The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 509 Modify data!

Chapter 509 Modify data!


Keep winning all the time!The winning rate of special operations teams is very high. They are all in different divisions, which is also to avoid meeting in advance before the finals.

After winning the next game, no matter how terrifying the Blood God Legion is, if he refuses to admit the bet, then the cat demon must be a fryer, and he will definitely blow up this Blood God Legion.

At this time, in the cave base.

Tie Hu and Mao Xiaoyao are studying the mecha data. After all, Wuhun matches are different, why do the mechas need the same mechas?

Using possible technology, Mao Xiaoyao asked Tiehu to modify his mecha data, so that the mecha he used in Star Dou Battle Network became their own power mecha. Ordinary mechas are rubbish, and there is no control at all. Word.

Iron Tiger, as a million-year soul, at the same time, after becoming a mechanical Eldar, hacking data, this kind of low-level data hacking, it can easily complete, because it can even threaten those artificial intelligences, and it can also make them become artificially retarded.

Modify some data, keep some data secret, and the human side can't find anything at all. This is also a terrible thing for a mechanical spirit race.

In the future, the more powerful the mechanical spirit race is, no matter how powerful the artificial intelligence is in the human world, they will not be able to compare with the mechanical spirit race.

For the mechanical spirit race, in the future, the cat demon will help them evolve, allowing them to have their own exclusive skills.

"Tiehu, how is the situation? Can it be modified? Didn't you encounter anything?" Mao Xiaoyao asked. At this moment, he was lifting a thousand catties during weight training without any cultivation ability. You are testing your physical limits.

At the same time, I am also concerned about modifying data!Due to his appearance in the Sun Moon Federation, many people have recently been discussing what it means to let him withdraw.

Of course, using money to buy some people, even those from Shrek Academy are black, and Mao Xiaoyao uses people's fearful gossip, and the horror of the Internet trolls in the past, he also invites people.

Ask someone to say something, Mao Xiaoyao is number one in the world and has no rivals.

I hit my opponent and cried, and now I am going to use the rules to eliminate the little cat and so on...

After the navy went to say that, people were fried, why should they be afraid of the cat demon?
One by one, they all said that ten cat demons are not enough for them to fight...

In terms of inciting emotions, it is still necessary to rely on this kind of online troll army. They will do everything if they have money. They can turn a good person into a heinous person.

It can also turn a bad person into a good person and a good person, but there are a bunch of people who blindly believe in it. The effect is really like the first wolf coming.

Sailors are scary?
"The modification is complete, sir, if you enter the mecha battle, then you can have your own mecha, the appearance is the same as the others, and all other aspects have been replaced with our own mecha." Tiehu appeared to change his metal hair The body of the king of beasts looks a bit different, after all, it is forcibly fused with the souls of countless tiger-type soul beasts.

The souls of countless soul beasts gathered into such a one. It would not exist in the first place, and it would disappear naturally after a long time. However, relying on their hatred for humans, they finally waited for the little cat.

The cat demon purifies and absorbs the grievances on them, and uses the power of the demon to re-integrate them, thus, there is the current iron tiger, and millions of souls...

Now, the most terrifying thing is Tang Wulin's 10-year-old soul!And the black cat that does not appear, her million-year-old soul-the white jade civet.

However, it's just such an iron tiger who invaded the Star Dou Battle Network to modify the data without anyone noticing just now.

How human technology is changing, the more intelligent it is, then for the mechanical spirit race, they themselves are a combination of data and energy, turning them into data to invade, that is called returning to the original.

The principle is very simple, and it is also very simple to make.

"Very good, then I want to try, how our mechas can abuse their human mechas."

"Hehe, the operating system of the joystick is so-so. If the material is not good, the mecha is not that flexible. We are confident that the mecha will take the first place." Mao Xiaoyao put down the heavy metal, breathed a sigh of relief, and took the towel Wiping off my sweat, I haven't trained so intensively for a long time. Without using any cultivation, it's still a bit difficult. In terms of body, I still need to devour a large number of abyssal creatures to make up for those losses.

It's like killing an old hen and stewing soup to nourish the body when both qi and blood are deficient. It seems to be effective.

Abyssal creatures, now is nutrition.

Tie Hu also nodded, then frowned, and said: "Master, Grimace Ape is asking for a call, shall we answer?" Suddenly a communication message made Tie Hu a little strange, it turned out to be Grimace Ape, that guy called What to do, there seems to be nothing to talk about between them.

Grimacing Ape?Did you finally know the news that you were alive?The cat demon chuckled and said:
"Take it!"

He wanted to hear how Grimace Ape explained to him about the island base.

revenge on humans?So what are they doing now?Kill humans?Cooperate with the evil soul master, or cooperate with the shadow ghost king of the East China Sea?

Iron Tiger connects:
Over there, the voice of Grimace Ape came, "Xiao Yao, long time no see."

Long lost voice.

The cat demon chuckled, "I don't have anything to talk to you about, just tell me! What is it that you are looking for and how to solve it, whatever the black cat says."

"However, Grimace Ape, I'm warning you, before the situation is clear, if you expose or destroy Gu Yue's plan, I don't mind sinking the entire island base."

"You are only a 10-year-old soul beast. When did you beat Xiaoxiong and Wu Hua, you are mad at me."

The separation is to avoid conflicts. After all, there are too many soul beasts who hate humans, and things will happen if they are suppressed all the time. Therefore, he will support the black cat to do that.

To avenge and kill humans, please go to the island base. If you want to live a stable life, then stay in this Star Dou Village.

However, when the final results came out, not so many soul beasts chose to take revenge on humans, most of them were tired of fighting.

They just want to live!
"..." Grimace Ape was silent, he didn't say anything, but the cat demon basically said something, but, "Little demon, I have no choice, I hate human beings. Insult to me, so I must kill them."

"The same goes for the brothers who came out with me, they are all victims..."

Grimace Ape is very grateful to Mao Xiaoyao, just like Mao Xiaoyao said, if he really fights, he can't beat Yan Wuhua.

However, the black cat doesn't like infighting, and so does the little cat, so this is his chance...

Grimacing Ape is now getting scared.

(End of this chapter)

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