I have a super lottery system

Chapter 34 Planting Surprises

Chapter 34 Planting Surprises

"I'll ask you later to see if it works."

"In terms of training, I can't make the decision. It depends on the instructor's arrangement."

Zhang Qi did not directly reject Li Li's request, but he would not ask Wang Hong to give Li Li the phone right now, at least he would have to wait a week.

Li Li was quite honest yesterday, and nothing happened. This is the main reason why Zhang Qi didn't completely reject Li Li.

Seeing what Zhang Qi said, Li Li didn't pester Zhang Qi either.

After chatting with Li Li, Zhang Qi came to his own training place and started training this morning.

The morning passed quickly, and at noon Li Mo still prepared a specially prepared lunch for Zhang Qi as usual.

Zhang Qi was not as tired today as he was two days ago. He entered the office lounge after lunch and locked the door behind him.

He just got a different space yesterday, and he hasn't fully explored this space yet, so he wants to use the time at noon to enter the different space to have a look.

Zhang Qi closed his eyes and thought about entering a different space in his mind. After about a second or two, he opened his eyes.

Because he already felt a different breath of air, when he opened his eyes, he was already in a different space.

It is daytime now, because the space and time in the different space and Zhang Qi are the same, so it is also daytime in the different space.

Zhang Qi first looked up. There was also a sun in the sky. The blue sky and white clouds, green mountains and green water made Zhang Qi feel as if he was on the prairie. He took a look at the pool at the foot of the mountain. There are fish swimming back and forth in the water.

It is much clearer during the day than at night. Last night, he saw that this different space was only about one mile in radius.

"Miss System, can I catch fish in the pond?"

Zhang Qi suddenly thought of fishing and immediately asked.

When you are free in the future, you can fish here by yourself when you want to be alone.

"Master, of course, everything in this different space belongs to the master now."

Zhang Qi was very satisfied with Miss System's answer, and then turned around the edge of the different space he could reach. His different space was covered with lush green grass.

It gave people a very comfortable feeling, and the temperature in the different space was very suitable, neither hot nor cold, and he lay directly on the grass again.

"Miss System, if we plant things in this different space, do we still need to get rid of these grasses?"

"Planting things in this space does not need to remove the grass, just sprinkle the seeds on the ground, and there is no need to fertilize and water."

"And after the master plants things, there will be unexpected surprises."

"What unexpected surprise? Does this space also have four seasons?"

Hearing Miss System said that there was a surprise, Zhang Qi immediately asked.

"The owner will know what surprises need to be planted. This space also has four seasons, but it is not obviously similar to the climate of Yunnan Province in the space where the owner is."

"Oh, that's pretty good, by the way, can I grow anything here?"

"Yes, master, as long as you can grow anything in your space, you can grow it here."

Zhang Qi basically asked all the questions he wanted to ask, and he returned to his hometown in two days to get some seeds and try planting them here.

He lay down for a while and left the different space.

As soon as he returned to the rest room in the office, he heard the ringing of his mobile phone, and Zhang Qi pressed the answer button without any hassle.

"Hello. Who is this."

"Zhang Qi, isn't it? It's been a while since I saw you, so I don't know who I am anymore."

Hearing the voice, Zhang Qi immediately knew who this person was. He just said something habitually because he didn't look at the caller ID.

The person who called Zhang Qi was Hou Fei, Zhang Qi's friend from childhood to adulthood, and Zhang Qi's high school classmate.

The two can be regarded as difficult brothers, and they don't get along very well, so they often drink and fart together.

"Damn it, no one can forget you. I didn't check the caller ID just now. Why, I want to ask me for a drink again today."

"I said, I won't drink tonight, let's drink together at the high school reunion tomorrow."

"Forget it, it's not that you don't know me, you guys get together, I won't go."

"Don't, do you know where the dinner is going this time? It's at the famous Starlight Hotel in Shanggu City, and there are many female classmates from high school this time."

"This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is to have that female classmate Ma Wen you had a crush on in high school."

"This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that this dinner does not have an AA system, but Liu Haoran, the monitor of our high school, treats guests."

Hou Fei was spitting and talking on the phone.

"Okay, then you will call me when you arrive at the Starlight Hotel tomorrow."

After thinking about it, Zhang Qi agreed to Hou Fei's invitation, not because of that female high school classmate, but mainly because he was in Xingguang.

It's so close, and it's true that I haven't contacted my high school classmates for a long time, so I agreed.

After chatting with Hou Fei for a while, Zhang Qi hung up the phone.

After glancing at the time, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Qi quickly came out of the lounge and came to the training ground.


Shi Li has been training very seriously for the past few days, and she will have an assessment this afternoon. If she passes the assessment, she can officially start working tomorrow.

She is not worried about the assessment. She has learned all the training things in the past few days, and she can draw inferences. The training teacher is very satisfied with Shi Lina, and intends to train her to be the foreman of this group of people.

But it also depends on Shi Li's assessment results this time, as long as her assessment results can reach excellent, then the foreman will definitely be Shi Li.

Shi Li came to the Starlight Hotel early every day these two days, waiting for Zhang Qi at the door, and wanted to have a chance encounter with Zhang Qi, but she never met him once, which made her a little depressed.

In the past few days, Zhang Qi didn't come directly to Xingguang at all, but to the training ground first, so of course Shi Li couldn't meet him.

Shi Li did not send Zhang Qi a message these days, but she privately told Xiao Qian that she would invite Zhang Qi to dinner.

Xiao Qian has no objection to this, but Xiao Qian has been busy these days and has to work overtime every day, so she didn't send Zhang Qi a message.

When Zhang Qi entered the training ground, Shi Li also started the assessment. Starlight Hotel's assessment of waiters and welcoming guests was divided into two parts. The first part was a written test, and the second part was a scenario simulation.

The Starlight Hotel's service has been blown out, so the training and assessment are still very strict.

(End of this chapter)

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