her forever.

The little rabbit in his arms had already lost its vitality, but the mana in his palm was still pouring into her body continuously.

I don't know how long it took until he was exhausted.

Holding her in pain, he knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

The blood on the little rabbit's body stained his white brocade robe, like manjusawa blooming in hell.

 Sorry, I'm going to have a sad ending this time.

(End of this chapter)

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