The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 430 The Black Cat is Here!

Chapter 430 The Black Cat is Here!

"Say, what's the matter?"

Mao Xiaoyao gave a blank look, how could he hesitate, would these two mechanical spirit race also be entangled?
"The black cat boss is coming, it seems to be a matter of the last few days." Xiaolan said weakly, it is a little scared now, afraid that after the matter is revealed, the angry black cat boss will send it back to the furnace for rebuilding...

Xiaolu also said: "Moreover, Miss Mu Xi doesn't stop there, she seems to be trying to assassinate the second prince, and, Yudie, Youlang, they don't know about your disappearance..." Mu Xi wants to take revenge recently Those who assassinated her, anyway, she is also graduating, and she is idle, practicing forging every day, and then planning how to kill the second prince.

"..." Mao Xiaoyao was silent, deathly silent, nothing to say, really nothing to say.

It would be very troublesome for the black cat to come to the human world, why would there be a desperate guy to assassinate the second prince?
"When the black cat comes, just let her come normally, just don't reveal my identity. As for Mu Xi..." The little cat has a headache. In his current situation, he must not be able to run around outside, otherwise, he will definitely be caught Get up and beat me up and ask: What is it?

The mechanical spirits and soul guide armor have never shown their faces in the human world. Even the soul mecha that Tost is currently researching is the same. They are all being researched and manufactured in secret and will not be exposed so soon.

"Yes." Xiaolan and Xiaolu nodded.

"How is the investigation of the weapon depot? Is there anything wrong with the weapon depot in the underground base?" Mao Xiaoyao suddenly thought of this situation. Before, the bombs found on the soul guide train, let alone the signs, were of the kind The idea is the unique idea of ​​the little cat, but it actually appeared in the hands of the evil soul master?
What do you mean?
Are there traitors?
Xiaolu said: "There is nothing in the underground base. Every weapon is recorded." What weapons are used and what weapons are produced are recorded.

"Oh? Then only the island base and Xingdou Village are left?" Mao Xiaoyao frowned. He didn't understand what was going on. Could it be that there was really some kind of traitor among their soul beasts?
"Investigate?" Xiaolan asked, if the investigation is likely to alarm the boss of the black cat and the deputy leader Dai Shu, if they don't investigate, they will not understand.

"The ones responsible for the records are usually the mechanical spirits. You should find a way to contact them, get the records, and go to investigate secretly." Although Mao Xiaoyao is not a good thing, he doesn't like evil soul masters, and he doesn't like their Killing innocent people indiscriminately, although he also hates humans, but that family really did nothing wrong.

Xiaolan and Xiaolu nodded, and then went to work. Tiehu was supervising the entire underground base, but they were the ones who really managed the underground base.

"Oh, my head hurts..." The cat demon sighed softly, and then checked, what is Mu Xi, a stupid woman, doing?

To assassinate the second prince?
Kind of scary.


A few days passed, Mu Xi.

"Yudie, are you sure? Is the second prince really coming to Shrek?" At home, Mu Xi was discussing things with Yudie and Youlang. According to information, the second prince would come to Shrek City, but he didn't know what to do , Anyway, they are coming to Shrek City.

Youlang stood coolly, always paying attention to the door, since Mu Xi's family was not at home today, he had to keep vigilant around him at all times, otherwise, if Mu Xi's family found out, it would be a big trouble.

"That's what the intelligence said, but I don't know the details." Holding a piece of paper, Yudie analyzed: "Besides, if we want to assassinate the second prince, we'd better use long-range sniping instead of close range, the second prince There are too many masters around."

"If you can't do it with one blow, go right away."

"Besides, the second prince can be said to be a useless person now. His legs were disabled by the leader at the beginning, and now he can only move with the soul-guided prosthesis."

"Perhaps, this is the reason for the second prince's revenge. Moreover, the leader's friend seems to be in the same trouble."

"..." Mu Xi fell into deep thought. Were the cat demon's friends also attacked like her?Did the second prince want to use this method to lure out the little cat and take revenge?

However, with his father behind him and Uncle Zhenhua, a master craftsman, he didn't seem to be very afraid, but what about Hong Ling'er, Lan Siyi and the others?
"Anyway, that second prince is also a waste, why don't we get rid of those who threaten Hong Ling'er and the others, so that Xiao Yao can feel at ease."

I don't know what's going on recently, my heart is very chaotic, restless, I can't sleep every night, I have the same dream every day, dreaming about the little cat...

Mu Xi sighed, she really missed Mao Xiaoyao.

Yudie nodded, "It seems possible, but the condition is still that you can't fight at close range."

"Okay, okay." Mu Xi smiled.

Suddenly, her communicator rang. She thought it was a cat demon, but it didn't seem to be the case, but it was also a familiar person - a black cat.

Youlang also said: "There is a strange person at the door." Yudie began to be vigilant, telling the mechanical spirits not to act rashly, but to observe first.

Mu Xi held the communicator and said, "Black cat, why did you call, little..." Where is the little demon?Actually, she couldn't ask, maybe the little demon is right next to her?
"Open the door, I'm at your door." The black cat said.

Without saying a word, Mu Xi ran out, opened the door, saw the black cat, kept looking around, but didn't seem to find anyone else, where is the little cat?
Moreover, the black cat came in disguise?

The black cat turned into its original appearance, revealing its baby-fat face. It was so beautiful, so beautiful. The hibiscus flower half-hidden its face. She smiled and said, "Why? Don't you let me in?"

After touching her head, Mu Xi said in embarrassment: "Please come in, please come in." Mu Xi smiled awkwardly, but still looked behind, and only closed the door in disappointment after confirming that there was no one there.

The black cat came in, looked at the room, and sat in the living room. Mu Xi asked her what to drink, and she asked for a cup of hot water.

Yu Die and You Lang also appeared, respecting at the same time: "Boss Black Cat!" They were secretly protecting the leader's lord's concubine, and now that Zheng Gong is back, they also feel a little bit like that.

"You have done a good job." The black cat nodded and smiled, and then said coldly: "Remember, your task is to protect, don't do other superfluous things."

Yu Die and Ghost Wolf nodded with ugly expressions, and things seemed to be exposed.

"Go down!" the black cat said while drinking the water.

The Yudie Youlang slumped down, compared to the leader, they were actually more afraid of the black cat boss.

"Black cat, they were actually forced by me, so don't blame them." Mu Xi said bitterly, it was she who wanted to help Mao Xiaoyao.

"Safety first, now I know what this sentence means." The black cat looked a little haggard, and looked at Mu Xi quietly. It seemed that the girl didn't know anything about the cat demon.

Mu Xi nodded, then looked at the black cat, and the black cat also looked at her. The hall suddenly became very quiet.

"Where's the little demon? Didn't he come with you?" Mu Xi finally couldn't help asking. In fact, she wanted to ask that question since she opened the door, but she didn't have any chance and didn't dare to ask that question. She was also a little afraid of black cats.

Moreover, seeing the haggard face of the black cat, she also had a bad feeling in her heart.

 he died! ! ! !
  Recommendation tickets and rewards are needed, anyway, everything needs to be revived.

(End of this chapter)

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