The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 366 Demon Crack!

Chapter 366 Demon Crack!

"You don't think I'm a cat demon, do you?"

Seeing that the girl didn't believe her, Lin Qingxian said such a sentence abruptly, but she also had some doubts whether the other party was from Mao Xiaoyao's side.

After all, nothing like it.

The elf girl said: "Isn't it?"

"No!" Lin Qingxian said firmly.

The two girls suddenly looked at me and I looked at you, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes, both thinking about something.

Suddenly, at this time, a monster appeared, and the monster was running away, and it was Uncle Li who was chasing after him.

"Monster!" Lin Qingxian and the elf girl said in unison, completely stunned after speaking, they all looked at each other and attacked at the same time.

"Damn it!" Lin Qingxian took out the crossbow soul guide, condensed a powerful soul arrow, aimed at the monster, bang, the soul arrow contained a trace of ice power, extremely sharp, poof, the monster came and gave a chill ...

However, there is still nothing.

"Miss, be careful!" Uncle Li said in surprise, this is already the last monster, but now it chooses to run away, and I don't know why.

It's like being called.

Lin Qingxian unhurriedly summoned an Ice Soul Sword, which was her martial soul, and a sword that was exactly the same as the martial soul!Also called the Ice Soul Sword, it was a weapon given to her by Mao Xiaoyao.

The combination of two swords!Charge with spiritual light, full of sword energy, turned into sword blades, attack! ! !Lin Qingxian slashed at the monster with both swords.

The monster is that person, the elf girl was stunned, didn't she even get killed just now?

Then Fat Contra!
The corpses of the monsters were completely crushed and could no longer move. Only this monster escaped, which surprised Uncle Li and the others.

The attack still can't stop the monster, and the monster doesn't seem to want to fight, it seems to just want to go somewhere...

"Miss, attack the head! Their weakness lies in the head." Uncle Li and the others came and immediately surrounded the monster. No matter what, this terrifying guy cannot let him harm other people.

Lin Qingxian nodded and attacked with two swords in his hands. At that moment, the little general was finally a very domineering general!


"Don't kill it! It was summoned back. There must be something wrong with their old lair. We can follow it and find the monster's lair!" The elf girl appeared, seeing Lin Qingxian and the others destroying the monsters, She finally stopped being vigilant, because the person who will destroy the monster is definitely not a bad person.

And, she trusts her instincts...

Lin Qingxian hesitated, whether to kill or not?
"Miss!" Uncle Li said: "Kill it! Such a dangerous thing, once released back to the mountain, it will be dangerous!" The other soldiers nodded one after another. They also thought that the monster should be killed and not kept.

Lin Qingxian looked at Uncle Li and the others, then glanced at the elf girl, and cut through the air with a sword, creating another chance for the monster to escape.

"Follow it slowly. Be sure to find the lair. At the same time, make a mark so that Uncle Da and the others can find us. The lair must be destroyed!" Lin Qingxian chose to believe in the elf girl once, because she had blond hair, blue eyes, and long hair reaching her waist. Reminds her of some legends...

Uncle Li sighed, then looked at the elf girl.


"Elves!" Uncle Li was stunned, and the soldiers reacted similarly, rubbing their eyes desperately to see if there was something wrong with their eyes.

The elf girl frowned, her face was pale and weak, and she began to be vigilant.

"This..." Uncle Li was stunned, suddenly smiled, and said, "If it's an elf, then you can't be wrong! Miss, let's catch up first and leave marks along the way!" Uncle Li suppressed his inner excitement, now he has a task , they have to track that monster.

A few soldiers were left behind, and the others went to follow the monster.

The few remaining soldiers stared blankly at the elf girl...

The elf girl is still vigilant.

Seeing the wretched eyes of his subordinates, Lin Qingxian couldn't help cursing: "Get out, hurry up and open the way, you're looking around, military law!" What are you looking at?
The soldiers didn't dare to look too much, but they still watched secretly. They wanted to catch up with the way ahead.

"A bunch of idiots!" Lin Qingxian scolded, retracting her weapon, and she also stared blankly at the elf girl.

"Well, you are really..." Lin Qingxian said with a reddish face, it was also the first time she saw the elves, and the elves were indeed very beautiful...

"Let's talk while walking! I'm afraid that your subordinates won't be able to deal with those monsters later!" the elf girl said, feeling relieved at last. When she met such a human, she was already a little scared...

Now, she saw a girl with that kind of look...

"Hmm!" Lin Qingxian wanted to catch up with the matter, but when she looked back, she found that the elf girl was still in place.

"You're injured and can't walk?" Lin Qingxian looked at the elf girl's thigh. The shocking wound didn't heal so fast. She ran away again and again, and used her soul power again and again, which made the wound unable to heal.

The elf girl nodded. It hurts a lot. Although she can recover little by little, she doesn't have time to heal now.

"Come on!" Lin Qingxian carried the elf girl on her back, and started to run without saying a word. For her, relying on physical strength, she definitely couldn't run around with the elf girl on her back.

This moment is under the blessing of soul power.

"Thank you..." The elf girl quietly lay on Lin Qingxian's back and began to heal her injuries. She needs time to recover.

Feeling the softness behind her, Lin Qingxian ran very fast as if she had installed a powerful motor...


Follow the mark, all the way to the past!

"My name is Lin Qingxian, what's your name?" Lin Qingxian finally couldn't help asking, while looking at the mark, she was also looking around to see if there were other monsters.

"Fantasy!" said the elf girl, the strings of phantom sounds are elegant and moving.

"Huanya! It sounds so good." Lin Qingxian had been chanting this name silently, and because of being too excited, she almost bumped into a tree...

Huanya smiled, at this moment, the wound on her thigh is healing little by little, and she has had enough time to heal her wounds, the elves are very capable of self-healing.

Huan Ya asked: "What is your relationship with that evil person, you have his weapon." She is very concerned about this question now.

Mao Xiaoyao reads the location of the demon rift in his soul memory!Terrible transformation ability, that huge monster actually devoured his mother's spiritual body clone...

What is the cat demon going to do?
Huan Ya felt uneasy, could it be that Mao Xiaoyao wanted to save those demons?


It seems possible, after all, they smell so much alike.

"Me?" Lin Qingxian sighed, and then talked about his encounter with the little cat, and some things about the little cat bullying him, anyway, he scolded the little cat hard.

Huan Ya also needs to know about the character of the cat demon, so she doubts her own conjecture even more...

Will the cat demon go to unite with the demons?
(End of this chapter)

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