The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 425 Too miserable to be a wheelchair!

Chapter 425 Too miserable to be a wheelchair!
"..." Little Xiong was silent, and Gululu took another sip of wine. After thinking about it, it was a bit embarrassing that so many things had happened to him in the past few years.

Could it be that the former Soul Beast Paradise is really gone?

"It's getting dark, find a place to live!" Although I don't know what happened to make a 10-year-old soul beast drink all day and forget the time, but Mao Xiaoyao believes that this little bear is very powerful. He can help them in the future, he said, "However, let's find a soul guide shop first."

A shop that specializes in customizing some soul guides, which can be repaired, purchased, and so on.

"What is that?" Little Xiong wasn't thinking about those things anymore. Although she now doubted the identity of the little cat, she could tell that the little cat really didn't want to fall into the hands of those human troops.

So what should I do?

Alas, if it wasn't for her home being destroyed by those two Contras, maybe she wouldn't even come out to see the outside world.

Now, knowing so many things, it makes myself more painful.

Some things, it's better not to know, if you know, you will be upset, and if you are upset, you have to drink non-stop.

drink, drink.

"Go and order some gadgets." Mao Xiaoyao said with a smile, it's not a big deal to be a carriage all the time, so I don't know when I can reach Shrek City.

Little Xiong's face was full of question marks. According to Mao Xiaoyao's request, she casually left Mao Xiaoyao in a soul tool shop, and then ran to the opposite restaurant to drink. At night, they stayed in the hotel.

The little cat sleeps on the cold ground, and the little bear sleeps comfortably on the big bed.

They stayed in this small town for several days before leaving.

The carriage was also sold to the owner of the soul guide shop, and the money on his body was also used to pay for the thing that Mao Xiaoyao was making now. However, after arriving in a developed city, they naturally had to make a soul guide train.

Changed the means of transportation.

"If you go to Shrek City and you can't get so many rewards, I'll chop you up and exchange them." Little Bear said angrily, and she didn't say anything after a few days of delay, because, these few days She has been working hard to understand the outside world, but all the money from the robbery is basically spent on this crap under Mao Xiaoyao. What's the point? ? ?
What is this thing, and four wheels?

It's better to buy wine and drink.

Mao Xiaoyao said: "When you get to the place, I will show you something even more miraculous. Besides, you don't have a battle armor or a mecha. I can completely build it for you. The quality will definitely not be better than that of that holy craftsman." Poor." Looking at the masterpiece, Mao Xiaoyao couldn't help but smile, when he asked the owner of the soul tool shop to make it, he basically made some parts, and if there were several shops in a small town, he would make a few batches of parts, and no one would find out What is he going to do.

The quality is at the handicraft level, and the bosses of every soul guide shop are big bosses, level six blacksmiths, thousands of forging, and soul forging, there is no problem.

The quality is good, the requirements are special, the price is naturally a bit more expensive, but Mao Xiaoyao has created what he wants.

wheelchair!It looks like an ordinary wheelchair, but in fact it is a soul-guided transportation tool. Its manufacturing technology is a hodgepodge, but its function is transportation. Four wheelchairs can move forward slowly on flat ground. If it is not flat ground, there will be tentacles like spiders.

Now, the little cat can't move its body, the only thing that can move is its head, so the switches are all on the head.

Up, down, left, right, and two shapes, six buttons, head to operate, although a bit difficult, at least the little cat can move by itself.

When Mao Xiaoyao arrives in Shrek City, it won't be so troublesome. At that time, he will need a soul guide armor. At that time, the soul can control the movement.

That's why he is so anxious to go to Shrek City now, and he still doesn't alarm anyone, Mao Xiaoyao doesn't want to expose his current situation now.

"It's best." Xiaoxiong snorted coldly, looking out the window, the scenery is good, this is the first time she has done this soul guide train, she feels that it is still not as comfortable as her pony carriage.

"..." Mao Xiaoyao sighed, it seemed that Little Bear still didn't believe him, he glanced at the surrounding area, is it for the disabled?He never dreamed that one day, he would sit in this place.

It seemed to be a good feeling, it was a person, and they all gave him pitiful looks, but there were also a few mocking looks.

Just when Mao Xiaoyao was thinking about Yaosheng, he suddenly sensed a strange aura, and he was a little familiar with that aura, although it was very faint, he could still sense it.

"Little bear, little bear..." the cat demon yelled and Xiaoxiong wanted to remind her, because the aura seemed to be an evil soul master. If he sensed it correctly, the guy in the windbreaker was an evil soul master.

So why did the evil soul master appear on this train?Mao Xiaoyao thought of a possibility, that is, terrorist attacks, attacking soul guide trains, is what evil soul masters often do, which also leads to more and more people choosing to drive soul guide trains by themselves.

No, what's the bear doing?
"!!!" The little cat was stunned, what's going on, why are there so many people around the little bear?
"Little friend, you are too young to drink, it will damage your health." A beautiful waitress, she is the administrator on this train, responsible for distributing drinks to everyone, etc...

She saw a little girl who looked like ten years old drinking wine, so she had to stop it.

Children can't drink alcohol.

The onlookers also said one after another, and began to teach the little bear not to drink, but they didn't know that doing that by themselves was simply playing with fire...

Very dangerous.

Little Xiong saw so many people surrounding him, and he was not allowed to drink. After thinking about it, he was a little angry. Not letting him drink would simply kill him.

For those who want to kill themselves, she...

Suddenly, that evil soul master finally started to make trouble, Mao Xiaoyao could only say one thing: There is an evil soul master!Then, the waitress was killed, bang, bang, bang, the bullet from the soul guide gun hit the waitress.

She fell into a pool of blood, the blood splashed on Little Bear's face, Little Bear was stunned, what's going on?

In several carriages, the same thing happened, murders by evil soul masters were happening... People cried one by one, evil soul masters, evil soul masters again.

"Oh, you can actually see my identity?" Seeing a few guys blocking the way, the evil soul master in windbreaker killed a few ordinary people, then looked back at the cat demon in the wheelchair, and lightly blew his gun mouth, he smiled evilly, and walked slowly towards the little cat...

Isn't Mao Xiaoyao afraid of that windbreaker evil soul master, because he will be dealt with by someone, what Mao Xiaoyao is afraid of now is, bomb?What's going on, isn't that the bomb produced by their soul beast?

Why would there be evil soul masters?
Didn't he stop cooperating with the evil soul master?
The little cat was stunned, what was going on?
"It's for my own good that she told me not to drink." The little bear burst out with a burst of lightning force, and punched hard on the windbreaker evil soul master who was close to the cat demon, "You disturb me to drink, that's What do you mean?" Xiaoxiong couldn't calm down for a long time, looking at the girl lying in a pool of blood, she still remembered the girl's earnest appearance...

(End of this chapter)

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