I have a super lottery system

Chapter 251 Who Am I Yours?

Chapter 251 Who Am I Yours?

This time, Zhang Qi asked Xiao Qian to stretch out her hand.

Although she was still a little scared, the excitement in her heart drove Xiao Qian to reach out her hand again.

Just like last time, the little white horse smelled it first, and then immediately rolled the sugar cube into its mouth.

As if eating something delicious, a few mouthfuls of sugar cubes have turned into silver threads around the mouth, entering the temple of the five viscera of the little white horse.

After eating two sugar cubes, the little white horse lowered its head and licked Xiao Qian's palm, feeling unfinished.

He leaned his head over and rubbed Xiao Qian's shoulder affectionately.

Xiao Qian jumped happily and hugged Zhang Qi, "Brother Qi, can I hug him?"

Zhang Qi pulled the hand around his waist in disgust, and patted it, "It's all the little white horse's saliva."

"Then can I hug it, it's so cute."

"Of course, but be gentle."

Xiao Qian stood on tiptoe, brushed the horse's mane gently, leaned her face, and hugged the horse's head.

After letting go, he stroked the horse's mane and said, "From today on, we are friends, and I will visit you often in the future."

The little white horse seemed to understand Xiao Qian's words, raised its front hooves, and let out a long hiss.

"Brother Qi, sister-in-law, let's get ready to go back. The manor called to ask when to go back, and said that lunch is ready."

Li Mo walked over leading Zhang Qi's tall horse. He had already run many laps around the racetrack.

"It is indeed the horse chosen by Brother Qi. It is strong, powerful, and mighty. After running for more than an hour, it is still so vigorous."

"Didn't you say that the horse you chose was not exciting last time? It feels good to change this horse this time."

"It's not too exciting, it's the feeling of riding a horse galloping to the end of the world."

"Like it?" Zhang Qi asked Xiao Qian, stroking the little white horse.

"Well," nodded fiercely, "it's docile and cute, I like it very much."

"Then you give it a name, and it will belong to you in the future."

"Really?" Xiao Qian couldn't believe it. She could also have a pony with her own name.

"Don't be confused, sister-in-law, the racecourse is Qige's property, so it's not trivial to give you a horse." Li Mo told the truth.

Xiao Qian knew that Zhang Qi had many properties, but she didn't know that such a professional racecourse belonged to his property.

He never asked, and he never said it.

Zhang Qi is very low-key in his work and conduct, and generally does not push himself forward, so even if the group is very large, Zhang Zhi has always been in charge of it, and he rarely comes forward, let alone many companies, even his own employees Few knew him.

Although Xiao Qian is his girlfriend, she has her own principles and belongs to the kind of woman who doesn't think about relying on men, so she has always ignored Zhang Qi's wealth.

This is also what Zhang Qi appreciates about her.

Men generally don't maintain long-term interest in women who take the initiative to post.

"Well, in that case, let's call it Bai Bao, what do you think?"

"Bai Bao, sister-in-law, are you serious? It's a boy, don't get it wrong, okay?" Li Mo grinned to the back of his head, his expression exaggerated beyond belief.

"Are you sure to call it such a cute name, I think he might feel ashamed if he knows it. After all, he is also a fierce horse, but he is not yet an adult."

The ninja smiled, Zhang Qi joked.

"I think it fits it well. Didn't you agree to let me name it? I think this is very good."

Xiao Qian stroked the little white horse, tilted her head, and said coquettishly.

"Well, since you like it, it will be called Bai Bao from now on, your exclusive mount."

The caretaker came to take the two horses away, Xiao Qian was reluctant to part, and hugged Bai Bao for a long time before going to the dressing room to change.

Zhang Qi explained a few words to the administrator, telling the administrator that this little white horse will not be used by other guests in the future, and now it belongs to Xiao Qian personally, and it also has a very cute name, "Baibao".

Hearing the name of the little white horse, the administrator couldn't help laughing.

Li Mo patted him on the shoulder sympathetically, and said, "Hey, buddy, bear with it, laugh for a while, and lunch will be saved."

"Haha, haha." Resisting a smile, "Brother Li, I really can't help it. You said that I raised a majestic one anyway, so I must have a domineering and extraordinary name."

"Who told him that he looks fair, looks innocent in his eyes, is gentle and cute, and is the best at deceiving little girls. I think he deserves such a name, and I have not wronged him."

"What do you say like a little boy, this horse, it's just that it's not yet an adult..."

Shaking his head, he said in a regretful tone, "Horse, horse, there is no other way, accept your fate, you are doomed to have nothing to do with might and domineering."

Stop chatting with him, Li Mo quickly went back to the locker room and changed clothes.

Back in the manor, lunch has been placed on the dining room table.

Four dishes and one soup, stir-fried meat with asparagus, three-colored king oyster mushrooms, steamed sea bass, scallops with vermicelli minced in garlic, lotus root pork ribs soup.

The chef also made a pot of mung bean and lily soup, which was kept at the right temperature. After Zhang Qi and the others came back, they each drank a small bowl to cool off and quench their thirst.

During the meal, Xiao Qian's eyes always drifted towards Zhang Qi unconsciously, thoughtfully, as if she had something to say.

Zhang Qi also felt Xiao Qian's eyes kept glancing at him, and asked, "Qianqian, do you have something to do, you are absent-minded about eating."

Putting down the chopsticks, Xiao Qian thought for a few seconds, as if organizing her words.

At this time, Li Mo and Zhang Qi also put down their chopsticks and stopped eating.

The two looked at her in unison.

"Well," Xiao Qian said hesitantly, "Brother Qi, it's like this. After two days of serious thinking, I think I should go to the clinic to make a record of the inquiry. After all, I am the person involved, and only I know the matter best. "

"No, in order to prevent you from recalling the painful experience again, I will not let you do this." Zhang Qi refused.

"Brother Qi, I know that you are protecting me by doing this, and I also know that you are afraid that I will recall the horrible experience again, but only by facing it calmly can I not be affected by it in the future."

Xiao Qian said softly and forcefully.

"That's not okay. Besides, they have agreed not to let you show up. What do you ask for at this time?"

Getting up and about to leave the dining table, Xiao Qian knew that Zhang Qi was already angry.

"Brother Qi, don't be angry, sister-in-law may have other secrets."

Li Mo held him back and said persuasively.

"Then tell me, why do you have the idea of ​​sending it to your door? Stay here, okay?"

"Brother Chi, sit down first and listen to me."

After Zhang Qi sat down, Xiao Qian began to speak.

"Although the doctor's examination said that there is nothing wrong with me and I have been discharged from the hospital. But I always feel uneasy in my heart, and this anxiety follows me everywhere."

"I also know that Chigo's arrangements are very good now, and similar things will not happen again, but I still want to go through the final procedure so that he can get a fair judgment."

"Without my transcript, I feel like any judgment of him would be unfair."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Qian looked at Zhang Qi affectionately and expectantly.

"Maybe I was a little thoughtless and didn't take your thoughts into consideration. Since you insist on going, I won't stop you. It's just that I only make inquiries, and the inquiries must be carried out in the manor."

"Thank you, Brother Qi." Xiao Qian said gratefully with tears in her eyes.

"In two days, I will arrange a time for them to come over for personal consultation. You must be mentally prepared, and don't..."

Zhang Qi was very worried that Xiao Qian would be provoked again.

"Don't worry, Brother Qi, I won't, I will be fine." Xiao Qian comforted her with sincere eyes.

After lunch, Zhang Qi and Xiao Qian were chatting in the living room while watching TV.

"Brother Qi, recently I was bored, read a very popular novel, and joined the reader group. These group friends are crazy, and there are thousands of messages in the group every day."

After saying that, bring it over and show Zhang Qi the novel he read.

Come over to have a look, isn't it your own book?

Since returning from travel, he has not logged in to QQ again, but he can fully imagine the fanatical behavior of the group of fans. They must follow up on time, then comment, and then express their opinions in the group, and like it.

I haven't talked to the editor for a long time. I don't know how the editor and several companies are talking about the cooperation of animation adaptation, whether there is any new progress, and whether they have sent me a message.

Maybe, I should log in to QQ to have a look.

Turning on the phone, when she was about to log in, Xiao Qian suddenly grabbed Zhang Qi's hand and said very excitedly,
"Brother Qi, look quickly, does this person look a lot like you?"

Then, staring at Zhang Qi, he took a closer look.

"It's really you. Look at this photo, this is Li Mo, then this must be you, isn't this taken when you were traveling?"

Zhang Qi rested his hand on the sofa behind Xiao Qian, looking at the mobile phone Xiao Qian handed over.

A casual acknowledgment was regarded as a response.

"Wow, I didn't expect that the author of this book is you. There is such a popular author by my side, and I was the last one to know about it. Brother Qi, you hide it so deeply."

"It's not that I hide it deeply, it's just that you don't know me well enough." Zhang Qi habitually stroked her hair, and messed up the soft hair.

"It's true that I don't know enough. How about it? Give me a chance to learn more, otherwise I won't know how to introduce my boyfriend when I go out in the future."

"Entrepreneurs, big presidents, best-selling web writers with millions of fans, animation and game authors, horse farm operators, real estate developers, manor farmers, I count..."

While talking, he snapped his fingers and counted them in a decent manner.

"This title is a bit too much. Is it a bit too high-profile for me to be disliked?"

A little proud, a little embarrassed, and a little secretly happy, Xiao Qian's expression changed a lot in a few seconds, just like "scattered flowers gradually become charming eyes".

"It depends on what you like, you can introduce it however you want, as long as it is no longer the same as yesterday, it's not very pleasant to be misunderstood."

Thinking of what happened at the dinner table yesterday, Xiao Qian laughed out loud, leaning back and forth.

Holding her hand, Zhang Qi pulled her onto his lap, his smile grew stronger, and he raised his eyebrows lightly, "But you still lost the most important introduction title."

Then, a kiss was printed on Xiao Qian's lips.

"Brother Qi," pushing Zhang Qi away, Xiao Qian blushed and said, "This is the living room, the butlers are still here."

"It's okay, they've already gone back to their room to rest at this time, see if it's just the two of us now."

Sure enough, as Zhang Qi said, the housekeeper and the maid had left the living room at some point, and there were only the two of them here.

"That's not okay, it's a public place anyway." Stretching out his right hand, he pushed Zhang Qi into the sofa, trying to keep a little distance away.

How did Zhang Qi do what he wanted, and suddenly let go of his right hand, Xiao Qian lost her balance and fell backwards all of a sudden.

"Ah," Xiao Qian yelled in fright, wrapped her hands around Zhang Qi's neck, and returned to his arms.


"It's not my fault. You want to distance yourself. Didn't I fulfill your wish?"

With a nonchalant attitude and an attitude of leisure, he put his arms outstretched on the sofa.

"Tell me if you missed a most important introduction."

"Is there, no."

Holding Zhang Qi's neck, Xiao Qian thought seriously.

"Would you like me to help you think about it?" Zhang Qi followed the temptation, "Look, if we have a child in the future, what am I the child's?"

"Father, Dad, needless to say, I'm not stupid."

Children can be taught.

"Then what are you a child?"

"Mom, it must be right, isn't there any doubt about it?"

The smile on Zhang Qi's face became more and more intense, but Xiao Qian felt her heart trembling, thinking that this must be a trap for herself, and she fell into the trap involuntarily.

"Then what am I you?"

It turned out that he was waiting for her here, no wonder he said that he had missed one of the most popular titles.

This man has more and more routines, and he has to speak out by himself.

The more I do this, the less I say, I, Xiao Qian, also have a personality, okay.

How can you let me say it and I will say it, I don't want to lose face.

"Say, what am I you?"

"This question is not easy to answer. I have to think about it. Let me tell you when I think about it."

Smiling, he was about to leave Zhang Qi's legs, stand up and run away.

However, things are always unexpected, and they don't shift according to my own will, or in other words, they don't shift according to Xiao Qian's will.

Before Xiao Qian could stand up, she felt herself turning 45 degrees and facing Zhang Qi, she suddenly grew taller, from 150 to 180 in an instant, she was quite tall.

Leaving the ground suddenly, Xiao Qian screamed in shock and immediately wanted to hug Zhang Qi.

However, even if he stretched his arms with all his strength, he couldn't reach Zhang Qi's shoulders with the long arms and legs of the man opposite him.

Yes, she was suspended in mid-air, playing a favorite child game, "throw high."

It's damning that I'm afraid of such a game.

I really don't understand, aren't children afraid of heights?

"Brother Chi, let me down."

Calling once, throwing his hands wildly again and again.

With a bit of provocation, a bit of deliberation, and a bit of fun, Zhang Qi said with a smile, "Quickly say, what am I you? If you say it, I will let you down."

"Don't say it, you let me down first, I'm afraid."

"Don't say yes."

I deliberately went up a little too high, this time it was higher from the ground, and the hands resting on the armpits were about to leave.

"Ah, ah, ah, Brother Chi, I said, I said..."

"You are my husband, my husband."

"Hahaha..." A series of hearty laughter came out.

Withdrawing his arms, holding Xiao Qian in his arms, he returned to the sofa.

Xiao Qian was still in shock, and hugged him tightly, feeling happy in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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