The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 325 One person and the world!

Chapter 325 One person and the world!

"A few days ago, several evil soul masters from the Holy Spirit Sect attacked the soul hunting vehicle, causing at least ten deaths and three injuries..."

"Today, a soul beast courtyard in Donghai was attacked by an evil soul master, and all the soul beasts inside were taken away..."

"There are also chambers of commerce, mines, etc., which are attacked by evil spirit masters..." Recently, the Douluo Continent has not been peaceful. From time to time, evil spirit masters make troubles, making people panic. People think that evil spirit masters are beginning to mess up the world , Strengthen defense forces everywhere!
The number of guards is several times that of usual, and the whole people are in a state of preparation, looking for evil soul masters...

However, some petty thieves do something, talk about size...

They were all called: Instigated by the cat demon!
Anyway, once something happens, there will be a group of people who will come out and scold Mao Xiaoyao without the need for Mao Xiaoyao to reveal his identity!

Said, it was made by the little cat!
Recently, on the Douluo Continent, there has always been such a mysterious cloud of evil soul masters, but is it really an evil soul master?
"Xiao Yao, do you think that looks like you?" In Tiandou City, at the entrance of the city, at a notice, on the crystal display screen, there was a handsome and cute photo of the cat Xiaoyao, he is being wanted, and the black cat...

In the Sun and Moon Federation, every city in the city will have notices and wanted information about the wanted cat demon, which can be seen everywhere. After all, the cat demon is the first such blatant evil soul master, and the wanted price is also the highest!
Besides, there have been rumors recently that Mao Xiaoyao entered Shrek Academy's Sea God Island, scolded him in front of Qingtian Douluo, patted his ass and left directly and very easily, leaving behind a legend...

What do you mean?
"That's me, okay!" Mao Xiaoyao gave the black cat a light look, and then glanced at his bounty price, making him want to report himself!

At this moment, Mao Xiaoyao and Black Cat are in Tiandou City, their appearances are naturally disguised, no one has found any flaws, and the wanted pictures are simply ridiculous.

The cat demon can change his appearance and voice all the time. Humans seem to think too much about the method of wanting to be wanted by images!
However, the only thing that surprised Mao Xiaoyao was that the second prince, that bastard, would send someone out to say every time something happened: It's all Mao Xiaoyao!

Anyway, whatever happens is the fault of the little cat, and all mistakes are the fault of the little cat. .

do that?for what purpose
Mao Xiaoyao speculates that it is probably to suppress the sixth prince Xu Haoqing. As long as his reputation is bad enough, the second prince can create some public opinion and affect the status and character of the second prince Xu Haoqing.

However, those people who are fanning the flames and fueling the flames are exactly the local ruffians and hooligans recruited by the Second Prince from all over the country. Anyway, every day when they hear bad news, they will go to Mao Xiaoyao...

As a result, Mao Xiaoyao is now a big devil in the Sun Moon Federation, the kind who does all kinds of evil, and with the huge reward, now, he can be called a kitten crossing the street, screaming and beating!
"Hey!" The black cat smiled cutely and stuck out its tongue. At this moment, it turned into an ordinary human girl and was mixing with the little cat in the crowd...

"The second prince's tricks are fine. In order to prevent Haoqing from affecting his current low position, he went so far as to discredit me at all costs!" After all, the little cat did not do some things, such as attacking the soul guide train, he had never do that kind of thing.

Those should be the things that the real evil soul master did, and it has nothing to do with Mao Xiaoyao. However, those things that he did not do, but blamed on himself, Mao Xiaoyao is very depressed!
Because, that's not what he did...

After seeing it for a while, the black cat pulled Mao Xiaoyao out of the crowd, and said to him: "Then, should we contact those evil soul masters? After all, we are walking around as evil soul masters now!" The crowd gradually dispersed, some people scolded Mao Xiaoyao a few times, some people also looked for Mao Xiaoyao in the crowd, but they found nothing.

Although the cat demon has the power of thousands of faces, it has been known by the world, but what should I do?There are so many people in Douluo Dalu, which one is the cat demon?
"Contact the evil soul master?" At this time, Mao Xiaoyao and Hei Mao had already boarded the suspension vehicle, and the suspension vehicle was activated between the spirits in the vehicle, starting the automatic driving mode...

This is one of several special souls newly researched by Mao Xiaoyao. Some abilities are not very outstanding, but they are very powerful in certain fields. For example, this vehicle-mounted soul exists in a suspended vehicle and will never dissipate. Unless the hover car is completely destroyed!

However, it has the ability!

It's driving a suspension car!
Now, after the new soul researched by Mao Xiaoyao has been improved, due to the influence of demon clan spells and spirit transmission, the soul is a completely new race.

The cat demon called them: Mechanical Eldar!Because they have mechanical bodies, they can be robots, mechs, cars showing off wealth, drones showing off wealth, etc...

In terms of mutual fusion of souls! (mating)
The cat demon is also experimenting. If it succeeds, the souls can fuse with their spirit bodies to split into their next generation...

Called a real race!

It's just that Mao Xiaoyao doesn't know what kind of chemical reaction will happen when a soul with thoughts gets along with a soul beast!
However, in order to avoid the tragedy of human beings and soul beasts, the spirit transmission techniques left by Mao Xiaoyao are all based on their own soul blood, and then combined with other soul beast materials to create a soul!
Then a soul, like a brother, will have a higher degree of tacit understanding, and its abilities will be more suitable.

"That group of people before invited me to meet a person countless times. They seem to be called Zunfang, who are known as ghosts and beasts. They seem to be a high-ranking member of the Holy Spirit Sect." Mao Xiaoyao looked at the world of people coming and going outside the car, how beautiful it was The world, but I still can't see the light.

At this moment, Mao Xiaoyao doesn't have the ability to walk on the Douluo Continent openly, so he can only rely on the monster clan's camouflage technique to get away with it!
Since the last exposure, Mao Xiaoyao used Mao Da's identity to contact the previous female evil soul master, and continued to provide her with soul guide bombs and bullets for soul guide sniper rifles!

Let them assassinate some important human beings and use human beings to consume human beings. This is a comfortable way to win, and it is very comfortable to watch.

"Will there be any danger?" The black cat sat in the co-pilot seat, quietly took a sip of milk tea, and said that what you eat will make you feel better, but those words seem unreliable, and papaya milk tea doesn't know what it is good for!

"I don't know!"

The evil soul master is cruel, even more indiscriminately killing innocent people than the cat demon. Every time he appears, he either kills people without blinking an eye, or causes big things.

Collaborate again?

Mao Xiaoyao was lost in thought, the evil soul master, who had never understood himself, cooperated rashly, maybe...

Didi, Didi, at this moment, Mao Xiaoyao's communicator rang, a familiar number, you can tell who it is at a glance, Mao Xiaoyao's new communicator, there are only a few people, Mu Xi, Gu Yue, the black cat, and the rabbit, Yan Wuhua and the others...

Who will be the correspondent for this one?

Naturally Mu Xi?
Mu Xi's communication number...

"Hey, Mu Xi, what do you want from me? Have you eaten yet?" The little cat fed me lightly, but a familiar voice made him almost want to curse, because first Mu Xi's voice was a little uneasy, and then It was Tang Wulin's voice...

"Xiao Yao, if it wasn't for the senior sister's communication number, I guess you wouldn't have answered a stranger's communication, right?" Tang Wulin asked directly, and Mu Xi was already cursing at someone beside him, telling him to hurry up and keep his voice down so that no one would notice.

The cat demon is now a wanted criminal!
"Tang Wulin, I warn you, stay away from Muyuan, I managed to turn my eyes away from her, if anything happens to her, I will make the whole Shrek City pay the price, and you!" Mao Xiaoyao His face became very cold, and he was very unhappy. Because of Mu Xi, someone wanted to use Mu Xi to lure out the cat demon.

But last time, after Mao Xiaoyao pretended to kill people to silence her, this was the only way to let those people know that Mao Xiaoyao had given up on Mu Xi!
At that time, Mu Chen and the others thought Mao Xiaoyao was a very decisive person...

This made some caring people not focus on Mu Xi.

However, Tang Wulin's...

 Today, my other book "Ghost King and Villain System" is on the shelves, so the update is a step late.

(End of this chapter)

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